Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit Against State of Georgia For Election “Rigging” – Links and pdf…

Yet some Deplorable Loon on a messageboard is qualified? You wouldn't know qualified it if knocked on your door, fucked you up the arse and left a $100 bill in your butt crack.

This is the anti-intellectualism of the cult

I know. Vast majority (but not all) Trump fans on this board are fat, obese, elderly white males. Probably of high school education level. One thing I always chuckle at is a certain demographic in the Conservative arena belittle those with college educations. Or they think they know better than a judge who has spent their whole life in law practice. They do a Google search, find a nutter like Powell and hang onto her apron strings and words like gospel, and then regurgitate them as fact.
Powell has already filed briefs with the court, moron. You are as stupid as a box of rat turds.
Don't bother me anymore. I don't need such willfully stupid bullshit.

So have the other claims, you rube.

But when the judge asks "So where is the evidence?"

Trump's lawyers either say "There is none" or the judge throws the claim out of court.

And that's what's going to happen to the claim of your grifter Kracken hero, rube.

2-35 in court. And the cult thinks they're going to win lol

Boy, you really don't understand how cases like this work do you?

What she has done here is make the initial filing, then comes a hearing in court, where the judge will either decide that a prima facia case has merit, and grant discovery, or won't...In any case, this won't be in conclusion until it reaches the SCOTUS now....You're screwed.
Boy, you really don't understand how cases like this work do you?

What she has done here is make the initial filing, then comes a hearing in court, where the judge will either decide that a prima facia case has merit, and grant discovery, or won't...In any case, this won't be in conclusion until it reaches the SCOTUS now....You're screwed.

I would be very surprised if it got to the supreme court. If it did, they'd kick it back downstairs. If they did hear it, they'd deny it. Almost a majority decision too (8-1 maybe 7-2 - the one being Kavanaugh - maybe the most unqualified person to ever sit on the bench the being Thomas). Because even though you think 6 of the judges are 'yours', seven of them would pretty much stick to the law even if they can't stand Biden.
Boy, you really don't understand how cases like this work do you?

What she has done here is make the initial filing, then comes a hearing in court, where the judge will either decide that a prima facia case has merit, and grant discovery, or won't...In any case, this won't be in conclusion until it reaches the SCOTUS now....You're screwed.

Thanks for your analysis Lionel Hutz.
I know that the first thing to see if a briefing is serious is to notice the many spelling and grammatical mistakes lol
Yet some Deplorable Loon on a messageboard is qualified? You wouldn't know qualified it if knocked on your door, fucked you up the arse and left a $100 bill in your butt crack.

This is the anti-intellectualism of the cult

I know. Vast majority (but not all) Trump fans on this board are fat, obese, elderly white males. Probably of high school education level. One thing I always chuckle at is a certain demographic in the Conservative arena belittle those with college educations. Or they think they know better than a judge who has spent their whole life in law practice. They do a Google search, find a nutter like Powell and hang onto her apron strings and words like gospel, and then regurgitate them as fact.

So, you attack members of this board, while knowing nothing about them, because Sidney Powell filed suits in GA, and MI....Sounds like someone is more than a little frightened they may lose....
Boy, you really don't understand how cases like this work do you?

What she has done here is make the initial filing, then comes a hearing in court, where the judge will either decide that a prima facia case has merit, and grant discovery, or won't...In any case, this won't be in conclusion until it reaches the SCOTUS now....You're screwed.

Thanks for your analysis Lionel Hutz.

Go to hell, you anti American shitbag....
Powell has already filed briefs with the court, moron. You are as stupid as a box of rat turds.
Don't bother me anymore. I don't need such willfully stupid bullshit.

So have the other claims, you rube.

But when the judge asks "So where is the evidence?"

Trump's lawyers either say "There is none" or the judge throws the claim out of court.

And that's what's going to happen to the claim of your grifter Kracken hero, rube.

2-35 in court. And the cult thinks they're going to win lol

Boy, you really don't understand how cases like this work do you?

What she has done here is make the initial filing, then comes a hearing in court, where the judge will either decide that a prima facia case has merit, and grant discovery, or won't...In any case, this won't be in conclusion until it reaches the SCOTUS now....You're screwed.

Boy, you really don't understand how cases like this work do you?


a judge is not supposed to summarily dismiss it unless the socialists come up with verified facts refuting or rebutting the evidence that WE THE PEOPLE have presented.
...Hey flaming piece of shit - They were never together.
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, miscreant.

They weren't together?

Well, I supposed if you've been drinking the Rumpian Kool-Aid for 4 years and think there was a stab-in-the-back kornspiracy election-steal going on...

You'll believe damned-near anything...

Gullible Make America White Again beetle-browed Inbred Jeds are not the best judge of Reality nor what will signify in a legitimate court of law.
Lower courts ran by fellow useful idiots that are barely qualified to judge anything...And starting now is where the real game begins....Get ready to lose cheater.

Republican and Democratic judges, QAnon rube.

But keep spinning those retarded conspiracy theories. It's all you've got.

HA! The ol Q charge....I don't even know who, or understand what QAnon is....So, you're slander doesn't work, you pathetic, scared little rat....
If Justice Kav. shows a spine and follows the constitution then we could get a few states to redo the election
Or have enough states determined to have questionable outcomes to have it sent to the House of Representatives for a vote on who we have for a President for the next 4 years....
That would be even worse !!
The sewer rat queen would pick Biden !!
We must redo several states with in person and only paper ballots then I will accept any results
NO, it doesnt work that way, 1 person gets to vote from the house per state, not the queen bitch Nan.
...Hey flaming piece of shit - They were never together.
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, miscreant.

They weren't together?

Well, I supposed if you've been drinking the Rumpian Kool-Aid for 4 years and think there was a stab-in-the-back kornspiracy election-steal going on...

You'll believe damned-near anything...

Gullible Make America White Again beetle-browed Inbred Jeds are not the best judge of Reality nor what will signify in a legitimate court of law.

Wow, you are a reprehensible person....I bet in RL you're a hoot...
It also appears that Pennsylvania has gotten themselves in a pickle over the use of the Dominion machines, due the fact that the governor can't arbitrarily make up election law....

A Pennsylvania lawmaker today testified that the legislature DID NOT vote for Dominion voting systems.
Governor Tom Wolf MANDATED the controversial voting systems.

Wolf also removed barcodes from ballots.

Philadelphia does not use Dominion voting systems. So what now?

This Election Systems and Software????

Election-Systems-and-Software-ESS-Corruption-07162019.pdf (

Election Systems & Software - Wikipedia

Election commission orders top voting machine vendor to correct misleading claims - POLITICO

The commission admonished Election Systems & Software over promotional literature and statements on its website that appear to assert, falsely, that voting machines the company sells with embedded modems have been sanctioned by the EAC under its testing and certification program. The statements put ES&S in violation of the EAC’s testing and certification rules, the commission wrote in a previously unreported March 20 letter to the company that POLITICO obtained, and directed ES&S to revise the literature and notify customers that the systems are not certified.

The EAC certified the DS200 version without modem capability in 2009, but it has never certified the modem capability that comes with the second version, although the remaining components in that system are certified. In 2011, ES&S submitted a DS200 system with modem and network capability to the EAC for testing and certification, but after the testing lab created a protocol for evaluating this capability, ES&S withdrew those parts of the system from the testing plan; the remainder of the system was tested and certified without them in 2013.

ES&S markets the DS200 as an EAC-certified system, and in literature for the system it offers the modem capability as an optional feature — without indicating that the EAC has not certified this feature. Any component that is not EAC-certified and is added to an EAC-certified system effectively voids the certification of that system.
So, your claim that it was dominion, was false?

And your outrage that the legislators said governor Wolf put in dominium voting machines without them, alluding to fraud, was also false?

Pay Attention!

Hillary got more votes in 2016 than Biden got in 2020 in Philadelphia. Looks like your argument of Dems cheating there, FALLS FLAT.

It's wierd and suspicious that Trump got more votes 2020 than 2016, now chew on that for a bit! :eek:
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I see the desperation of the prog slaves starting to show, in their ranting and raving...They just cant let the law move forward because they know the law will end up for the side of right, not left....

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