SICK: North Carolina’s Leading Medical Institutions “Duke, UNC, and ECU” Offers ‘Transgender’ Treatments to 2, 3, and 4 Years Old

You know, you're very stupid. I wasn't comparing Weimar hyperinflation to America today. I was comparing the perversion that happened during the hyperinflation Weimar Republic to the perversion in America today.

Laughing.... fucking communists.
And an exhausted people accepted Hitler.
You keep trying to ban their books, force them to gobble your religion, and strip of them of their rights.

Young people don't have much use for you either.
Some of us worked and made a living; And it wasn't them.
The conservatives have no brand.

Family values? You grabbed those by the pussy.

Fiscal responsibility? Trump holds the single term record for adding to the national debt.

Government transparency? How many times did your ilk plead the fifth?

Freedom of Speech? Nothing says 'free speech' like DeSantis threatening Disney over protected speech.

Liberty? Each morning is a quick check to see what books y'all have banned, what rights you're trying to strip from people to day, what ways you're using government to push your religion.

Law and Order? Tell that to the DC cops.

The conservative brand is nothing. Their only values are power. Their motivator, 'retribution' and 'owning the libs'.

You're teaching a generation why you should never, ever have power.
Projection, power seeker. You are less than nothing, you perverted piece of crap.

What you want and what's good for Americans are 2 different things.

I want what's good for Americans, and that's nothing in your spectrum at all.

Tell the truth and shame the Devil:

You do not want what's good for Americans, do you? In fact, you want just the opposite of that, huh?
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The conservatives have no brand.

Family values? You grabbed those by the pussy.

Fiscal responsibility? Trump holds the single term record for adding to the national debt.

Government transparency? How many times did your ilk plead the fifth?

Freedom of Speech? Nothing says 'free speech' like DeSantis threatening Disney over protected speech.

Liberty? Each morning is a quick check to see what books y'all have banned, what rights you're trying to strip from people to day, what ways you're using government to push your religion.

Law and Order? Tell that to the DC cops.

The conservative brand is nothing. Their only values are power. Their motivator, 'retribution' and 'owning the libs'.

You're teaching a generation why you should never, ever have power.
Can't argue with you there. You have identified the populist fk ups well. I am just saying those folks you mentioned with their concentration on culture wars are not conservatives. Remember their attacks on people supposedly "Republican in name only"? These folk are "conservatives in name only". I get attacked by them here daily, but am more conservative as a moderate, than they, and even I would never support gender affirming therapy for toddlers. It is not a conservative move and far too radical, with unknown effects long lasting for even moderates to support.
Can't argue with you there. You have identified the populist fk ups well. I am just saying those folks you mentioned with their concentration on culture wars are not conservatives. Remember their attacks on people supposedly "Republican in name only"? These folk are "conservatives in name only". I get attacked by them here daily, but am more conservative as a moderate, than they, and even I would never support gender affirming therapy for toddlers. It is not a conservative move and far too radical, with unknown effects long lasting for even moderates to support.
The Bible says in the last days we will see all kinds of sick perversions...

I'm, sorry, I need more than a tweet to believe this. How can any parent much less doctor know the gender wishes, needs and identity of a two year old, much less condone surgery and drugs to correct a condition they can't possibly diagnose especially one which might be correctable in a few more years with simple counseling?
I'm, sorry, I need more than a tweet to believe this. How can any parent much less doctor know the gender wishes, needs and identity of a two year old, much less condone surgery and drugs to correct a condition they can't possibly diagnose especially one which might be correctable in a few more years with simple counseling?
The Bible says there will all kinds of sick perversions. That's not just on Twitter; That has been for 1000s of years.

Thousands, yes.
The Bible says there will all kinds of sick perversions. That's not just on Twitter; That has been for 1000s of years.
Thousands, yes.

I know but what I was referring to was the source tweet the OP's article linked to as its source.

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A trans "father" turns his 7 year old daughter over to trans friends where they all abuse this child. I would bet that father and all the other girl have kept their female penis.

This is unfathomable. I can't believe our society has turned into this.

The sad thing is that very many of these children will be gay. That's it. Not 'gender dysphoria', just gay. And in my decades of teaching I have certainly seen this, and been able to see what happened as they grew up.

Imagine you are six years old, a boy, and you like to sometimes play with girl things. Now here comes your pernicious mother (which is how it usually works) to tell you that you MUST be a "girl inside" or whatever.

This must really ruin your identity.

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