Similarities and differences between the Roman Empire and American Imperialism


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014
Take power, to maintain control over different countries, export and impose its own cultural model and development: in short, build an empire. always using the usual recipe, changing only some ingredients. Recalling that every age has a beginning and an end.

Some experts argue that the historical events tend to recur frequently in the same way.

If two thousand years ago much of the known world was under the rule of a single power, the Roman Empire, today more and more countries find themselves colonized by a single economic and cultural model, that of the US. History repeats itself? With the necessary clarifications.

In fact, both Roman imperialism That the American Considered are, in part, Consequences of war so devastating That it completely changed the geo-political situation in European and global.

In the first case it is the Second Punic War, fought between 218 and 202 BC from Rome and Carthage. Many historians of the time, even Latin, as Sallustio, felt that in that occasion Carthage lost its hegemony, and Rome morality and sense of justice, as it was then, the ancients mores.

It was the Second World War, however, to determine definitively the US hegemony over all other countries.

Chalmers Johnson, American historian, published in 2007 a trilogy of books that examine the development and consequences of the American Empire ( "Blowback", "The Sorrows of Empire" and "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic"). In these writings it supports the argument that the only difference between the "traditional empires," as the English one, and "the US" empire is that the former were based on the colonies, a more direct system of supremacy, and the second on development of a huge system of military bases around the world to cover its own strategic interests, since the time of the second global conflict. A condition that lasts to this day, more or less indirectly influencing the politics and culture of almost all countries of the world.

The Roman Empire expanded later with real wars of conquest, the US with a thin web of influences: "liberating" people from dictatorships, as happened in Italy after the war, imposed their economic model, political and cultural, only one for all.

The Roman Empire fell in 476 A.D. for an economic crisis that had caused a strong increase in inflation and the tax burden, accentuating social inequality and weakening the entire socio-economic structure. Crisis further exacerbated by the continuing depredations of Germanic tribes, the so-called barbarian invasions, the point to be taken obvious cultural connotations. Rome, in short, was no longer able to maintain such a vast empire, because he had racked up an increasingly large number of enemies.

Just that, according to Johnson, is taking place in America: the capitalist model declining, a crisis is not only economic, but social, cultural, migration and environmental, now unsolvable with the old policy remedies, internal social tensions and, overseas, the threat of terrorism.

It is said to predict the future must look to the past ... given the premises, what should we expect?


Impero Romano e Stati Uniti: diverse forme di supremazia - dailySTORM

Post Scriptum:

The Americans sin of presumption and arrogance, you can not say the same thing of my antenai, to which today's Americans are very much !!

Canis dormiens nunquam titillandus..
Never mind all that history shit. We are being overtaken by a climate crisis that will make the issues we obsess over totally trivial.
If two thousand years ago much of the known world was under the rule of a single power, the Roman Empire, today more and more countries find themselves colonized by a single economic and cultural model, that of the US.
"Much of the known world."

Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of the world was never under the rule of the Roman Empire. Even less so under the U.S.
Most likely you do not know absolutely the maximum extent of that empire. I do not think that the United States existed at that time !!

The American imperialism is nothing nuvo for us, and especially in comparison to the Empire Italic (Roman), is worth nothing, because still remains unparalleled thing, although many (before you), they tried and failed miserably.
My ancestors civilized Europe, as well as discover America.

Americans are young at heart, no history and no past.
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My ancestors civilizzarono Europe, as well as discover America.

Americans are young at heart, no history and no past.
I do not believe you have made a case for the comparison of the United States to the Roman Empire. You mention Roman colonies as though they were similar to colonies of later European colonies and the influence of the USA throughout the world. These three things are all different. Rome had provinces which were indeed obliged to contribute through taxation and exports to Rome as a form of exploitation, there were various advantages of civilization afforded to the various provinces. Also Roman citizenship was available to people in the provinces unlike European colonies at a later period. The spread of American influence and culture is of a different order completely.
My ancestors civilizzarono Europe, as well as discover America.

Americans are young at heart, no history and no past.
I do not believe you have made a case for the comparison of the United States to the Roman Empire. You mention Roman colonies as though they were similar to colonies of later European colonies and the influence of the USA throughout the world. These three things are all different. Rome had provinces which were indeed obliged to contribute through taxation and exports to Rome as a form of exploitation, there were various advantages of civilization afforded to the various provinces. Also Roman citizenship was available to people in the provinces unlike European colonies at a later period. The spread of American influence and culture is of a different order completely.

I think that not only came out winning the America in World War II, but also Russia. However American imperialism is just as assimilation than it was the Roman Empire, not only ethnically, but also cultural and religious membership.

The Roman Empire tolerate differences. What American does not tolerate them, if you're different you sent a drone over your head. With the small difference that did not exist nuclear engineering and did not possess the technologies that we have today.

Post Scriptum:

However, a freedman in ancient Rome had to spend years and years of honorable servants to be released.
My ancestors civilizzarono Europe, as well as discover America.

Americans are young at heart, no history and no past.
I do not believe you have made a case for the comparison of the United States to the Roman Empire. You mention Roman colonies as though they were similar to colonies of later European colonies and the influence of the USA throughout the world. These three things are all different. Rome had provinces which were indeed obliged to contribute through taxation and exports to Rome as a form of exploitation, there were various advantages of civilization afforded to the various provinces. Also Roman citizenship was available to people in the provinces unlike European colonies at a later period. The spread of American influence and culture is of a different order completely.

I think that not only came out winning the America in World War II, but also Russia. However American imperialism is just as assimilation than it was the Roman Empire, not only ethnically, but also cultural and religious membership.

The Roman Empire tolerate differences. What American does not tolerate them, if you're different you sent a drone over your head. With the small difference that did not exist nuclear engineering and did not possess the technologies that we have today.

Post Scriptum:

However, a freedman in ancient Rome had to spend years and years of honorable servants to be released.
People in the Roman provinces who were loyal to Rome were also citizens too. A person in Tarraco (Hispania) could say, CIVIS ROMANO SUM.
The US are Europeans now, the extension of the Holy Roman Empire, so we are the Roman Empire, aka,
Take power, to maintain control over different countries, export and impose its own cultural model and development: in short, build an empire. always using the usual recipe, changing only some ingredients. Recalling that every age has a beginning and an end.

Some experts argue that the historical events tend to recur frequently in the same way.

If two thousand years ago much of the known world was under the rule of a single power, the Roman Empire, today more and more countries find themselves colonized by a single economic and cultural model, that of the US. History repeats itself? With the necessary clarifications.

In fact, both Roman imperialism That the American Considered are, in part, Consequences of war so devastating That it completely changed the geo-political situation in European and global.

In the first case it is the Second Punic War, fought between 218 and 202 BC from Rome and Carthage. Many historians of the time, even Latin, as Sallustio, felt that in that occasion Carthage lost its hegemony, and Rome morality and sense of justice, as it was then, the ancients mores.

It was the Second World War, however, to determine definitively the US hegemony over all other countries.

Chalmers Johnson, American historian, published in 2007 a trilogy of books that examine the development and consequences of the American Empire ( "Blowback", "The Sorrows of Empire" and "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic"). In these writings it supports the argument that the only difference between the "traditional empires," as the English one, and "the US" empire is that the former were based on the colonies, a more direct system of supremacy, and the second on development of a huge system of military bases around the world to cover its own strategic interests, since the time of the second global conflict. A condition that lasts to this day, more or less indirectly influencing the politics and culture of almost all countries of the world.

The Roman Empire expanded later with real wars of conquest, the US with a thin web of influences: "liberating" people from dictatorships, as happened in Italy after the war, imposed their economic model, political and cultural, only one for all.

The Roman Empire fell in 476 A.D. for an economic crisis that had caused a strong increase in inflation and the tax burden, accentuating social inequality and weakening the entire socio-economic structure. Crisis further exacerbated by the continuing depredations of Germanic tribes, the so-called barbarian invasions, the point to be taken obvious cultural connotations. Rome, in short, was no longer able to maintain such a vast empire, because he had racked up an increasingly large number of enemies.

Just that, according to Johnson, is taking place in America: the capitalist model declining, a crisis is not only economic, but social, cultural, migration and environmental, now unsolvable with the old policy remedies, internal social tensions and, overseas, the threat of terrorism.

It is said to predict the future must look to the past ... given the premises, what should we expect?


Impero Romano e Stati Uniti: diverse forme di supremazia - dailySTORM

Post Scriptum:

The Americans sin of presumption and arrogance, you can not say the same thing of my antenai, to which today's Americans are very much !!

Canis dormiens nunquam titillandus..
There are similarities and there are differences.

One of the major differences is that the USA has never looted other countries like the USSR did. The Romans did this too.

Among the similarities is American armies far flung all across the globe.

This is why it was a good thing that BHO brought home most American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan -- not every one as promised but most of them.
Never mind all that history shit. We are being overtaken by a climate crisis that will make the issues we obsess over totally trivial.
Yah the Earth's climate is going through a cyclical change and there is nothing that the ants and humans populating it can do about it.
The US are Europeans now, the extension of the Holy Roman Empire, so we are the Roman Empire, aka,
The United States was founded by immigrants from Europe and their progeny. Americans have managed to make their own country distinct from Europe, however. It is a mistake to use the word "Caucasians" as modern America includes the native Americans, the descendants of Black slaves and Mexican Americans who belonged to the massive land grab during the Mexican-American War of 1847 which brought-in many Mexican citizens at the time. European immigrants also included many peoples whose ancestors were not in the Roman Empire and would not identify as Caucasians although some Americans might do so in a lazy fashion; Scots and Irish are Celts and were never Romans, neither were the Nordic people of Germany, Scandinavia, and Slavs from Eastern Europe and Russia who would not accept being called Caucasians except those from southern Russia in the area of the Caucasus Mountains.
Take power, to maintain control over different countries, export and impose its own cultural model and development: in short, build an empire. always using the usual recipe, changing only some ingredients. Recalling that every age has a beginning and an end.

Some experts argue that the historical events tend to recur frequently in the same way.

If two thousand years ago much of the known world was under the rule of a single power, the Roman Empire, today more and more countries find themselves colonized by a single economic and cultural model, that of the US. History repeats itself? With the necessary clarifications.

In fact, both Roman imperialism That the American Considered are, in part, Consequences of war so devastating That it completely changed the geo-political situation in European and global.

In the first case it is the Second Punic War, fought between 218 and 202 BC from Rome and Carthage. Many historians of the time, even Latin, as Sallustio, felt that in that occasion Carthage lost its hegemony, and Rome morality and sense of justice, as it was then, the ancients mores.

It was the Second World War, however, to determine definitively the US hegemony over all other countries.

Chalmers Johnson, American historian, published in 2007 a trilogy of books that examine the development and consequences of the American Empire ( "Blowback", "The Sorrows of Empire" and "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic"). In these writings it supports the argument that the only difference between the "traditional empires," as the English one, and "the US" empire is that the former were based on the colonies, a more direct system of supremacy, and the second on development of a huge system of military bases around the world to cover its own strategic interests, since the time of the second global conflict. A condition that lasts to this day, more or less indirectly influencing the politics and culture of almost all countries of the world.

The Roman Empire expanded later with real wars of conquest, the US with a thin web of influences: "liberating" people from dictatorships, as happened in Italy after the war, imposed their economic model, political and cultural, only one for all.

The Roman Empire fell in 476 A.D. for an economic crisis that had caused a strong increase in inflation and the tax burden, accentuating social inequality and weakening the entire socio-economic structure. Crisis further exacerbated by the continuing depredations of Germanic tribes, the so-called barbarian invasions, the point to be taken obvious cultural connotations. Rome, in short, was no longer able to maintain such a vast empire, because he had racked up an increasingly large number of enemies.

Just that, according to Johnson, is taking place in America: the capitalist model declining, a crisis is not only economic, but social, cultural, migration and environmental, now unsolvable with the old policy remedies, internal social tensions and, overseas, the threat of terrorism.

It is said to predict the future must look to the past ... given the premises, what should we expect?


Impero Romano e Stati Uniti: diverse forme di supremazia - dailySTORM

Post Scriptum:

The Americans sin of presumption and arrogance, you can not say the same thing of my antenai, to which today's Americans are very much !!

Canis dormiens nunquam titillandus..
There are similarities and there are differences.

One of the major differences is that the USA has never looted other countries like the USSR did. The Romans did this too.

Among the similarities is American armies far flung all across the globe.

This is why it was a good thing that BHO brought home most American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan -- not every one as promised but most of them.

The Romans didn't destroy they took control, same way as we take control, not by moving there but by military bases.

That is something Trump said that sounded scary, "we should of kept the oil in Iraq". Now we have global companies, like Exxon.
Take power, to maintain control over different countries, export and impose its own cultural model and development: in short, build an empire. always using the usual recipe, changing only some ingredients. Recalling that every age has a beginning and an end.

Some experts argue that the historical events tend to recur frequently in the same way.

If two thousand years ago much of the known world was under the rule of a single power, the Roman Empire, today more and more countries find themselves colonized by a single economic and cultural model, that of the US. History repeats itself? With the necessary clarifications.

In fact, both Roman imperialism That the American Considered are, in part, Consequences of war so devastating That it completely changed the geo-political situation in European and global.

In the first case it is the Second Punic War, fought between 218 and 202 BC from Rome and Carthage. Many historians of the time, even Latin, as Sallustio, felt that in that occasion Carthage lost its hegemony, and Rome morality and sense of justice, as it was then, the ancients mores.

It was the Second World War, however, to determine definitively the US hegemony over all other countries.

Chalmers Johnson, American historian, published in 2007 a trilogy of books that examine the development and consequences of the American Empire ( "Blowback", "The Sorrows of Empire" and "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic"). In these writings it supports the argument that the only difference between the "traditional empires," as the English one, and "the US" empire is that the former were based on the colonies, a more direct system of supremacy, and the second on development of a huge system of military bases around the world to cover its own strategic interests, since the time of the second global conflict. A condition that lasts to this day, more or less indirectly influencing the politics and culture of almost all countries of the world.

The Roman Empire expanded later with real wars of conquest, the US with a thin web of influences: "liberating" people from dictatorships, as happened in Italy after the war, imposed their economic model, political and cultural, only one for all.

The Roman Empire fell in 476 A.D. for an economic crisis that had caused a strong increase in inflation and the tax burden, accentuating social inequality and weakening the entire socio-economic structure. Crisis further exacerbated by the continuing depredations of Germanic tribes, the so-called barbarian invasions, the point to be taken obvious cultural connotations. Rome, in short, was no longer able to maintain such a vast empire, because he had racked up an increasingly large number of enemies.

Just that, according to Johnson, is taking place in America: the capitalist model declining, a crisis is not only economic, but social, cultural, migration and environmental, now unsolvable with the old policy remedies, internal social tensions and, overseas, the threat of terrorism.

It is said to predict the future must look to the past ... given the premises, what should we expect?


Impero Romano e Stati Uniti: diverse forme di supremazia - dailySTORM

Post Scriptum:

The Americans sin of presumption and arrogance, you can not say the same thing of my antenai, to which today's Americans are very much !!

Canis dormiens nunquam titillandus..
There are similarities and there are differences.

One of the major differences is that the USA has never looted other countries like the USSR did. The Romans did this too.

Among the similarities is American armies far flung all across the globe.

This is why it was a good thing that BHO brought home most American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan -- not every one as promised but most of them.

The Romans didn't destroy they took control, same way as we take control, not by moving there but by military bases.

That is something Trump said that sounded scary, "we should of kept the oil in Iraq". Now we have global companies, like Exxon.
You have shares in Exxon? Lucky you.
The US are Europeans now, the extension of the Holy Roman Empire, so we are the Roman Empire, aka,
The United States was founded by immigrants from Europe and their progeny. Americans have managed to make their own country distinct from Europe, however. It is a mistake to use the word "Caucasians" as modern America includes the native Americans, the descendants of Black slaves and Mexican Americans who belonged to the massive land grab during the Mexican-American War of 1847 which brought-in many Mexican citizens at the time. European immigrants also included many peoples whose ancestors were not in the Roman Empire and would not identify as Caucasians although some Americans might do so in a lazy fashion; Scots and Irish are Celts and were never Romans, neither were the Nordic people of Germany, Scandinavia, and Slavs from Eastern Europe and Russia who would not accept being called Caucasians except those from southern Russia in the area of the Caucasus Mountains.

In the US last I checked, Germans and then Irish were the largest nationalities but that will change, they are considered causation. Of course the US is multicolored now. The white man is still in charge, which is why they could not stand to have a black Potus. Plus white skin can turn brown and brown white, we are intermarried now.

It goes back to German anthropologist Friedrich Blumenbach. In his work in the late 1700s and early 1800s, Blumenbach divided Homo sapiens into five distinct races based on their physical characteristics. There was the Mongolian, or “yellow,” race, the red American race, the brown Malayan race, the black Ethiopian race, and the white Caucasian race.

Why Are White People Called Caucasian?
Take power, to maintain control over different countries, export and impose its own cultural model and development: in short, build an empire. always using the usual recipe, changing only some ingredients. Recalling that every age has a beginning and an end.

Some experts argue that the historical events tend to recur frequently in the same way.

If two thousand years ago much of the known world was under the rule of a single power, the Roman Empire, today more and more countries find themselves colonized by a single economic and cultural model, that of the US. History repeats itself? With the necessary clarifications.

In fact, both Roman imperialism That the American Considered are, in part, Consequences of war so devastating That it completely changed the geo-political situation in European and global.

In the first case it is the Second Punic War, fought between 218 and 202 BC from Rome and Carthage. Many historians of the time, even Latin, as Sallustio, felt that in that occasion Carthage lost its hegemony, and Rome morality and sense of justice, as it was then, the ancients mores.

It was the Second World War, however, to determine definitively the US hegemony over all other countries.

Chalmers Johnson, American historian, published in 2007 a trilogy of books that examine the development and consequences of the American Empire ( "Blowback", "The Sorrows of Empire" and "Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic"). In these writings it supports the argument that the only difference between the "traditional empires," as the English one, and "the US" empire is that the former were based on the colonies, a more direct system of supremacy, and the second on development of a huge system of military bases around the world to cover its own strategic interests, since the time of the second global conflict. A condition that lasts to this day, more or less indirectly influencing the politics and culture of almost all countries of the world.

The Roman Empire expanded later with real wars of conquest, the US with a thin web of influences: "liberating" people from dictatorships, as happened in Italy after the war, imposed their economic model, political and cultural, only one for all.

The Roman Empire fell in 476 A.D. for an economic crisis that had caused a strong increase in inflation and the tax burden, accentuating social inequality and weakening the entire socio-economic structure. Crisis further exacerbated by the continuing depredations of Germanic tribes, the so-called barbarian invasions, the point to be taken obvious cultural connotations. Rome, in short, was no longer able to maintain such a vast empire, because he had racked up an increasingly large number of enemies.

Just that, according to Johnson, is taking place in America: the capitalist model declining, a crisis is not only economic, but social, cultural, migration and environmental, now unsolvable with the old policy remedies, internal social tensions and, overseas, the threat of terrorism.

It is said to predict the future must look to the past ... given the premises, what should we expect?


Impero Romano e Stati Uniti: diverse forme di supremazia - dailySTORM

Post Scriptum:

The Americans sin of presumption and arrogance, you can not say the same thing of my antenai, to which today's Americans are very much !!

Canis dormiens nunquam titillandus..
There are similarities and there are differences.

One of the major differences is that the USA has never looted other countries like the USSR did. The Romans did this too.

Among the similarities is American armies far flung all across the globe.

This is why it was a good thing that BHO brought home most American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan -- not every one as promised but most of them.

The Romans didn't destroy they took control, same way as we take control, not by moving there but by military bases.

That is something Trump said that sounded scary, "we should of kept the oil in Iraq". Now we have global companies, like Exxon.
You have shares in Exxon? Lucky you.

No probably should though. Every country that seems to nationalize their oil seems to go down due to the corporate companies who want it.
The US are Europeans now, the extension of the Holy Roman Empire, so we are the Roman Empire, aka,
The United States was founded by immigrants from Europe and their progeny. Americans have managed to make their own country distinct from Europe, however. It is a mistake to use the word "Caucasians" as modern America includes the native Americans, the descendants of Black slaves and Mexican Americans who belonged to the massive land grab during the Mexican-American War of 1847 which brought-in many Mexican citizens at the time. European immigrants also included many peoples whose ancestors were not in the Roman Empire and would not identify as Caucasians although some Americans might do so in a lazy fashion; Scots and Irish are Celts and were never Romans, neither were the Nordic people of Germany, Scandinavia, and Slavs from Eastern Europe and Russia who would not accept being called Caucasians except those from southern Russia in the area of the Caucasus Mountains.

In the US last I checked, Germans and then Irish were the largest nationalities but that will change, they are considered causation. Of course the US is multicolored now. The white man is still in charge, which is why they could not stand to have a black Potus. Plus white skin can turn brown and brown white, we are intermarried now.

It goes back to German anthropologist Friedrich Blumenbach. In his work in the late 1700s and early 1800s, Blumenbach divided Homo sapiens into five distinct races based on their physical characteristics. There was the Mongolian, or “yellow,” race, the red American race, the brown Malayan race, the black Ethiopian race, and the white Caucasian race.

Why Are White People Called Caucasian?
Although Americans do use Caucasian as a synonym for White based on Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, you will never hear the term used in Europe nowadays except strictly for those from the Caucasus and even they would normally be termed Russian.
The US are Europeans now, the extension of the Holy Roman Empire, so we are the Roman Empire, aka,
The United States was founded by immigrants from Europe and their progeny. Americans have managed to make their own country distinct from Europe, however. It is a mistake to use the word "Caucasians" as modern America includes the native Americans, the descendants of Black slaves and Mexican Americans who belonged to the massive land grab during the Mexican-American War of 1847 which brought-in many Mexican citizens at the time. European immigrants also included many peoples whose ancestors were not in the Roman Empire and would not identify as Caucasians although some Americans might do so in a lazy fashion; Scots and Irish are Celts and were never Romans, neither were the Nordic people of Germany, Scandinavia, and Slavs from Eastern Europe and Russia who would not accept being called Caucasians except those from southern Russia in the area of the Caucasus Mountains.

In the US last I checked, Germans and then Irish were the largest nationalities but that will change, they are considered causation. Of course the US is multicolored now. The white man is still in charge, which is why they could not stand to have a black Potus. Plus white skin can turn brown and brown white, we are intermarried now.

It goes back to German anthropologist Friedrich Blumenbach. In his work in the late 1700s and early 1800s, Blumenbach divided Homo sapiens into five distinct races based on their physical characteristics. There was the Mongolian, or “yellow,” race, the red American race, the brown Malayan race, the black Ethiopian race, and the white Caucasian race.

Why Are White People Called Caucasian?
Although Americans do use Caucasian as a synonym for White based on Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, you will never hear the term used in Europe nowadays except strictly for those from the Caucasus and even they would normally be termed Russian.

Yes Russians are considered Caucasians, but in the US we use to have race as Caucasian and still do sometimes. We are so Roman, Statue of Liberty , Roman Goddess Liberates, Medial of Honor, Minerva.

Do you think the original Hebrews were black or Caucasian?
The US are Europeans now, the extension of the Holy Roman Empire, so we are the Roman Empire, aka,
The United States was founded by immigrants from Europe and their progeny. Americans have managed to make their own country distinct from Europe, however. It is a mistake to use the word "Caucasians" as modern America includes the native Americans, the descendants of Black slaves and Mexican Americans who belonged to the massive land grab during the Mexican-American War of 1847 which brought-in many Mexican citizens at the time. European immigrants also included many peoples whose ancestors were not in the Roman Empire and would not identify as Caucasians although some Americans might do so in a lazy fashion; Scots and Irish are Celts and were never Romans, neither were the Nordic people of Germany, Scandinavia, and Slavs from Eastern Europe and Russia who would not accept being called Caucasians except those from southern Russia in the area of the Caucasus Mountains.

In the US last I checked, Germans and then Irish were the largest nationalities but that will change, they are considered causation. Of course the US is multicolored now. The white man is still in charge, which is why they could not stand to have a black Potus. Plus white skin can turn brown and brown white, we are intermarried now.

It goes back to German anthropologist Friedrich Blumenbach. In his work in the late 1700s and early 1800s, Blumenbach divided Homo sapiens into five distinct races based on their physical characteristics. There was the Mongolian, or “yellow,” race, the red American race, the brown Malayan race, the black Ethiopian race, and the white Caucasian race.

Why Are White People Called Caucasian?
Although Americans do use Caucasian as a synonym for White based on Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, you will never hear the term used in Europe nowadays except strictly for those from the Caucasus and even they would normally be termed Russian.

Yes Russians are considered Caucasians, but in the US we use to have race as Caucasian and still do sometimes. We are so Roman, Statue of Liberty , Roman Goddess Liberates, Medial of Honor, Minerva.

Do you think the original Hebrews were black or Caucasian?
I do not accept the term Caucasian to mean White people who fall into several categories such as Mediterranean, Alpine, Nordic, Slav, and Celtic. Each of these have sub-categories, e.g. Celts comprise Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Cornish, Bretons, and Galicians.

The original Hebrews must have been Semites.
The US are Europeans now, the extension of the Holy Roman Empire, so we are the Roman Empire, aka,
The United States was founded by immigrants from Europe and their progeny. Americans have managed to make their own country distinct from Europe, however. It is a mistake to use the word "Caucasians" as modern America includes the native Americans, the descendants of Black slaves and Mexican Americans who belonged to the massive land grab during the Mexican-American War of 1847 which brought-in many Mexican citizens at the time. European immigrants also included many peoples whose ancestors were not in the Roman Empire and would not identify as Caucasians although some Americans might do so in a lazy fashion; Scots and Irish are Celts and were never Romans, neither were the Nordic people of Germany, Scandinavia, and Slavs from Eastern Europe and Russia who would not accept being called Caucasians except those from southern Russia in the area of the Caucasus Mountains.

In the US last I checked, Germans and then Irish were the largest nationalities but that will change, they are considered causation. Of course the US is multicolored now. The white man is still in charge, which is why they could not stand to have a black Potus. Plus white skin can turn brown and brown white, we are intermarried now.

It goes back to German anthropologist Friedrich Blumenbach. In his work in the late 1700s and early 1800s, Blumenbach divided Homo sapiens into five distinct races based on their physical characteristics. There was the Mongolian, or “yellow,” race, the red American race, the brown Malayan race, the black Ethiopian race, and the white Caucasian race.

Why Are White People Called Caucasian?
Although Americans do use Caucasian as a synonym for White based on Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, you will never hear the term used in Europe nowadays except strictly for those from the Caucasus and even they would normally be termed Russian.

Yes Russians are considered Caucasians, but in the US we use to have race as Caucasian and still do sometimes. We are so Roman, Statue of Liberty , Roman Goddess Liberates, Medial of Honor, Minerva.

Do you think the original Hebrews were black or Caucasian?
I do not accept the term Caucasian to mean White people who fall into several categories such as Mediterranean, Alpine, Nordic, Slav, and Celtic. Each of these have sub-categories, e.g. Celts comprise Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Cornish, Bretons, and Galicians.

The original Hebrews must have been Semites.

So Arabs, dark skinned, Ethiopians. Right up till they intermarried. There are few races, and most say only one. So they went by skin color.

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