Sick Obama uses own daughters in fight for taxpayer-funded abortion

He already made that point and force them to have kids? No force them to be responsible. I mean had Michelle had abortions, those kids wouldnt be enjoying the LIFE they have now. I wonder how close they were to the chopping block

Forcing a child to have a child is hardly being a responsible parent, is it?

The idea is to make the child have the child and then give it up for adoption. The problem is that it doesn't usually work out that way. No matter how old the mother, after carrying a child for 9 months and forming a bond to that baby, it's not easy to say goodbye. What seems like an easy decision to give the child up for adoption when first pregnant all of a sudden changes after 9 months.

Life is full of tough choices. So what? Better to give a child up to a loving family than destroy it before it's had it's chance to shine.
Forcing a child to have a child is hardly being a responsible parent, is it?

The idea is to make the child have the child and then give it up for adoption. The problem is that it doesn't usually work out that way. No matter how old the mother, after carrying a child for 9 months and forming a bond to that baby, it's not easy to say goodbye. What seems like an easy decision to give the child up for adoption when first pregnant all of a sudden changes after 9 months.

Life is full of tough choices. So what? Better to give a child up to a loving family than destroy it before it's had it's chance to shine.

Shine like the Colo shooter? Loving famlies often abuse their adopted and foster children. Nothing hurts a child than knowing he was discarded. Even if he is in a loving home. I would rather be aborted than knowing my mother gave birth to me and then discarded me. Sometimes abortion is the right thing to do. Murder? What the hell do we care about murdering? We killed innocent men women and children at My Lai, genocide entire tribes of native americans and separtate slave families and kill them for no reason. Hung black in the south for just being black. Dropped bombs on innocent Japanese. Etc. what the fuck do we care. I helped with abortions when abortions become legal and some of the women that come in I would not want to be a child born to them. we want to protect unborn babies but not after they are born and in families that abuse them and even kill them.:eusa_hand:
If a woman wants an abortion, I support her. IF a woman want to keep her baby, I support her also.
Obama is saying that he would want his daughters to have the CHOICE as to whether they become parents or not, unlike the rabid lifers, who would force their daughters to become parents, to punish them for having sex.

He already made that point and force them to have kids? No force them to be responsible. I mean had Michelle had abortions, those kids wouldnt be enjoying the LIFE they have now. I wonder how close they were to the chopping block

Forcing a child to have a child is hardly being a responsible parent, is it?

MIchele has a choice, didn't she? How may children are enjoying the life of Michele's girls? I volunteer for Foster Grand parents and Children's Cabinet and those children don't have a chance in life. The dammage has been done and most times cannot be undone. and we have a generation of damaged children.
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Loving famlies often abuse their adopted and foster children. Nothing hurts a child than knowing he was discarded. Even if he is in a loving home. I would rather be aborted than knowing my mother gave birth to me and then discarded me.

I would rather you have been aborted too.
But they're quite happy to force me to pay for your abortion. That. Will. Not. Happen. Got that? Good.

The only way you personally finance abortions is if you choose to buy an insurance plan that covers them. If you don't choose to do that, then you're not paying into the insurer allocation accounts that finance them.
Obama is saying that he would want his daughters to have the CHOICE as to whether they become parents or not, unlike the rabid lifers, who would force their daughters to become parents, to punish them for having sex.

He already made that point and force them to have kids? No force them to be responsible. I mean had Michelle had abortions, those kids wouldnt be enjoying the LIFE they have now. I wonder how close they were to the chopping block

Forcing a child to have a child is hardly being a responsible parent, is it?

Yeah it is, you teach them life is valuable and actions have consequences and guess what most people are not "planned"....Sorry you may want women to be able to have all the consequence free sex (the MAIN point of the womens movement by the way and why the protect abortion like no other), but they cant, yea it's unfair, but it is what it is......Most people that have abortions arent proud of it and have some "issues"

The video they are pro abortion, but talk about some of the "issues" with it

[ame=""]Loveline - "Men and Women are not the same" - 2001-09-16 - YouTube[/ame]
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Many support abortion but few support taxpayer funding for it. Romney should attack obozo over this but i doubt he does. Romeny is gutless.

Obama uses daughters to lobby for abortion, again

Published: 19 hours ago
Barack Obama, just days after a controversial botched abortion death at a Chicago Planned Parenthood business, has used his own daughters to try to galvanize support for taxpayer funding of the abortion industry giant, again.

Back during the race for the 2008 election, he famously said at a Johnstown, Pa., meeting that, “I’ve got two daughters. Nine years old and six years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

Now he’s attended a rally in Portland, Ore., where he was lobbying for taxpayers to pay for abortions.

“Mr. Romney wants to get rid of funding for Planned Parenthood. I think that’s a bad idea,” Obama said. “I’ve got two daughters. I want them to control their own health care choices.”

Obama’s unprecedented commitment to abortions at the expense of taxpayers has ratcheted up in recent months, to the point the federal government has dispatched money directly to Planned Parenthood operations when state officials have diverted funding away from the abortion provider.

Too bad aborted fetuses don't vote. I'm sure he'd find some way to pander to them, too.
The great orator. Ya this guy has a way with words; just beautiful pulls at my heartstrings.

"“I’ve got two daughters. Nine years old and six years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”
The great orator. Ya this guy has a way with words; just beautiful pulls at my heartstrings.

"“I’ve got two daughters. Nine years old and six years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

You must admit, his idea of morals and values probably doesn't correspond to those held by many here. First, he's assuming that even having taught his spawn "morals" and "values", they will likely make a mistake that would result in additional spawn.
Second, he obviously plans on teaching them that "morally" there is no value to human life, that it should be flushed away if inconvenient or "punishing".
Margaret Sanger didn't want them punished with a baby either.

The funny thing about Sanger is she wanted no part of abortion, she was appalled by it like, Susan B Anthony was. But what is ironic is Sanger did support eugenics, so in essence the founder of Planned Parenthood thought abortion was worse than eugenics, which I think both are absolutely horrible, but it is funnier than shit that one of the Women's movement icons thought racism was preferable to abortion.....AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many support abortion but few support taxpayer funding for it. Romney should attack obozo over this but i doubt he does. Romeny is gutless.

Obama uses daughters to lobby for abortion, again

Published: 19 hours ago
Barack Obama, just days after a controversial botched abortion death at a Chicago Planned Parenthood business, has used his own daughters to try to galvanize support for taxpayer funding of the abortion industry giant, again.

Back during the race for the 2008 election, he famously said at a Johnstown, Pa., meeting that, “I’ve got two daughters. Nine years old and six years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

Now he’s attended a rally in Portland, Ore., where he was lobbying for taxpayers to pay for abortions.

“Mr. Romney wants to get rid of funding for Planned Parenthood. I think that’s a bad idea,” Obama said. “I’ve got two daughters. I want them to control their own health care choices.”

Obama’s unprecedented commitment to abortions at the expense of taxpayers has ratcheted up in recent months, to the point the federal government has dispatched money directly to Planned Parenthood operations when state officials have diverted funding away from the abortion provider.

Yup.....if he had a son he would be like Trayvan, the Aurora Shooter could have shot his daughters if they had been in that theater, he doesn't want to punish his daughters with a baby.
(I wish Barry's mom had felt the same way right now)

Obama keeps sounding like a broken record.
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The $50,000-a-plate fundraiser Wednesday night is at the Miami home of Phil Frost, chairman of Teva Pharmaceuticals, which makes 'morning-after pills.' Mitt Romney opposes their use, calling them 'abortive pills.'

By all indications, the fundraiser is going ahead, in spite of criticism last week by the chairwoman of Concerned Women for America, Penny Nance. She told The Daily Caller that she would urge Romney to cancel the event “because it is dirty money.”

Mitt Romney raising money at home of 'morning-after pill' exec -

When it comes to money and Republicans, there is no such thing as "dirty money".
The $50,000-a-plate fundraiser Wednesday night is at the Miami home of Phil Frost, chairman of Teva Pharmaceuticals, which makes 'morning-after pills.' Mitt Romney opposes their use, calling them 'abortive pills.'


Teva is a huge israeli company. Romney is an israel-firster and obozo is a mexico-firster. Choose the lesser traitor.
Many support abortion but few support taxpayer funding for it. Romney should attack obozo over this but i doubt he does. Romeny is gutless.

Obama uses daughters to lobby for abortion, again

Published: 19 hours ago
Barack Obama, just days after a controversial botched abortion death at a Chicago Planned Parenthood business, has used his own daughters to try to galvanize support for taxpayer funding of the abortion industry giant, again.

Back during the race for the 2008 election, he famously said at a Johnstown, Pa., meeting that, “I’ve got two daughters. Nine years old and six years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

Now he’s attended a rally in Portland, Ore., where he was lobbying for taxpayers to pay for abortions.

“Mr. Romney wants to get rid of funding for Planned Parenthood. I think that’s a bad idea,” Obama said. “I’ve got two daughters. I want them to control their own health care choices.”

Obama’s unprecedented commitment to abortions at the expense of taxpayers has ratcheted up in recent months, to the point the federal government has dispatched money directly to Planned Parenthood operations when state officials have diverted funding away from the abortion provider.

maybe you should worry about your own.
If you were a responsible parent the, "child" wouldn't be pregnant in the first place...

Like it or not, teenagers are having sex, and they don't ask the permission of their parents before doing so.

why bother, none of it was the truth

You must need glasses, because you are obviously too blind to see the truth.

Remember how they criticized Palin for USING her children?

Obama uses his in the most disgusting ways every chance he gets

Obama didn't use his kids in any kind of way. Stop lying.

Hell, Conservatives use dead discarded fetus to promote their abortion agenda.

Yeah, but they will say anything to justify that.

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