Simple fact about Afghanistan.

Not Americans. But, I understand you libs love to put them last.
Wtf? You are saying there were no Americans leaving out of afghanistan in that last 10 days among many thousands leaving?

Lets see your source for this claim, becasue I suspect it's straight out of your fantasies.
of course he wanted to withdraw…who didn’t?

that’s not the issue…and either you are too dumb or simply to blindly partisan to your cult to grasp it

Ohhhh, I see, "not the issue"

Well let me ask you - Trump ran on getting all troops out of Aghanistan - did he?
And I suppose there was nothing either the Obama administration (that included Biden) nor this administration could have done better eh?

What a weak ass position.
about six years ago, Obama ended combat operations there, but continue to keep commitment to the afghan people. The afghan people provided resources and time to take care of themselves. That time given has shown that taliban rule is their path.
Had Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, had 13 soldiers been killed in an explosion outside of Kabul airport, a lot of people on the right would be saying it was the right thing to do. They're be pointing out the number of deaths, the lack of success, the inability of the Afghanis to fight for their own country.

A lot of Democrats would be criticizing them for leaving a US ally, they'd be saying they were giving it for China and so on.

But since it's Biden, the Republicans are attacking Biden, attacking leaving Afghanistan while the Democrats are defending.

The question, how is this healthy for the US? How can a country progress when politics is constantly surrounded by this total nonsense?
Oddly, it the left complained Trump ended a war they'd be a cognitively dissonant as the Trumpanzees are now.

Imo it goes back to Russiagate. Trump largely brought it on himself, by asking Putin to intervene in our election, and sending his not so bright kids to meet with a russian spy, and a campaign manager illegally lobbying for russia, and Flynn, and Trump's biz ties to Russia. Trump simply has an inability to stop doing shit presidents aren't supposed to do. Think Hunter's got some baggage? LOL But Trump could have just dropped it, but Trump can't drop anything. Everything is a personal attack on his enormous but so fragile ego. Fragile egos and politics don't mix. We're seeing some of that with Biden now. He's never been a communicator and he's got a temper.

But there's no doubt some people at DOJ tried to hound Trump out of office because ... he's Trump. Regardless of Putin. And some Hillary supporters never got over it, even though Jill Stein did it.

And Trump's ginormouse and fragile ego requires him to complain "it was stolen from me."

So we have two camps both convinced the other side illegitimately took the WH. And that makes both camps more or less irrational. Because there was no stealing any election in 16 or 20.

And really no one in America gives a fuck about the soldiers and marines except their families.
Wtf? You are saying there were no Americans leaving out of afghanistan in that last 10 days among many thousands leaving?

Lets see your source for this claim, becasue I suspect it's straight out of your fantasies.
I can't help your reading comprehension problems
And I suppose there was nothing either the Obama administration (that included Biden) nor this administration could have done better eh?

What a weak ass position.
Next to Bush 43, Obama (not Biden) bears more responsibility for the general failed Nation Building exercise than either Trump or Biden.
I can't help your reading comprehension problems

Well you let me know what your "reading comprehension problems" are:

The enormous evacuation operation, unfolding after the unexpectedly rapid collapse of the Afghan government, airlifted some 123,000 people out of the country in the last two months, including about 6,000 Americans.

A military official said that every American who wanted to leave and could get to the airport was taken out. But a number of Americans, thought to be fewer than 300, remain, either by choice or because they were unable to reach the airport.

If Trump had been re-elected and this withdrawal and the 13 dead soldiers happened on his watch the Democrats in Congress, the media and on this board would be trashing him non stop over it. Hell with Pelosi and Schumer in control of the House and Senate they would probably have tried to impeach him again. The blind partisan on the left are no better than those on the right.
If Trump had been re-elected and this withdrawal and the 13 dead soldiers happened on his watch the Democrats in Congress, the media and on this board would be trashing him non stop over it.
1. Prove it.

2. You seem to be implicitly admitting that blaming Biden for the scuicide attack is wrong.
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Had Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, had 13 soldiers been killed in an explosion outside of Kabul airport, a lot of people on the right would be saying it was the right thing to do. They're be pointing out the number of deaths, the lack of success, the inability of the Afghanis to fight for their own country.

A lot of Democrats would be criticizing them for leaving a US ally, they'd be saying they were giving it for China and so on.

But since it's Biden, the Republicans are attacking Biden, attacking leaving Afghanistan while the Democrats are defending.

The question, how is this healthy for the US? How can a country progress when politics is constantly surrounded by this total nonsense?
It’s not healthy at all. Partisans have the elusion of sense of community of likeminded people, but it’s only true to an extent. Mainly everything is an excuse to finger point. It’s really stupid
Ohhhh, I see, "not the issue"

Well let me ask you - Trump ran on getting all troops out of Aghanistan - did he?
of course not…he came close but wasn’t going to allow the terrorist to retake the country like xiden did

He put the safety of americans, and the world ahead of some poltical stunt…xiden obviously couldn’t and we have this disaster, chaos and death
Had Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, had 13 soldiers been killed in an explosion outside of Kabul airport, a lot of people on the right would be saying it was the right thing to do. They're be pointing out the number of deaths, the lack of success, the inability of the Afghanis to fight for their own country.

A lot of Democrats would be criticizing them for leaving a US ally, they'd be saying they were giving it for China and so on.

But since it's Biden, the Republicans are attacking Biden, attacking leaving Afghanistan while the Democrats are defending.

The question, how is this healthy for the US? How can a country progress when politics is constantly surrounded by this total nonsense?

Trump would have withdrew from Afghanistan in a competent professional manner and our country would not have been disgraced in front of the world and those 11 Marines, one Sailor and one Soldier would be alive today.
of course not…he came close but wasn’t going to allow the terrorist to retake the country like xiden did
Wasn't going to allow??? are actually saying, with a straight face that a guy who arranged Taliban founder out of the prison and negotiated American withdrawal directly with Taliban, without Afghan government...a guy who day in and out was beating his chest about how HE, not Biden, got us out...would not allow something?

you are seriously fucking nuts.

You rightwingers can try all you want, but you can't re-write history.

I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.”

- Trump July 15th 2021.
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1. Prove it.

2. You seem to be implicitly admitting that blaming Biden the scuicide attack is wrong.
The proof is the behavior of the media , Democrats in Congress and many of the left on this board towards Trump for his entire Presidency.
I blame the suicide bombers for the attacks I hold Biden responsible for creating the conditions that let them pull it off. if he had kept Bagram airbase open run the withdrawal through it instead of Kabul it would not have happened in my opinion. There is no way to know this for sure but it is fair to believe the security at Bagram would have been tighter than it was at Kabul.
The fact is, just like Eisenhower did in Vietnam, G.W. Bush screwed the pooch early on in Afghanistan.

They both failed to win and left an unwinnable mess for the rest of the Presidents.

The REAL winners in both cases were the military contractors.

Now that these contractors have been denied the Afghan market, anyone want to venture a guess how they'll get us into the next war?
Wasn't going to allow??? are actually saying, with a straight face that a guy who arranged Taliban founder out of the prison and negotiated American withdrawal directly with Taliban, without Afghan government...a guy who day in and out was beating his chest about how HE, not Biden, got us out...would not allow something?

you are seriously fucking nuts.

You rightwingers can try all you want, but you can't re-write history.

Biden and Obama released the leader of the Talian

Yes wasn’t going to allow

Yes he was willing to talk with them to try and bring about a peaceful resolution…one that didn’t involve taking over Afghanistan

it’s really not that hard a concept to understand

Xiden simply surrendered…granted he hoped the intel was wrong that he ignored, and that he would be able to make some gains with with his poltical stunt…i’ll give you that…
Next to Bush 43, Obama (not Biden) bears more responsibility for the general failed Nation Building exercise than either Trump or Biden.
And I don't understand why he did it anymore now than then. This is the first President (since the second Adams) who was raised partially abroad. And he's a muslim!
Biden and Obama released the leader of the Talian

Yes wasn’t going to allow

Yes he was willing to talk with them to try and bring about a peaceful resolution…one that didn’t involve taking over Afghanistan

it’s really not that hard a concept to understand

Xiden simply surrendered…granted he hoped the intel was wrong that he ignored, and that he would be able to make some gains with with his poltical stunt…i’ll give you that…
Trump did you idiot. There's a pic of him and Pompano. LOL

But it doesn't matter. The war needed to end ... hundreds of lives ago.
Biden and Obama released the leader of the Talian
Why do you spread these stupid lies?

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was released out of Pakistan prison in 2018 at American request and he then negotiated with Trump administration the withdrawal. Trump directly spoke with Baradar during the negotiations.


A February 2020 agreement between the Taliban and the Trump administration called for the release of 5,000 Taliban members who were in Afghan prisons. Afghanistan’s government has said that the 5,000 Taliban prisoners were released. A Congressional Research Service report said the release was completed in September 2020.

You are denying basic facts and are making a total fool of yourself.
Trump did you idiot. There's a pic of him and Pompano. LOL

But it doesn't matter. The war needed to end ... hundreds of lives ago.
no he was released during obama xiden regime, part of the Gitno Five

Yes the SOS during the trump admin was forced to deal with him BECAUSE he was already released!

haha and the war isn’t over, the terrorist are simply going to be world wide again thanks to Taliban Joe Xiden

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