‘Sickening’: World reacts as explosions rock Ukrainian cities

This is ****ing stupid and the most ignorant post that I have seen ever. Putin does not want peace he wants genocide. Its either fight him or die.

Had this genocide handbook appeared at some other time and in a more obscure outlet, it might have escaped notice. But it was published right in the middle of the Russian media landscape during a Russian war of destruction explicitly legitimated by the Russian head of state’s claim that a neighboring nation did not exist. It was published on a day when the world was learning of a mass murder of Ukrainians committed by Russians.

Russia’s genocide handbook was published on April 3, two days after the first revelation that Russian servicemen in Ukraine had murdered hundreds of people in Bucha,

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That's a controversial op-ed you are hyperventilating about. Not a "Russian handbook". LOL
An imperfect peace is better than WWIII.
Ever hear hear of a folly called False Choice?

Kremlin knows they are all dead meat if they will get into an actual war with NATO, they can't even deal with a small country called Ukraine.
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the horde brutality has no limits. Kyiv& other Ukrainian cities were shelled by the horde again. They are aiming at city centers, residential buildings, roads in rush hour. This is state sponsored terrorism in its pure sense. WE MUST SEND More weapons to 🇺🇦 to win over this evil!
View attachment 707997

Funny how Ukraine has suddenly become the babe in the woods. They are the world's darling for some reason.

Yes what happens to innocent people is bad, but that's all anyone pays attention to in order to tug at heart strings. No one pays attention to the crime and corruption that comes out of the Ukraine. For decades Ukraine has been a hot bed of crime and corruption, everyone in the world knew they were bad people, but suddenly now no one even speaks a word for it.

Sometimes you need to exterminate the rats.

And now we have zelensky getting billions and billions and billions of dollars just handed to him from countries and no one really knows where any of it goes. A corrupt country blindly being handed buckets of money? You aren't a one of the major corrupt countries in the world then suddenly become a good guy in a year, it's impossible.

It's fine to root for Ukraine. But it's irresponsible to not take into consideration the countries past, even it's recent past and assume a one sided and narrow minded point of view about the whole situation.
the horde brutality has no limits. Kyiv& other Ukrainian cities were shelled by the horde again. They are aiming at city centers, residential buildings, roads in rush hour. This is state sponsored terrorism in its pure sense. WE MUST SEND More weapons to 🇺🇦 to win over this evil!
View attachment 707997

remember when all of the bombs hit Baghdad? HOw about Syria?
i do, we have done great job in iraq , the bloody pootler is next on the line

And Zelensky has decreed that he will not negotiate a peace with Putin

Putin has just proclaimed Ukranian territories to be "Russia forever" even as Ukrainians are kicking their ass and taking it back.

What the hell do you think there is to negotiate? Use your damn head.
Putin has just proclaimed Ukranian territories to be "Russia forever" even as Ukrainians are kicking their ass and taking it back, what the hell do you think there is to negotiate?

Use your head.
What did the US call Iraq?
Ever hear hear of a folly called False Choice?

Kremlin knows they are all dead meat if they will get into an actual war with NATO, they can't even deal with a small country called Ukraine.

It's not a false choice. Can anyone rule out that Putin would use nuclear weapons to intimidate and punish Ukraine? I don't think we can. Yes, it would be a bad choice for Putin to make, but he's already made a lot of bad choices so far - what's one more?

That bad choice would almost certainly elicit a massive retaliation on our part. And once we retaliate, Putin would have a choice: surrender, or counter-retaliate. This could spiral out of control very fast. We are not in a position to assume that Putin is rational. We shouldn't assume that he will be deterred from escalating because it would irrational to escalate.
I see. So we only get involved when it has immediate disastrous economic and political consequences.

All countries have political interests. Countries that have the means to defend them typically do so. I think there's a lot of room to criticize Biden's foreign/military policy -- if anything he should have been willing to use force earlier instead of telling Putin that our military options were off the table. Unfortunately, if we are put into a position where we feel like we have to retaliate, it becomes a crisis for all sides involved. That's something I wish he would have avoided, but I guess it wasn't in the manual.
Why is Russia trying to reduce the agricultural area that feeds them to rubble for a demilitarized zone?

It's pretty stupid if you ask me.

Also killing innocent people is very bad. There will a price to pay for that whether it's in this world or the next. :(

Destroying culture and the old buildings like that to kill innocent people? That's simply fucked up.
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Why is Russia trying to reduce the agricultural area that feeds them to rubble for a demilitarized zone?

It's pretty stupid if you ask me.

Also killing innocent people is very bad. There will a price to pay for that whether it's in this world or the next. :(

Destroying culture and the old buildings like that to kill innocent people? That's simply fucked up.
Because thats all they can do in their rage.

It's all they have left since they can't win on the front lines.
Why is Russia trying to reduce the agricultural area that feeds them to rubble for a demilitarized zone?

It's pretty stupid if you ask me.

Also killing innocent people is very bad. There will a price to pay for that whether it's in this world or the next. :(

Destroying culture and the old buildings like that to kill innocent people? That's simply fucked up.
Russia is a huge exporter of grains. The scarcity and higher prices benefits them.

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