Simone Biles

People like Biles, the Williams Sisters, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, the Marsalis Brothers and others achieve feats the average person can barely imagine. In my musical endeavors, I can play my bass well, but am I a Jaco Pastorius or Victor Wooten? Hardly, but everyone I listed, and many more, have elevated their respective fields greatly. The PGA, for example, had Jack Nicklaus as it's standardbearer for many years before Tiger came on the scene and elevated the game of golf to a new level. Now players are reaching that level.
Well the guy you just responded to is just as scummy as you are... Had you read the second line you what have seen that... But I like watching the cockroaches fight each other once in a while. Messy business cleaning up your messes
Ahhh scum....wha? Rubic, bro!
I fight no one. I am a lover...of justice...not like Unkotare...with his man on man anal stuff.
Look Emily, Ima keep it real gf. This chick didn't have the spins when she was winning all of those gold medals before. A very dependable poster on this site has posited that this pygmy coward, Ms. Biles has instead bowed to the evil wishes of the black mafia...BLM.
Considering the actions of MANY of our female 'Olympians' regarding BLM, I find this to be MUCH more likely than, the twisties, or whatever it is called.
I will simply tell you, as I have told the others. Stop making excuses for cowardice. She is a coward, and a turncoat, rat....pygmy.
Dear Gabe Lackmann
So if I twist at work and lift a box wrong,
I can't really have injured myself since I lifted the same boxes for 8 years without incident?

Biles lost her orientation during that spin where she botched the landing because of it. Yes, that had NOT happened like that in competitions before.

Sometimes you can jump back in.
Other gymnasts reported not recovering for weeks or months.

If any "woke" politics jumped on this, it was to exploit Biles and BAIT people into saying things to incite more BLAME.

That wasn't coming from Biles whose concern was to keep the team going forward.

Don't take the hate bait.
The "woke" crowd is looking to paint people bad, so don't give them that.

I think the media bias was set up to entrap people.
But if you look at how Biles interacted with the other gymnasts, she was keeping it positive for them. She is no victim of race.

But the very people who benefit from making everything about race, would gladly make garbage out of this story, to trigger bad sounding comments just to namecall and hate bait.

I agree with you the whole victim mentality is crippling and abusive.

It wasn't coming from Biles, but the politicized interests and media who seek to exploit this for political points, and blame this on other people speaking out like you for personal benefit and convenience.

Let's not play that game!
Dear Gabe Lackmann
So if I twist at work and lift a box wrong,
I can't really have injured myself since I lifted the same boxes for 8 years without incident?

Biles lost her orientation during that spin where she botched the landing because of it. Yes, that had NOT happened like that in competitions before.

Sometimes you can jump back in.
Other gymnasts reported not recovering for weeks or months.

If any "woke" politics jumped on this, it was to exploit Biles and BAIT people into saying things to incite more BLAME.

That wasn't coming from Biles whose concern was to keep the team going forward.

Don't take the hate bait.
The "woke" crowd is looking to paint people bad, so don't give them that.

I think the media bias was set up to entrap people.
But if you look at how Biles interacted with the other gymnasts, she was keeping it positive for them. She is no victim of race.

But the very people who benefit from making everything about race, would gladly make garbage out of this story, to trigger bad sounding comments just to namecall and hate bait.

I agree with you the whole victim mentality is crippling and abusive.

It wasn't coming from Biles, but the politicized interests and media who seek to exploit this for political points, and blame this on other people speaking out like you for personal benefit and convenience.

Let's not play that game!
Emily, Biles is full of shit. The real truth will emerge after a couple months regarding BLM threats.

Finally, Slade has a super crush on you. IDK what that is all about but I am sorry if I came off as mean, cause according to him.

"Oh Emily is sooo wonderful"

"She is more important that your whole family will ever be"

"She is so smart, I bet she is smarter than Einstein"

Or something like that. I see your point though.

Thank you Emily.
She's got more guts in her little finger than you do in your entire body. You calling others "coward" is a reflection of you and only you.
Dear Slade3200
The point I would agree with Gabe Lackmann is NOT letting BLM/woke exploiters turn this into a racist slamfest.
Biles does not benefit from that.
That is coming from others seeking to benefit.
Dear Slade3200
The point I would agree with Gabe Lackmann is NOT letting BLM/woke exploiters turn this into a racist slamfest.
Biles does not benefit from that.
That is coming from others seeking to benefit.
Isn't Gabe doing exactly that? Exploiting the situation, mischaracterizing the situation, lying about the situation, and making assumptions about the situation to exploit it into something he can whine and wine about? Its troll bait and the trolls are eating it up. Its an alternative reality.
Emily, Biles is full of shit. The real truth will emerge after a couple months regarding BLM threats.

Finally, Slade has a super crush on you. IDK what that is all about but I am sorry if I came off as mean, cause according to him.

"Oh Emily is sooo wonderful"

"She is more important that your whole family will ever be"

"She is so smart, I bet she is smarter than Einstein"

Or something like that. I see your point though.

Thank you Emily.
Dear Gabe Lackmann
I have as many progressive friends who have jumped on me like their enemy for defending rights of Christians and LGBT equally to exercise and express their own beliefs about orientation and gender.

I actually started getting positive feedback from Conservatives on here after arguing with fellow Democrats and liberals that the ACA mandates are unconstitutional.

If anyone likes my ideas, there are as many of my posts they will hate.

The common factor I do hold to is to try to align and include each person, based on points and principles we do agree on. And try to use that common connection to address the problem areas where we conflict.

But it still is just as difficult to navigate where we disagree, as sometimes we just cannot help the fact our minds or brains see things differently and cannot change.

I am glad to be able to build longer term understanding with diverse even conflicting thinkers on this forum.

If you lean Conservative you will find more people on here to back you
who lean the same way!

As for me trying to communicate with fellow Democrats, still working on that....
Isn't Gabe doing exactly that? Exploiting the situation, mischaracterizing the situation, lying about the situation, and making assumptions about the situation to exploit it into something he can whine and wine about? Its troll bait and the trolls are eating it up. Its an alternative reality.
Yeah, that's why I'm saying
don't go there. It becomes as helpful
as flailing in quicksand designed to make you sink faster. No thanks!
Dear Gabe Lackmann
So if I twist at work and lift a box wrong,
I can't really have injured myself since I lifted the same boxes for 8 years without incident?

Biles lost her orientation during that spin where she botched the landing because of it. Yes, that had NOT happened like that in competitions before.

Sometimes you can jump back in.
Other gymnasts reported not recovering for weeks or months.

If any "woke" politics jumped on this, it was to exploit Biles and BAIT people into saying things to incite more BLAME.

That wasn't coming from Biles whose concern was to keep the team going forward.

Don't take the hate bait.
The "woke" crowd is looking to paint people bad, so don't give them that.

I think the media bias was set up to entrap people.
But if you look at how Biles interacted with the other gymnasts, she was keeping it positive for them. She is no victim of race.

But the very people who benefit from making everything about race, would gladly make garbage out of this story, to trigger bad sounding comments just to namecall and hate bait.

I agree with you the whole victim mentality is crippling and abusive.

It wasn't coming from Biles, but the politicized interests and media who seek to exploit this for political points, and blame this on other people speaking out like you for personal benefit and convenience.

Let's not play that game!
Try as you can't save your asshole right wing buddies.

They are who they are
When the media spends more time talking about her than the actual achievements of the others something is drastically wrong. The Olympics and coverage of them isn't supposed to be a therapy session. It is to celebrate the achievements of those who perform at their peak.
Covering her withdrawal is one thing. Exalting it is another entirely.
She went to compete. That was her only goal. For reasons only she knows she failed in achieving her goal.
Cover it and move on to those more deserving of the limelight
Dear Grampa Murked U
Thanks for bringing all this up.
Yes I totally agree with your key point that if the liberal media didn't try to make a heroic statement over mental health using her, this would not have created the backlash objecting to that HYPE.

In general, politicizing issues keeps following this pattern of setting both sides up to FAIL, to attack each other by presenting stories in the most controversial way to hype more publicity, click bait and race/hate baiting.

I wish we'd all get together and agree not to feed the political hate machine.

We can use the media to promote the POSITIVES, like you point out, the Achievements not the failures.

As for Biles, she did push for herself which broke tradition in the past. Too many younger gymnasts, and other athletes, were pressured by their Countries and Coaches to force themselves beyond safe limits.

The point where Simone failed in competition was "getting lost in the air".

The rest was coming to terms with what happened, where she was, and how to manage this change of plans with her teammates and then how this would be reported to the public watching.

Yes, the politics botched up the reporting on this.

I totally agree it should never have been politicized by race. And not biased so badly that it detracted focus and credit from others.

Whatever bad faith, will or comments this incident was used to stir, I hope that the positive things that came out of the ensuing discussions make up for the negative. Thanks again for always posting your honest transparent thoughts without apology.

Biles seems to let her positive energy and strengths drive her, not the negatives, so let's all encourage people to do the same and drop the negativity and "celebration of victimhood" we know is not the real story here....
I'm glad she didn't end up paralyzed.

In fact, she's smart if she withdrew because she lost her nerve and thought she would hurt herself.

I certainly wouldn't want to perform the stunts she's known for.

But its still not a heroic decision. No more than if the Flying Freaking Wallendas withdrew from a performance.

Interesting yet inadvertent point. It is argued that the ADHD drugs they had her on aren't "performance enhancing," yet if they are what gave her steel nerves, they very much ARE performance enhancing drugs.

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