Sidney Powell tells it like it is.

Yes they do but it won't come from Sydney Powell.
Dominions lawyers are speaking the truth. And Fox is shitting their pants. They knowingly lied about Dominion. How are they going to get contracts with any states now?

Just ask any Republican on USMB do you trust Dominion Voting Machines. If the answer is no, Trump and Fox cost Dominion BILLIONS of dollars.
Dominions lawyers are speaking the truth. And Fox is shitting their pants. They knowingly lied about Dominion. How are they going to get contracts with any states now?

Just ask any Republican on USMB do you trust Dominion Voting Machines. If the answer is no, Trump and Fox cost Dominion BILLIONS of dollars.

Dominion can prove actual damages as multiple Republican legislators spoke against using Dominion products in their states.

But there will be larger punitive damages because Fox knowingly and maliciously attacked Dominion and did it for a period of months
Dominion can prove actual damages as multiple Republican legislators spoke against using Dominion products in their states.

But there will be larger punitive damages because Fox knowingly and maliciously attacked Dominion and did it for a period of months
I found a thread on USMB from a Republican attacking Dominion. He knew every state they had machines and he demanded that Dominion not ever be used again to count our votes.

My ex girlfriend married one of the guys who owned/runs Dominion. They sold it to a private equity group and I don't know how high up he is in the chain of command but I know he has a shit load of money because his wife is expensive. But he's an honest Canadian. Honest business man. Never talked politics. He wasn't a right or lefty. Just sold a quality product.

All Republicans did was accuse Dominion of everything that Diebold Voting Machines did in 2000 Florida. That's the crazy thing. They KNOW machines can be hacked but they can't tell us how they know. They know because Diebold machines were hacked.
Someone needs to speak the truth
She is much smarter than any of them
Sydney is much smarter than any of them? Sydney speaks the truth?
Ouch! That sentiment didn't age so well, in my opinion.
See poster 'sealybobo' just below:

“Sydney Powell is lying,” Tucker Carlson said in a text message....Laura Ingraham said in a message: “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.”

the election was completely rigged by Dems.
Prove it.
Don't just simply whimper about it anonymously on a social-media gossipboard.

Saddle up. Man up. And contact your local FBI office, or your State's AG, or whoever is in charge of elections. Show them your proof.
Please report back to this forum.
Your experience with them may be instructive to others. advice: Quit your whining. You come across as a snowflake. And that's not a manly look. Regardless of your gender.


Fox was safe as long as they stuck to “The election was stolen“ lies
Once they went to “Dominion stole the election” they crossed the line

I think that is a traction-full observation. Fox crossed many lines. Unethical journalism was only one......but that, in and of itself, is generally not criminal, or cause for legal examination.

Most relevant here is Fox News harmed Dominion, a commercial for-profit business. entity running for elective office. NOT a private individual who had expressed an opinion.

Dominion was an established private vendor with a staff of employees who catered to government entities in counting something those governments needed to have counted. They were part of the American capitalistic entrepreneurial economy.

And what we see from Friday's reporting on numerous news outlets.....FOX harmed their reputation and future business prospects via reckless and mendacious accusations of fraud.
Fox -and others - were unable to prove fraud, thus they are....and need be .... on the docket as defendants in our court system.

Let the ball fall where it may.
Dominions lawyers are speaking the truth. And Fox is shitting their pants. They knowingly lied about Dominion. How are they going to get contracts with any states now?

Just ask any Republican on USMB do you trust Dominion Voting Machines. If the answer is no, Trump and Fox cost Dominion BILLIONS of dollars.

I think there is a very real and seriously case for stripping FOX News of their broadcasting license, for being a danger to the nation.

How many people died from their promotion of "alternative treatments", aka "quack cures" for covid, and cheering viewers for fighting vaccines mandates, all while Tuckems and the rest of the kids were fully vaxxed with MNRA vaccines? Just like with the "stolen election" lies, they amplified Donald Trump's lies to the nation that the virus wasn't that serious, and that Democrats were "over reacting" to the dangers.

Hospital workers said that when FOX viewers arrived at hospital with covid, they had no idea what was about to happen, that they would be isolated, and they demanded to be treated with ivermectin.

There's also their knowing promotion of the Seth Rich lies, which resulted in two law suits, which they settled.
I think there is a very real and seriously case for stripping FOX News of their broadcasting license, for being a danger to the nation.

How many people died from their promotion of "alternative treatments", aka "quack cures" for covid, and cheering viewers for fighting vaccines mandates, all while Tuckems and the rest of the kids were fully vaxxed with MNRA vaccines? Just like with the "stolen election" lies, they amplified Donald Trump's lies to the nation that the virus wasn't that serious, and that Democrats were "over reacting" to the dangers.

Hospital workers said that when FOX viewers arrived at hospital with covid, they had no idea what was about to happen, that they would be isolated, and they demanded to be treated with ivermectin.

There's also their knowing promotion of the Seth Rich lies, which resulted in two law suits, which they settled.
Fox was very careful not to cross the line on Covid. Know who had the freedom to cross that line? Right wing radio talk shows. And they reach 20x the audience Fox gets. That's who needs to have their licenses taken away. Better regulate them. And maybe even bring back the fairness doctrine.

Conservatives bought all the radio stations. And even if a liberal would make them money going on right before or after Rush, they still won't put liberals on the radio. They literally are brainwashing and lying to cons and then they cry about NPR.

NPR doesn't secretly believe they are lying to their listeners. MSNBC doesn't believe global warming is fake but they say it's real.
I love the way Sydney triggers the progbots!
She is much smarter than any of them & calls them on their BS.

The collectivist leftists can't stand it when they face facts & someone that won't bend the knee to their idiocracy

Gotta love this clowness.
Most people wouldn't dare try to use a defense in federal court saying

"I cannot be held guilty and in contempt because the things I have said are so ridiculous and outrageous that NO REASONABLE people would believe it anyway."

in federal court that “no reasonable person would conclude that [her] statements were truly statements of fact.” Powell made the filing in response to a defamation suit from Dominion Voting Systems in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

And it’s clearly not Powell.

This is as idiotic now as it was last October.

Powell is a demagogue, liar, and enemy of democracy, as are those who support and defend her lies.
There were people arrested for voter fraud. Just not the right people.
Name names.
Lest folks here think you a merely one of those no-cows cowboys.
You don't want that reputation do you Lenny?
I don't have the resources that the Deep State does. They used to have America's best interests at heart. Not anymore.
I don't have the resources that the Deep State does. They used to have America's best interests at heart. Not anymore.
There isn't really any "Deep State."
It was just a marketing slogan invented by Steve Bannon, one of Trump's early campaign advisors.
A disheveled, drunken, loud-mouthed wife beater now reduced to producing a far-right, loony-bin, conspiracy propagating podcast that no sane people pay attention to.
There isn't really any "Deep State."
It was just a marketing slogan invented by Steve Bannon, one of Trump's early campaign advisors.
A disheveled, drunken, loud-mouthed wife beater now reduced to producing a far-right, loony-bin, conspiracy propagating podcast that no sane people pay attention to.
Deep State is just code for employees who do their job and follow the law instead of what Trump tells them
I don't have the resources that the Deep State does.

Nor, it seems, the sense of responsibility to be able to back up your word.

Lenny, for a long time...and now more and more....your postings demonstrate a real lack of gravitas and seriousness of purpose. From your fiasco of cheerleading for the Cyber Ninjas, to your many many claims of "stolen election", of "fraud". You invariably ...always....cop out in providing the forum any vetting, any credible sourcing for substantiating you own word.

I don't mean the following in a pejorative manner; however, it appears the avatar that speaks for you is an empty suit. A fake. A phony. A no-cows cowboy.

You should aspire to be better. Aspire to be taken seriously. Try harder. You are making your avatar appear to be in way way over its' head. Appearing to be inadequate and unprepared.

Don't do that. It reflects badly on both of you.

Good luck.
Deep State is just code for employees who do their job and follow the law instead of what Trump tells them
The CIA used to do what was right for America. They stood up for Americans doing business in Central America, making sure the local governments there were on the side of American businessmen.

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