Silver: "Delusional People In Politics"

There are opinions, and there are delusions. Two different things.

I can see this conversation will go nowhere, and I'm not surprised.


Oh I see if it is your side it is a opinion yet if a conservative says something it is delusion.....Please keep showing us what a hypocrite you are.

Wrong again.

Against my better judgment, I'll try one more time:

1. It is the opinion of the right that lower taxes and lower spending are better for the economy.

2. It is the opinion of the left that higher taxes and more spending are better for the economy.

3. Mac1958 is delusional if he thinks he can have a rational, intellectually honest, civil conversation with partisan ideologues such as thenatos144.

And yet that is not what the prior post said .... Do you know why you dislike debating me? Cause I dont allow you to be a dishonest ass without pointing it out.
Silver is spot on...........4 years from now, the economy wil still be in the shitter and the hopelessly duped will still be saying, "We're still digging out of this Bush mess!!!":D:D:coffee:

How are things going at the University of Colorado, Professor Bickers?
Oh I see if it is your side it is a opinion yet if a conservative says something it is delusion.....Please keep showing us what a hypocrite you are.

Wrong again.

Against my better judgment, I'll try one more time:

1. It is the opinion of the right that lower taxes and lower spending are better for the economy.

2. It is the opinion of the left that higher taxes and more spending are better for the economy.

3. Mac1958 is delusional if he thinks he can have a rational, intellectually honest, civil conversation with partisan ideologues such as thenatos144.

And yet that is not what the prior post said .... Do you know why you dislike debating me? Cause I dont allow you to be a dishonest ass without pointing it out.

What prior post?

Wrong again.

Against my better judgment, I'll try one more time:

1. It is the opinion of the right that lower taxes and lower spending are better for the economy.

2. It is the opinion of the left that higher taxes and more spending are better for the economy.

3. Mac1958 is delusional if he thinks he can have a rational, intellectually honest, civil conversation with partisan ideologues such as thenatos144.

And yet that is not what the prior post said .... Do you know why you dislike debating me? Cause I dont allow you to be a dishonest ass without pointing it out.

What prior post?

Oh look the progressive now is trying to act ignorant of his own posts.......Are you going to once again try and change the meaning of your posts????? Lets find out how many different ways you can be dishonest shall we?
And yet that is not what the prior post said .... Do you know why you dislike debating me? Cause I dont allow you to be a dishonest ass without pointing it out.

What prior post?

Oh look the progressive now is trying to act ignorant of his own posts.......Are you going to once again try and change the meaning of your posts????? Lets find out how many different ways you can be dishonest shall we?

It's not that difficult to show me what you're talking about.

Need help with the "quote" function?

Show me what you're talking about, please.

And yet that is not what the prior post said .... Do you know why you dislike debating me? Cause I dont allow you to be a dishonest ass without pointing it out.

What prior post?

Oh look the progressive now is trying to act ignorant of his own posts.......Are you going to once again try and change the meaning of your posts????? Lets find out how many different ways you can be dishonest shall we?

He is the original equivocating bitch. LOL
What prior post?

Oh look the progressive now is trying to act ignorant of his own posts.......Are you going to once again try and change the meaning of your posts????? Lets find out how many different ways you can be dishonest shall we?

It's not that difficult to show me what you're talking about.

Need help with the "quote" function?

Show me what you're talking about, please.


Do you not know how to use the back button on your browser?
Oh look the progressive now is trying to act ignorant of his own posts.......Are you going to once again try and change the meaning of your posts????? Lets find out how many different ways you can be dishonest shall we?

It's not that difficult to show me what you're talking about.

Need help with the "quote" function?

Show me what you're talking about, please.


Do you not know how to use the back button on your browser?


Does anyone else know what he's talking about?

Last edited:
Hey Mac, is the last several posts what you would call "constructive talk" with the right wing whack jobs?

Hell they seem to think you are a traitor or something. Weird.

Nate Silver nails it, pointing out how frustrating it can be to analyze politics:

Nate Silver: Between pundits and partisans, 'a lot of very delusional people' in politics -

From the interview:

“Between the pundits and the partisans, you're dealing with a lot of very delusional people. And sports provides for much more frequent reality checks,” he wrote. “If you were touting how awesome Notre Dame was, for example, you got very much slapped back into reality last night. In politics, you can go on being delusional for years at a time.”

Partisan ideology makes people talk themselves into some crazy stuff.


Im not a big fan of this guy but he is right about this and its something ive been saying for years. the one other gloss id put on it is that when you are associated as an advocate for one side or the other you have to say things that i assume you dont beleive. for example i like to think karl rove (no fan of his either) didnt really believe Romney was going to win but what else could he say? if he comes out and says he will lose he really poisons the well for himself in the future. Dems do it too. Was he delusional? Well if he really beivied it yes -- but im not sure he did. At the end of the day im not sure it matters because whatever the reason your stuck with what you say and it affects your credibility. although im not sure how important credilbility is to these guys either.
I don't know Mac. Seems like that if you are not 100% in agreement with what a wack job rethugs has to say, they are not interested in anything that may not be in accordance with their weird beliefs. IMO.

Not sure why they are that way. But I sure do know some like that.

Irrational fear and delusion seems to be their driving forces. Well that and a healthy dose of ignorance.
Mixed in with a big dose of hatred. Not a good mix.

Nate Silver nails it, pointing out how frustrating it can be to analyze politics:

Nate Silver: Between pundits and partisans, 'a lot of very delusional people' in politics -

From the interview:

“Between the pundits and the partisans, you're dealing with a lot of very delusional people. And sports provides for much more frequent reality checks,” he wrote. “If you were touting how awesome Notre Dame was, for example, you got very much slapped back into reality last night. In politics, you can go on being delusional for years at a time.”

Partisan ideology makes people talk themselves into some crazy stuff.


Im not a big fan of this guy but he is right about this and its something ive been saying for years. the one other gloss id put on it is that when you are associated as an advocate for one side or the other you have to say things that i assume you dont beleive. for example i like to think karl rove (no fan of his either) didnt really believe Romney was going to win but what else could he say? if he comes out and says he will lose he really poisons the well for himself in the future. Dems do it too. Was he delusional? Well if he really beivied it yes -- but im not sure he did. At the end of the day im not sure it matters because whatever the reason your stuck with what you say and it affects your credibility. although im not sure how important credilbility is to these guys either.

I agree with most of this except for Rove. Due to the hissy fit he threw on Fox on election night, I do believe he was delusional. It was pretty obvious to anyone that had been paying attention that the polls were right and Obama was going to win the electoral college handily. There is no other explanation for Rove's behavior that evening.
thanatos, how do you have a real conversation with someone who believe that if you are pro union you are a communist? Weird belief system. You got any proof of that opinion. Or does it just "feel" good to say?
thanatos, how do you have a real conversation with someone who believe that if you are pro union you are a communist? Weird belief system. You got any proof of that opinion. Or does it just "feel" good to say?

I am sorry but why would you think I am wrong? The whole union structure is based on a communist structure.
thanatos, how do you have a real conversation with someone who believe that if you are pro union you are a communist? Weird belief system. You got any proof of that opinion. Or does it just "feel" good to say?

I am sorry but why would you think I am wrong? The whole union structure is based on a communist structure.

That's equivocation. Are you a chimp because you've got the same basic structure?
thanatos, how do you have a real conversation with someone who believe that if you are pro union you are a communist? Weird belief system. You got any proof of that opinion. Or does it just "feel" good to say?

I am sorry but why would you think I am wrong? The whole union structure is based on a communist structure.

Dude, the idea of workers organizing for their benefit has been around a lot longer than communism.

But still. Having grown up in a union city, I don't ever remember my dad being communist.
Nor his co workers.

But I am sure you have a much different experience. Was your dad a commie union member?

I do remember reading where communists were trying to get into unions as they originally formed, but don't think they were to successful.

Again, you have different experiences. Do you personally know communsit union members?
the history of labor unions has been intimately entwined with the history of global communism. As the influential Dutch astronomer and Marxist theorist Anton Pannekoek wrote in his 1908 treatise, “The Labor Movement and Socialism,” “The object of the labor movement is to increase the strength of the proletariat to the point at which it can conquer the organized force of the bourgeoisie and thus establish its own supremacy.”

Vladimir Lenin agreed and made unions an integral part of the “people’s republic” he founded in 1917. “Shakedown Socialism” author Oleg Atbashian, a propagandist for the Soviet Union before he migrated the United States in 1994, writes that in the Soviet Union, “organized labor was part of the official establishment and union membership was universal and mandatory” and “that system’s seemingly magnanimous goals - fairness, economic equality and social justice - in real life brought forth a rigged game of wholesale corruption, forced inequality and grotesque injustice.”

Hmm, sounds a lot like what unions have inflicted upon the United States: wholesale corruption as many union chapters have historically acted as fronts for organized crime; forced inequality as unionized public employees out-earn their counterparts in the private sector; grotesque injustice as greedy unions strong-armed lavish salaries and benefits for themselves that bust the budgets of entire states, forcing non-union folks to suffer higher taxes and fewer services.

PATTERSON: Labor unions and communism - Washington Times

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