Sidelined? Hundreds of Navy SEALS told they won't be deployed if they refuse COVID vaccine

The Oath says otherwise. We are charged with upholding the Constitution, and that includes refusing unconditional mandates and illegal orders.

Covered earlier. Illegal orders violate the UCMJ. What part of the UCMJ is being violated? What parts of the Laws of War?
Finally admitted they used you as a LAB RAT. good.

No more or less so than you, how many vaccines did you refuse during your time in the Navy? Did you ask for a list of waht you were getting pumped into your arm at the start of your basic training?
Im not sure the anthrax vaccine is a good example to use for or against the military's right/ability to force service members to be vaccinated. The reason being is that the push to vaccinate people against anthrax was purely for military purposes. There was a belief that Anthrax was being weaponized and that the vaccine would infer some protection against that threat. That of course was complete BS but that was the reasoning behind it. The COVID vaccine is closer to the MMR vaccine that the military gives IMO. You get that vaccine whether you had measles or not. They don't even ask you. Same with the flu shot. You are required to get it every year whether you want it or not. If you were on quarters for 3 days due to a confirmed flu illness and you hadn't gotten your flu shot yet guess what you're getting one as soon as you feel better. It's dumb but it's the reality.

Like I said in an above post. This is a stupid order but no necessarily an unlawful one. The only mistake the military/admin could be making is basically blanket denying any exemption.
That's not the definition of an unlawful order but whatever.

You have to show the order was unlawful. An example. Being ordered to fire on unarmed civilians. That is an illegal or unlawful order. Being ordered to mistreat prisoners. Fire on a Church or school. Or a hospital.

All illegal orders.

The UCMJ or Uniform Code of Military Justice is the regulations that govern good service. Those regulations are pretty easy to understand. And violating one tends to be about as obvious as water is wet.

Right now the defense of the idiots is that the order to get the vaccine will be determined by the court to be unlawful. Later. In the meantime the people refusing are being flagged. Kicked out. Or busted in rank. Because right now it is a lawful order. And hoping the courts see it your way later doesn’t help.

Our madman keeps bringing up the Anthrax situation. Fine. More than 300 people refused the shot. Those people were kicked out. Perhaps 2 dozen have had their records cleared a couple decades later. But. That means more than 300 haven’t. They are still shown as having a General discharge. Or a dishonorable. Or are denied VA benefits. It costs a small fortune to get the records review to overturn the decision. Jesus. They blamed the Captain of the Indianapolis for decades for the failure of others.

It took Congressional Action to clear him. And that was during the administration of Clinton for Fucks sake.

It has been two decades since the Anthrax crap and almost all of the people who refused still have the same marks on their records. At this point you might as well admit that they’ll never be exonerated.

Unlawful orders are obvious. Not subject to debate years later.
What unhinged conspiracy is this? The Pfizer vaccine has full FDA approval. It’s freely available to military.
If the fda fully approved the vaccine that is actually given. Pfizer would lose their protection from getting sued.
That’s not true at all. Any vaccine recommended for routine administration is covered.

This is the first vaccine that I know of that the maker cannot be sued. If the fda approves it and states that it's okay then they lose the protection they had. It's the vaccine but a different type that is not given to all. The government and the pharmaceutical companies getting one over on ya.
You have to show the order was unlawful. An example. Being ordered to fire on unarmed civilians. That is an illegal or unlawful order. Being ordered to mistreat prisoners. Fire on a Church or school. Or a hospital.

All illegal orders.

The UCMJ or Uniform Code of Military Justice is the regulations that govern good service. Those regulations are pretty easy to understand. And violating one tends to be about as obvious as water is wet.

Right now the defense of the idiots is that the order to get the vaccine will be determined by the court to be unlawful. Later. In the meantime the people refusing are being flagged. Kicked out. Or busted in rank. Because right now it is a lawful order. And hoping the courts see it your way later doesn’t help.

Our madman keeps bringing up the Anthrax situation. Fine. More than 300 people refused the shot. Those people were kicked out. Perhaps 2 dozen have had their records cleared a couple decades later. But. That means more than 300 haven’t. They are still shown as having a General discharge. Or a dishonorable. Or are denied VA benefits. It costs a small fortune to get the records review to overturn the decision. Jesus. They blamed the Captain of the Indianapolis for decades for the failure of others.

It took Congressional Action to clear him. And that was during the administration of Clinton for Fucks sake.

It has been two decades since the Anthrax crap and almost all of the people who refused still have the same marks on their records. At this point you might as well admit that they’ll never be exonerated.

Unlawful orders are obvious. Not subject to debate years later.
I'm aware of what the UCMJ you either don't know what the definition of an unlawful order is or are awful at conveying it. I don't believe that a vaccine mandate is necessarily an unlawful order, but it could be. The courts will have to hash that out.

An unlawful order isn't just one that would cause a person to violate the UCMJ (which doesn't define unlawful order btw) or the laws of war. You also cant be ordered to violate the Constitution. An unlawful order is also one given by someone without jurisdiction. So, if the Commander of 1st Mar Div shows up in the AO of 2nd Mar Div and starts giving orders to move troops, those forces would be correct in not following those orders as the 1st Mar Div Commander doesn't have the authority to do that. Nothing he was ordering would violate the UCMJ, Laws of War, or Constitution but they would none the less be unlawful. You also cant order someone to pick up your dry cleaning or run some personal errand for you etc.

And you don't give up any of your rights when you join the service. That's a myth, it's always been a myth and it will hopefully continue to be a myth.
This is the first vaccine that I know of that the maker cannot be sued. If the fda approves it and states that it's okay then they lose the protection they had. It's the vaccine but a different type that is not given to all. The government and the pharmaceutical companies getting one over on ya.
But that’s just not the case. The law was passed in 1988 to protect vaccine manufacturers. If it’s the first vaccine you know of, then that’s probably just because you didn’t know about this legal protection. It’s no big deal, it’s a little esoteric. It’s just not new.

Here’s the law.
This is the first vaccine that I know of that the maker cannot be sued. If the fda approves it and states that it's okay then they lose the protection they had. It's the vaccine but a different type that is not given to all. The government and the pharmaceutical companies getting one over on ya.
They are all covered. Basically because if people could sue over vaccines hurting them no one would make them since the lawsuits would out pace any profits from the actual vaccine. Take that for whatever that means to you.
No more or less so than you, how many vaccines did you refuse during your time in the Navy? Did you ask for a list of waht you were getting pumped into your arm at the start of your basic training?
I took them all........And none I took were this experimental BS. As you get older you realize you were young and foolish to trust the Gov't...........That doesn't happen anymore.......

You GOT PAWNED by a BS Vaccine called Anthrax that wouldn't have stopped a thing with a aerosol round. You were Pharma's LAB RAT.........It ended when someone said NO........Even though they got trashed by the ended it in the COURTS..........They did it while being threatened by people like you who SAID SHUT UP AND FOLLOW ORDERS.

I proved this and you admitted it...........Now you trash men who are refusing to be sheep again.

Our madman keeps bringing up the Anthrax situation. Fine. More than 300 people refused the shot. Those people were kicked out. Perhaps 2 dozen have had their records cleared a couple decades later. But. That means more than 300 haven’t. They are still shown as having a General discharge. Or a dishonorable. Or are denied VA benefits. It costs a small fortune to get the records review to overturn the decision. Jesus. They blamed the Captain of the Indianapolis for decades for the failure of others.
I didn't bring up Anthrax someone else did and I responded. I understand what the military does when you did the people who refused the Anthrax vaccine.

And as I've proven you are a FUCKING IDIOT........You were used as a LAB RAT and they stopped it from happening again........Via the courts.

Again........I've proven that your side using the Anthrax as an argument is COMPLETE BS.......It has been shown to be a leading cause of Gulf War Syndrome and you don't care. Just shut up and do what you are told........Trying to justify FRAGGING those now who are saying NO

Oh well........Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
They are all covered. Basically because if people could sue over vaccines hurting them no one would make them since the lawsuits would out pace any profits from the actual vaccine. Take that for whatever that means to you.
Over 3000 cases have been filed in the compensation program for Covid........Last I heard only 1 case got money. It is a Mickey mouse court.

Over 3000 cases have been filed in the compensation program for Covid........Last I heard only 1 case got money. It is a Mickey mouse court.

Very well could be. I'd have to see what the cases are before I'd be willing to make that kind of statement, but the program exists to cover the pharma behinds.

What is different about the COVID vaccines from ones in the past is that Pharma didn't pay for the R&D and had guaranteed numbers as far as doses being purchased. No idea what the US Gov is paying per dose, but it should be next to nothing since it paid for the development and distro of the vaccine. All Pharma has is production costs... Doesn't hurt the bottom line if someone else is funding your ad campaign and has the power or at least thinks it has the power to force people to be a customer.....
Very well could be. I'd have to see what the cases are before I'd be willing to make that kind of statement, but the program exists to cover the pharma behinds.

What is different about the COVID vaccines from ones in the past is that Pharma didn't pay for the R&D and had guaranteed numbers as far as doses being purchased. No idea what the US Gov is paying per dose, but it should be next to nothing since it paid for the development and distro of the vaccine. All Pharma has is production costs... Doesn't hurt the bottom line if someone else is funding your ad campaign and has the power or at least thinks it has the power to force people to be a customer.....
And yet there profits are going through the roof. Under the Vaccine court all vaccines require 75 cents per jab to pay for any future claims to the court.........but Covid hasn't been added there. It is under the Compensation program and not the court......per say.

Moderna was and old mRNA 1723 protein from the NIH and they went to court over it for who owned the patents .........over money......profits from the vaccine. Which have been massive.

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