Sidney Powell tells it like it is.

You seem to have an obsession with Fox News.
Actually, I'm calling out your alternative source. I hate NEUTRAL sources because you never get the whole Truth. You get both sides. Well there is no both sides to this Fox/Dominion/Rudy/Powell/Trump story. There is no middle on this story.

Fox knew it was lying


Fox News hosts doubted 2020 election fraud claims:​

is not an appropriate headline.
But this time Fox went too far. We have proof they knowingly slandered Dominion. And they must pay.

Fox was safe as long as they stuck to “The election was stolen“ lies

Once they went to “Dominion stole the election” they crossed the line and will pay Big League
Fox was safe as long as they stuck to “The election was stolen“ lies

Once they went to “Dominion stole the election” they crossed the line and will pay Big League
They used to be much smarter. They would always end the comment with a question mark.

Don't say "Dominion machines were hacked".

Ask, "were Dominion Machines hacked?"

Did you see the texts from Fox on air celebrities who said, "Trump is going to get us in trouble"

And boy did he.

Now Fox is arguing they have a 1st amendment right to be LIARS

“There will be a lot of noise and confusion generated by Dominion and their opportunistic private equity owners, but the core of this case remains about freedom of the press and freedom of speech, which are fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution and protected by New York Times v. Sullivan,” Fox said in a statement issued Thursday.

Fox targeted Dominion’s private-equity owner in an unredacted counterclaim to Dominion’s request for $1.6 billion in damages, according to court papers filed Thursday, saying the firm “paid a small fraction of that amount” to acquire Dominion.

In court papers, Fox said the $1.6 billion figure “has no connection Dominion’s financial value as a company or any supposed injury it suffered as a result” of its reporting, and found no evidence in the discovery process that Dominion lost any contracts as a result.

“Dominion’s ten-figure damage claim demonstrates the danger that unfounded litigation poses to a free press. Threatening FNN with a $1.6 billion judgment will no doubt cause other media outlets to think twice before reporting allegations that are inconvenient to Dominion — and other companies,” Fox said in court papers.
In court papers, Fox said the $1.6 billion figure “has no connection Dominion’s financial value as a company or any supposed injury it suffered as a result” of its reporting, and found no evidence in the discovery process that Dominion lost any contracts as a result.

Dominions good name and stellar reputation in the field was ruined. Republican Legislators around the county called for cancelling Dominion contracts

Dominion will not get $1.7 billion in actual damages.
But punitive damages will be high as Fox acted with malice to preserve its ratings
Show me where I lied about anything. Calling everyone you disagree with a liar is a bad look for you.
You say you aren't a Trump supporter?

You liked this comment?

The cops were out of control that patriotic day beating and clubbing innocent women who were trying to get Mike Pence to delay the certification so irregularities could be examined for fraud. I hope this woman sues the shit out of the cowardly officer.

You're a Trump supporter right? Is that it's own category now?
We can only hope so
Oh they'll just end every title with a question mark

Was the election stolen?
Are Dominion Voting Machines hackable?

Just a question. They got sloppy and even Fox anchors said in private text Trump was going to get them in trouble.

It's funny. Eventually everyone gets thrown under the bus. Amazing Trump hasn't been tossed yet. Soon.
Legacy media and CNN and MSNBC lie for years about Trump being a Russian asset and we're expected to light our hair on fire over FOX 1/6 stuff???

You looney leftists are real ass clowns!!!
Legacy media and CNN and MSNBC lie for years about Trump being a Russian asset and we're expected to light our hair on fire over FOX 1/6 stuff???

You looney leftists are real ass clowns!!!

Has no connection to Fox’s accusation against Dominion
Whataboutism will not save Fox
Neither will hiding behind Freedom of the Press
Fox was safe as long as they stuck to “The election was stolen“ lies

Once they went to “Dominion stole the election” they crossed the line and will pay Big League

Spoken like a true major hypocrisy ridden ass clown.
So funny I just found this. I wanted to throw out there that social media purposely makes us angrier.

What made me think of you is this part

A new Yale University study published in the journal ‘Science Advances’ shows how online networks encourage us to express more moral outrage over time. This is because expressing outrage online gets more likes than other interactions. The increased number of likes and shares teach people to be angrier. In addition, these rewards had the greatest effect on users linked to politically moderate networks. Moral outrage is justifiable anger, disgust or frustration in response to an injustice.

So the moderate sites are the worst? Yea, pick a side. Either you believe Democrats or Republicans. Or Trump. And Trump is a Republican.

Anyways, your news source is making you angrier than our sources are. LOL.
Legacy media and CNN and MSNBC lie for years about Trump being a Russian asset and we're expected to light our hair on fire over FOX 1/6 stuff???

You looney leftists are real ass clowns!!!
Provide a quote of MSnbc or cnn stating Trump WAS a Russian asset, please......with a link if you could.
Legacy media and CNN and MSNBC lie for years about Trump being a Russian asset and we're expected to light our hair on fire over FOX 1/6 stuff???

You looney leftists are real ass clowns!!!

Who says he's not a Russian asset? What is a "russian asset" anyways? I could see Trump being qualified as a russian asset. A comrade in the White House. Trump met with Putin in private. That's NEVER been done before and for good fucking reasons you douchebag.

Trump may be a Russian asset.
And it’s clearly not Powell.

This is as idiotic now as it was last October.

Powell is a demagogue, liar, and enemy of democracy, as are those who support and defend her lies.
We need to expose these people because they will be around in the next elections. Roger Stone was Trump's go between the Insurrectionists, Qanon, Proud Boys, etc. And he was involved in stealing the 2000 election. Google the Brooks Brother Riots of 2000 that stopped the recount. Fishy? Coincident? Trump pardon's him 20 years later? He's still around?

Ms. Powell and Roger Stone should be in jail. Period.
Someone needs to speak the truth.

---Exclusive Interview with Attorney Sidney Powell – “I’m Very Concerned About the State of the Country Right Now”---

Yes they do but it won't come from Sydney Powell.

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