Sidney Powell Presentation Today.

It is indeed a good idea to donate to the fraud investigation causes, given the latest banana republic election that happened in the first world.

I expect them to do very well for the fund raising, and spend it mostly on the cause it was designated to. It's not like Biden's cancer research that only seems to spread cancer.
The fine print says 85% of your donations can be used elsewhere, only 15% has to be used as legal fees....

Lawyers are going to investigate the election fraud now?

Where do you keep getting these ideas that lawyers and judges are all powerful arbiters of truth that can accomplish anything?
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I read somewhere that this guy or another postal driver said there were 188,000 or more ballots he delivered from NY to Michigan, and he saw the contents of the containers. What I'm wondering is, if that is farfetched?
Drivers don't handle the mail, they don't inspect the mail, they don't get to look inside the boxes. Postal employees load the trucks, and seal the trailer. They can watch them being loaded and unloaded, but it's completely hands off.

Michigan has 10 million people. Could 200,000 be in New York either on business or attending college? I know 2% sounds like a lot, but could that be the answer?
What he probably saw was a standard mass mailing from a New York mailing house. Anything from bank statements, to stock proxy's. They come in by the pallet (or multiple pallets).

I presume that mail ballots going to Michigan were put into a tray, or at most a couple of trays that was conspicuously labeled "election ballots" and put on top of the last pallet to be loaded, going to Michigan.

There could have been as few as a dozen people mailing their ballots back to Michigan that day. And they would have gotten that kind of priority treatment.
There have been alleged threats from both sides. So spare us the drama queen nonsense of trying to put all on Trump and his supporters.
Trumps supporters open carry loaded firearms.
So you oppose people exercising their rights?
I'm just pointing out that threats from Trumps side stir up people that open carry firearms, and who march in support of the 2nd amendment.

While those of the Biden side aren't anywhere as dangerous.

So threats by Trump aren't just drama, when his supporters are more heavily armed than the police.
There have been alleged threats from both sides. So spare us the drama queen nonsense of trying to put all on Trump and his supporters.
Trumps supporters open carry loaded firearms.
So you oppose people exercising their rights?
I'm just pointing out that threats from Trumps side stir up people that open carry firearms, and who march in support of the 2nd amendment.

While those of the Biden side aren't anywhere as dangerous.

So threats by Trump aren't just drama, when his supporters are more heavily armed than the police.
Nothing dangerous about burning down innocent businesses and rioting. Wow...

A masked man who was seen in a viral video smashing the windows of a south Minneapolis auto parts store during the George Floyd protests, earning him the moniker "Umbrella Man," is suspected of ties with a white supremacist group and sought to incite racial tension, police said.

"This was the first fire that set off a string of fires and looting throughout the precinct and the rest of the city," Sgt. Erika Christensen wrote in a search warrant affidavit filed in court this week. "Until the actions of the person your affiant has been calling 'Umbrella Man,' the protests had been relatively peaceful. The actions of this person created an atmosphere of hostility and tension. Your affiant believes that this individual's sole aim was to incite violence."
Sidney Powell will be presenting evidence on election fraud today. Starts in a few hours.

Unless she is presenting it in a court of law, it is meaningless.

No, I will not watch the video. Provide a summary as the rules state.

Are the media articles also meaningless unless they are presented in a court of law?

What is this new bullshit standard? Stop spreading the CNN nonsense, UNLESS you first show that there is evidence for it by presenting it front of a judge.

Anyway, she is presenting the same stuff in court, that makes the trolling and whining particularly stupid.

This is the bullshit I get tired of by people here on the right who claim to want accountabliity.



Take it to a court or just STFU about it. Barr sat on his fucking hands, how much accountability did we get from the right? None. Cause they don't have the fucking spine to actually go after them. Neither does this Powell.

BTW. She is NOT presenting it in front of a court, is she? Show Me the fucking docet number.
Nothing dangerous about burning down innocent businesses and rioting. Wow...
Are you talking about the "umbrella man"?
There have been hundreds of riots this year. They have resulted in more injuries and deaths than can be attributed to the scary guys with guns. Not to mention the billions of dollars in damages.
Sidney Powell will be presenting evidence on election fraud today. Starts in a few hours.

Unless she is presenting it in a court of law, it is meaningless.

No, I will not watch the video. Provide a summary as the rules state.

Are the media articles also meaningless unless they are presented in a court of law?

What is this new bullshit standard? Stop spreading the CNN nonsense, UNLESS you first show that there is evidence for it by presenting it front of a judge.

Anyway, she is presenting the same stuff in court, that makes the trolling and whining particularly stupid.

This is the bullshit I get tired of by people here on the right who claim to want accountabliity.



Take it to a court or just STFU about it. Barr sat on his fucking hands, how much accountability did we get from the right? None. Cause they don't have the fucking spine to actually go after them. Neither does this Powell.

BTW. She is NOT presenting it in front of a court, is she? Show Me the fucking docet number.

That's not how it has ever worked...

You will just have to get used to the fact that public is going to be informed by other people than the bullshit media. And that is great, there will be a lot more information presented in the conference than in months of CNN episodes. Is it all backed, proven and true? Nope... but we will still see it. Will there be good evidence presented? Definitely.
Nothing dangerous about burning down innocent businesses and rioting. Wow...
Are you talking about the "umbrella man"?
There have been hundreds of riots this year. They have resulted in more injuries and deaths than can be attributed to the scary guys with guns. Not to mention the billions of dollars in damages.
And like the umbrella man, they could very well have incited the riots, and fostered the looting. It was their goal to gin up trouble.
That's not how it has ever worked...

You will just have to get used to the fact that public is going to be informed by other people than the bullshit media. And that is great, there will be a lot more information presented in the conference than in months of CNN episodes.

You can say anything you want in public. Trump can say "I won" all he wants. But if he were to be in a court of law under oath, and claimed "I won", he would face perjury charges come January 20th.
It is indeed a good idea to donate to the fraud investigation causes, given the latest banana republic election that happened in the first world.

I expect them to do very well for the fund raising, and spend it mostly on the cause it was designated to. It's not like Biden's cancer research that only seems to spread cancer.
The fine print says 85% of your donations can be used elsewhere, only 15% has to be used as legal fees....
These idiots don't even realize they're lining Impeached Trump's pockets. Seems Trump figures he might as well make some money for himself off of losing the election. Sort of like hedging his bets.
That's not how it has ever worked...

You will just have to get used to the fact that public is going to be informed by other people than the bullshit media. And that is great, there will be a lot more information presented in the conference than in months of CNN episodes.

You can say anything you want in public. Trump can say "I won" all he wants. But if he were to be in a court of law under oath, and claimed "I won", he would face perjury charges come January 20th.

So fucking what?

The conference is designed to present evidence to the PUBLIC.
It is indeed a good idea to donate to the fraud investigation causes, given the latest banana republic election that happened in the first world.

I expect them to do very well for the fund raising, and spend it mostly on the cause it was designated to. It's not like Biden's cancer research that only seems to spread cancer.
The fine print says 85% of your donations can be used elsewhere, only 15% has to be used as legal fees....
These idiots don't even realize they're lining Impeached Trump's pockets. Seems Trump figures he might as well make some money for himself off of losing the election. Sort of like hedging his bets.

The funds will be used to investigate fraud. A worthwhile investment given the most sketchy election first world has ever had.
That's not how it has ever worked...

You will just have to get used to the fact that public is going to be informed by other people than the bullshit media. And that is great, there will be a lot more information presented in the conference than in months of CNN episodes.

You can say anything you want in public. Trump can say "I won" all he wants. But if he were to be in a court of law under oath, and claimed "I won", he would face perjury charges come January 20th.

So fucking what?

The conference is designed to present evidence to the PUBLIC.

BS. It's a Kangaroo Court designed to sway public opinion by presenting rumors, innuendos and lies as facts with scant opportunities for cognizant rebuttals.
I was watching Hannity yesterday, and he had two of the witnesses on the show that testified in front of the Michigan panel. One was a truck driver who said he hauled 22 pallets of ballots from NY to Michigan.
He was also told which office to deliver to first (out of the normal delivery order)

What you think was 22 pallets of ballots, was probably 22 pallets of mail going from a bulk mailer in New York, and that portion is their mailing addressed to Michigan. Because of the election rush, any ballots heading to Michigan from that plant in New York, would be put into a tray and conspicuously labeled "election mail" or "mail ballots" and put on top
of the last pallet to be loaded. And the driver instructed to deliver to that postal facility first.

The driver presumed the one tray of mail marked ballots represented the entire load.

The entire load was in gaylord boxes, and was unloaded at a ballot counting center in Lancaster, PA (not Michigan, if you had actually looked into this). If it was marked ballots, what do you suppose was being delivered, TV dinners? Get real.
That's not how it has ever worked...

You will just have to get used to the fact that public is going to be informed by other people than the bullshit media. And that is great, there will be a lot more information presented in the conference than in months of CNN episodes.

You can say anything you want in public. Trump can say "I won" all he wants. But if he were to be in a court of law under oath, and claimed "I won", he would face perjury charges come January 20th.

So fucking what?

The conference is designed to present evidence to the PUBLIC.
Why? The public can't do shit.
That's not how it has ever worked...

You will just have to get used to the fact that public is going to be informed by other people than the bullshit media. And that is great, there will be a lot more information presented in the conference than in months of CNN episodes.

You can say anything you want in public. Trump can say "I won" all he wants. But if he were to be in a court of law under oath, and claimed "I won", he would face perjury charges come January 20th.

So fucking what?

The conference is designed to present evidence to the PUBLIC.
Why? The public can't do shit.

Yes they can, they can come forward if they are aware of fraud, they can fund the effort. They can contact their senators, congress etc.

If the public couldn't do shit, leftists would not be all over controlling the media and tech giants.
That's not how it has ever worked...

You will just have to get used to the fact that public is going to be informed by other people than the bullshit media. And that is great, there will be a lot more information presented in the conference than in months of CNN episodes.

You can say anything you want in public. Trump can say "I won" all he wants. But if he were to be in a court of law under oath, and claimed "I won", he would face perjury charges come January 20th.

So fucking what?

The conference is designed to present evidence to the PUBLIC.
Why? The public can't do shit.

Yes they can, they can come forward if they are aware of fraud, they can fund the effort. They can contact their senators, congress etc.

If the public couldn't do shit, leftists would not be all over controlling the media and tech giants.
They're presenting their fake evidence. How is fake evidence going to trigger real people to step forward?
That's not how it has ever worked...

You will just have to get used to the fact that public is going to be informed by other people than the bullshit media. And that is great, there will be a lot more information presented in the conference than in months of CNN episodes.

You can say anything you want in public. Trump can say "I won" all he wants. But if he were to be in a court of law under oath, and claimed "I won", he would face perjury charges come January 20th.

So fucking what?

The conference is designed to present evidence to the PUBLIC.
Why? The public can't do shit.

Yes they can, they can come forward if they are aware of fraud, they can fund the effort. They can contact their senators, congress etc.

If the public couldn't do shit, leftists would not be all over controlling the media and tech giants.
They're presenting their fake evidence. How is fake evidence going to trigger real people to step forward?

The evidence is not fake. Present the evidence that it is fake.

The conference hasn't even started yet.

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