‘Sickening’: World reacts as explosions rock Ukrainian cities

Originally posted by multivita-man
That bad choice would almost certainly elicit a massive retaliation on our part. And once we retaliate, Putin would have a choice: surrender, or counter-retaliate. This could spiral out of control very fast. We are not in a position to assume that Putin is rational. We shouldn't assume that he will be deterred from escalating because it would irrational to escalate.

Russia dropping a Nuke on Ukraine or Nato's retaliation.

It's hard to decide which would be more irrational.
Russia dropping a Nuke on Ukraine or Nato's retaliation.

It's hard to decide which would be more irrational.
I like how senile Joe said they needed to protect NATO land, and Ukraine isn't in NATO. Too fking funny. BTW, not one journalist called him on that.
the horde brutality has no limits. Kyiv& other Ukrainian cities were shelled by the horde again. They are aiming at city centers, residential buildings, roads in rush hour. This is state sponsored terrorism in its pure sense. WE MUST SEND More weapons to 🇺🇦 to win over this evil!
View attachment 707997

You better duck, sucker!
Russia is a huge exporter of grains. The scarcity and higher prices benefits them.

They would have benefited more if they had been able to take all of Ukraine and its arable land by forcing it into submission quickly, which seems to be what they expected - a shocking miscalculation on Russia's part.

As it is now, Putin's Russia is desperate for a win of any kind. I think he's looking for a way out, but one that will allow him to save face and save his ass. This is the dictator's dilemma: once you make enemies, you cannot be seen as weak. The slightest weakness invites assassination attempts, which is why I disagree with the notion that he wouldn't use nukes. His rapidly deteriorating situation makes that action more likely, not less, though whether he'll ultimately go through with it is anyone's guess.
Russia dropping a Nuke on Ukraine or Nato's retaliation.

It's hard to decide which would be more irrational.

If Russia drops a nuke on Ukraine, with the likelihood of a) more nukes and b) radiation crossing into NATO territory, a military response would be compulsory. I don't think it's irrational to respond with military force - that's not the stupid part. The stupid part is allowing ourselves to drift into a situation where we have to respond with massive military retaliation without offering Russia the realistic possibility of a diplomatic exit.

Yes, I know it's all Russia's fault. They invaded unlawfully and they should eat some humble pie. The only moral outcome it would seem is an unconditional exit from Ukraine. Unfortunately, the world isn't a black and white place. There's plenty of room for gray. The most important outcome isn't that Ukraine get back everything it lost in 2014 - at least not immediately* The most important outcome is that we stop Putin's aggression, which I think we've done, and that we avoid a larger, more disastrous war, which I think we have done and can continue to do.

*The tricky part is what to do about Ukraine pre-2022 invasion. We tolerated Russia's occupation for 8 years. Maybe the compromise is to allow these regions to have a vote on whether they become part of Ukraine, Russia, or their own independent territories.
That Butthole would be Putin

Putin is just looking out for what is best for his country like our president used to do. Unfortunately now we are smothered deep in big problems that have all been imposed by or created by our butthole president.

Joe Biden: Dean Sphincteritus of Delaware University.
Putin is just looking out for what is best for his country like our president used to do. Unfortunately now we are smothered deep in big problems that have all been imposed by or created by our butthole president.

Joe Biden: Dean Sphincteritus of Delaware University.
Jesus . You’re quite the Putin Ball sniffer huh?
Preventing this war would have been the right thing to do but Biden never does the right thing.
If by preventing this war means forcing Russia out of all Ukrainian territory INCLUDING Sevastopol naval base by means other than military action, I agree. If you mean preventing this war by giving Russia whatever it wants, I vehemently disagree, we had a salutary lesson in the results of accommodating dictators between 1936 and 1945. As the old saying goes “when you pay the Danegeld, you never get rid of the Dane”.
If by preventing this war means forcing Russia out of all Ukrainian territory INCLUDING Sevastopol naval base by means other than military action, I agree. If you mean preventing this war by giving Russia whatever it wants, I vehemently disagree, we had a salutary lesson in the results of accommodating dictators between 1936 and 1945. As the old saying goes “when you pay the Danegeld, you never get rid of the Dane”.
Russia invaded Crimea on Obama's watch and the rest of Ukraine on Biden's watch. Russia didn't dare invade on Trump's watch.
What did the US call Iraq?
Iraq. How much of Iraq is occupied by US troops today? When did the US force plebiscites at bayonet to force parts of Iraq to become part of the USA, or any other country for that matter.
Lol, we were here when this went down. Putin decided to invade. Putin is now getting his ass kicked. It's all on Putin. Fuck Russian swine.


Lol, I bet they don't. They watched as Putin invaded. Putin made the decision no other. Now these Russian swine want to blame others for their decisions. I hope you stik it to them and good.

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