Signups for Official USMB Mafia Game #4

My rule of thumb while playing Mafia is to trust no one.

Have a list with varying levels of suspiciousness.

I've experienced and played enough as Scum to know that you can't trust the most trustworthy and honestest player in the game. :D
CaféAuLait;9478740 said:
The neighborhood thing was not the only thing you lied about. In one breath you are calling me scum for not stating if I was in Grandma's neighborhood, all the while making it sound as if you were not in a neighborhood, not to mention you told your neighborhood not to mention theirs. But, I'm scummy because I won't reveal my neighbors or neighborhood? Do you see the issue there? Hypocrisy much?

Your premise about Rosie's post was so far blown out of proportion it was not funny. The other issue is, Rosie's post was wrong, one of our neighbors had posted, I was not telling you such, since your behavior came off as scummy and not town. So, please don't sit there with your "Too many people just cannot play as a town team". Your play was highly anti-town.

Never lied about being in a neighborhood, but thanks for proving my point. No matter how many times you say I said I wasn't in a neighborhood, you are wrong every time. Nobody in town knows anything but that which is in their role PM on Day 1, and they spend most of the game not knowing anything but that which they did except that which is objectively verifiable like votes, deaths, and mod provided info (though Wake has made the last part a bit sketchy). Your assumptions are going to keep killing town if you expect people to only state that which they "know" and qualify everything they say because they must bow down before your judgment and not exercise their own. What you call "hypocrisy" is that which I have learned is the best way to get the game moving.

You highly suggested you were not in a neighborhood, everyone can agree on that. Since you did that, it threw the neighborhood count off so we could figure out where scum might possible be.

Did you or did you not call me scum on several occasions and tell me I was not town because I refused to answer your questions all the while YOU WERE doing the same and encouraging your neighbors to do the same, not mentioning they were in a neighborhood.

Yes you did.


You stated in several posts I said I had some crazy list I targeted you with, I never did and never stated such. Another lie on your part. This all read as scummy to me and others.

You said:

"Your assumptions are going to keep killing town if you expect people to only state that which they "know" and qualify everything"

Whose Assumptions started a wagon on me? Do tell, Sameech. You also stated I was buddying Grandma, the furthest thing from the truth- and then, had scum jump on that wagon you started on me too.

What I call "hypocrisy" was just that. You said I was being ant-town and scum for not outing my neighborhood- all the while YOU were doing the same.

CaféAuLait;9478820 said:
The problem I had with the neighborhoods was there was 2 neighborhoods that were all town which basically made them masons that could talk 24/7. That with all the PR's that most everyone had, made it a hostile environment for a scum win. I do like the balance you put in with putting a redirector and a roleblocker in there and 4 scum which does make it much more balanced. I'm sure it isn't easy in a game that complex to balance everything. Still, IMO, seem weighted to town. But only slightly.

It was not easy. It was measured, and TBH no one really knew who was or was not scum. I asked questions and put up "reads" but they were not always my true reads in case I had scum in my neighborhood. It was not comfortable as it may seem, even if we all were town, we really did not know that.

At the main site Neighborhoods are seen as having little if any benefit in Town's favor.

As the game goes on and people start dying, paranoia starts to grow and erupt in them.

Good point and something I didn't consider. Since alignment isn't known, that can cause a lot of friction. I know it did in ours. :D
At the main site Neighborhoods are seen as having little if any benefit in Town's favor.

As the game goes on and people start dying, paranoia starts to grow and erupt in them.

I can see that happening... I know I was paranoid, and I saw the same from my neighbors.
CaféAuLait;9478852 said:
CaféAuLait;9478740 said:
The neighborhood thing was not the only thing you lied about. In one breath you are calling me scum for not stating if I was in Grandma's neighborhood, all the while making it sound as if you were not in a neighborhood, not to mention you told your neighborhood not to mention theirs. But, I'm scummy because I won't reveal my neighbors or neighborhood? Do you see the issue there? Hypocrisy much?

Your premise about Rosie's post was so far blown out of proportion it was not funny. The other issue is, Rosie's post was wrong, one of our neighbors had posted, I was not telling you such, since your behavior came off as scummy and not town. So, please don't sit there with your "Too many people just cannot play as a town team". Your play was highly anti-town.

Never lied about being in a neighborhood, but thanks for proving my point. No matter how many times you say I said I wasn't in a neighborhood, you are wrong every time. Nobody in town knows anything but that which is in their role PM on Day 1, and they spend most of the game not knowing anything but that which they did except that which is objectively verifiable like votes, deaths, and mod provided info (though Wake has made the last part a bit sketchy). Your assumptions are going to keep killing town if you expect people to only state that which they "know" and qualify everything they say because they must bow down before your judgment and not exercise their own. What you call "hypocrisy" is that which I have learned is the best way to get the game moving.

You highly suggested you were not in a neighborhood, everyone can agree on that. Since you did that, it threw the neighborhood count off so we could figure out where scum might possible be.

Did you or did you not call me scum on several occasions and tell me I was not town because I refused to answer your questions all the while YOU WERE doing the same and encouraging your neighbors to do the same, not mentioning they were in a neighborhood.

Yes you did.


You stated in several posts I said I had some crazy list I targeted you with, I never did and never stated such. Another lie on your part. This all read as scummy to me and others.

You said:

"Your assumptions are going to keep killing town if you expect people to only state that which they "know" and qualify everything"

Whose Assumptions started a wagon on me? Do tell, Sameech. You also stated I was buddying Grandma, the furthest thing from the truth- and then, had scum jump on that wagon you started on me too.

What I call "hypocrisy" was just that. You said I was being ant-town and scum for not outing my neighborhood- all the while YOU were doing the same.


I jumped on that right away using the same reasoning-buddying Grandma, just to see if it would go anywhere. When it didn't, I moved on.
That's totally cool Wolf. That was a great scummy move! Jump on something which is pushed over and over by a townie to keep the suspicion moving! :eusa_clap:
I jumped on that right away using the same reasoning-buddying Grandma, just to see if it would go anywhere. When it didn't, I moved on.

Yet that is what she was doing whether she was intending to or not and it is a recognized scum tactic. The lack of inquiry in your Day 2 posts was your big tell. Something to consider in the future if you are scum. If nothing else, pretend to be confused, unsure, whatever after the mislynch or nightkill. That is usually a hard read to break through in my experience, and usually effective for scum to get through a day's play as town usually won't lynch someone early who just isn't sure--at least at other places. Here, who the hell knows. People want you to roleclaim just so they can declare you a lying scum and lynch you anyway. Just don't play the confused/unsure thing two days in a row.
It looks like someone's still trolling with the search tags. :neutral:
It looks like someone's still trolling with the search tags. :neutral:

Wow, WTF is that all about?

I don't really understand it. Some want to stamp out the games here, for this reason or that. It won't work, because our games will get better, we'll all get better at playing, and more people will join on in to play. :D:smiliehug:
I jumped on that right away using the same reasoning-buddying Grandma, just to see if it would go anywhere. When it didn't, I moved on.

Yet that is what she was doing whether she was intending to or not and it is a recognized scum tactic. The lack of inquiry in your Day 2 posts was your big tell. Something to consider in the future if you are scum. If nothing else, pretend to be confused, unsure, whatever after the mislynch or nightkill. That is usually a hard read to break through in my experience, and usually effective for scum to get through a day's play as town usually won't lynch someone early who just isn't sure--at least at other places. Here, who the hell knows. People want you to roleclaim just so they can declare you a lying scum and lynch you anyway. Just don't play the confused/unsure thing two days in a row.

I figured that would be a give away when I didn't post for days when the whole mebelle mislynch vs NL was going on. That was gamble and I wasn't sure it would work. Mostly because I posted a lot in game 2 as town.

So yeah, I decided Day 3 to be more active and then all that guilty stuff went on and the darn hex. But I was going to post more to make up for it.

I'm certain I should of posted more Day 2, just wasn't expecting town to take so damn long to come to a decision. :D
You know one of the problems I had playing town was figuring out who to trust. You aren't going to be as likely to listen to someone if you think they might be scum. I knew you were not Sameech but others were suspicious of you.

On the other side, as scum, I couldn't figure out how to post because I already knew who was who and had zero interest in sharing info. with town. And coming up with reads on who is town or scum is very difficult.

Both legitimate issues whether you are town or scum. I would love a civil discussion on play tactics and mafia theory.

IMHO, it doesn't matter early on who you do or do not trust. I take it all with a grain of salt, and say and do it all with a grain of salt. the only time it really matters as town is when you are getting near the end. Since we knew there was 1 more hood than most knew for certain, i knew there was a better chance than most knew that mine was clean. In the end, however, I just worked the QT as best I could for town whether one of them was scum or not. It was a calculated risk that would pan out in the end. The worst case scenario was RD was scum and would mislynch me and then kill Ayes that night to stop her shot and neither of us would be alive to out RD, but town would have figured it out from the role posts that the last one in was scum.
It looks like someone's still trolling with the search tags. :neutral:

Wow, WTF is that all about?

I don't really understand it. Some want to stamp out the games here, for this reason or that. It won't work, because our games will get better, we'll all get better at playing, and more people will join on in to play. :D:smiliehug:

They will not succeed in stamping out the games. They live or die based on the players and we won't let them be destroyed like that. :smiliehug:
Did you like the Neighborhood function?

I thought it was a neat twist. :D

I probably would had liked it better had there been factions within town or something. Hard to believe you didn't in a group this big. I would have stuck in the 4th scum as a 2 shot-vig/SK who had to live until the end and scum had to win in order to win but not give them access to the scum QT at the very least.
I jumped on that right away using the same reasoning-buddying Grandma, just to see if it would go anywhere. When it didn't, I moved on.

Yet that is what she was doing whether she was intending to or not and it is a recognized scum tactic. The lack of inquiry in your Day 2 posts was your big tell. Something to consider in the future if you are scum. If nothing else, pretend to be confused, unsure, whatever after the mislynch or nightkill. That is usually a hard read to break through in my experience, and usually effective for scum to get through a day's play as town usually won't lynch someone early who just isn't sure--at least at other places. Here, who the hell knows. People want you to roleclaim just so they can declare you a lying scum and lynch you anyway. Just don't play the confused/unsure thing two days in a row.

My posting I was suspicious of you is not buddying, I did not even address Grandma personally. I saw a post Mertex put up and I thought she may be right and commented on her post. Buddying is being overtly nice to someone, or subtly nice to someone. Because you had some ridiculous reason to be suspicious because of Rosie's post ( which was wrong) and kept jumping on me for 11 days straight was silly IMO. You did not even give me a chance to try to play the game with accusation after accusation, in fact 11 days of accusations. I'm unsure if you decided I was town who was expendable and wanted to lynch me or not. I may not have had a great PR, but I had one which could have helped if I had been able to concentrate on the game and not your ranting.

Your posts in your QT were much more reasonable. I saw you post you somewhere, saying you can't post this way on the forum, but what you fail to realize your erratic play on the forum made it so, even if you were headed in the right direction, it would be hard for many to agree with you. You made claims such as you fought against Ropey being lynched when you did not, this again came off as scummy. It was your erratic play on the forum which had many question your helpfulness to the game. Your neighbors may have understood your reasoning as it sounded more sane in your QT, the forum however, you came off as someone not to look to for wisdom.

Edit I was wrong, I actually quoted FA_Q2 post.
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It looks like someone's still trolling with the search tags. :neutral:

Any ideas on who it/they is/are?

Only thing I could find is that it says the person who starts a thread can add the tags, and possibly others, which is no help. I think google custom search tries to assign tags based on content going on what I have read about it, depending on what set up the site has though.
All of those are interesting ideas, and in the future I would like to try them all. There was a game I played with 7 factions and various alliances, and it was fascinating. One monstrosity of a game I'm planning for the future elsewhere will be comprised of 40 players, multiples lynches per day, more than 7 factions, alliances that can be made and broken at will with their own protections and consequences, Neighborhoods, reviving players thanks to Scum or Town Necromancers, and 3 new players entering the storm every 3 Days. I need to put more effort into the encompassing subtleties of flavor text, and work in roles along those lines, like Flavor Cops.

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