Simple fact about Afghanistan.

frigidweirdo bullshit----wrong----Mr Trump did NOT fk it up like Bidumb did....just your OPINION
...Bidumb is destroying the US---HONORING criminals/open border/cutting oil/etc
correct it didn’t happen…wasn’t going to happen when the Taliban wasn’t meeting it conditions

Country and safely of the world before some cheap poltical stunt…

Pure bullshit, go read what Trump all the way up to withdrawal.

He didn't give a shit about conditions, all he gave a shit is getting credit for withdrawal because he thought it was a political winner.

Just listen to him before withdrawal:

"I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.” - Trump, 1 month ago

Not once anywhere does he talk about any conditions. All he had to say was how we should get out asap and how it was him that made it happen.

Also, If Trump gave any shit about the country he would not be lying about having lost the election, he would do what all true patriots did before him - CONCEED THE LOSS and try to bring the country together by gracefully congradulating the new POTUS.
Er... I wasn't commenting on the administration. Try reading it.
Oh, I read it. And, it read as just another excuse making, finger pointing, liberal talking points blather.

You liberals are quick to label Republicans as FNC led "cultists ", while refusing to acknowledge your own zombie like regurgitating of CNN/NYTimes talking points...

Biden came out yesterday and sadly tried to spin this as some kind of success. While at the same time points to the previous administration for the catastrophe we see on our TV daily, and saying the buck stops with Him? What a joke.
Pure bullshit, go read what Trump all the way up to withdrawal.

He didn't give a shit about conditions, all he gave a shit is getting credit for withdrawal because he thought it was a political winner.

Just listen to him before withdrawal:

"I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.” - Trump, 1 month ago

Not once anywhere does he talk about any conditions. All he had to say was how we should get out asap and how it was him that made it happen.

Also, If Trump gave any shit about the country he would not be lying about having lost the election, he would do what all true patriots did before him - CONCEED THE LOSS and try to bring the country together by gracefully congradulating the new POTUS.
Well, as you libs are quick to point out, Trump isn't the POTUS...Biden is. History will record this as Biden's debacle, and rightfully so.
Pure bullshit, go read what Trump all the way up to withdrawal.

He didn't give a shit about conditions, all he gave a shit is getting credit for withdrawal because he thought it was a political winner.

Just listen to him before withdrawal:

"I started the process, all the troops are coming home, they (Biden) couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. They (Biden) couldn’t stop the process, they (Biden) wanted to but couldn’t stop the process.” - Trump, 1 month ago

Not once anywhere does he talk about any conditions. All he had to say was how we should get out asap and how it was him that made it happen.

Also, If Trump gave any shit about the country he would not be lying about having lost the election, he would do what all true patriots did before him - CONCEED THE LOSS and try to bring the country together by gracefully congradulating the new POTUS.
oh you mean when he wasn’t President and didn’t have the intel that xiden had and was lying about?

geez you clowns are dumb
Well, as you libs are quick to point out, Trump isn't the POTUS...Biden is. History will record this as Biden's debacle, and rightfully so.

History will show that two consecutive Republican Administrations dumped the withdrawals of both Bush wars of occupation in the ME on incoming Democrat Administrations.

Compare Bushes Bug Out Plan in Iraq to Trumps Surrender to the Taliban Plan.
oh you mean when he wasn’t President and didn’t have the intel that xiden had and was lying about?

geez you clowns are dumb

Don't give me that bullshit. Having concern for withdrawal conditionality has NOTHING to do with having up-to-date secret intel. Trump had NONE of those concerns PERIOD.

Trump ran for office on withrawing from Afghanistan. He was the president for 4 fucking years, setup the withdrawal framework and still didn't get it done because he was too chicken shit to pull the trigger before election and too busy lying to Americans about election afterwards.

We now have a president who stopped kicking the can down the road, stepped up and finished the job.

You are welcome.
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Well, as you libs are quick to point out, Trump isn't the POTUS...Biden is. History will record this as Biden's debacle, and rightfully so.
Thats right, Biden is the president who brought the troops home, while Trump spends his time beating his chest and spreading fantasies for fools like you that if only it was him evertyhig would go down hunky dory in Afghanistan.
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History will show that two consecutive Republican Administrations dumped the withdrawals of both Bush wars of occupation in the ME on incoming Democrat Administrations.

Compare Bushes Bug Out Plan in Iraq to Trumps Surrender to the Taliban Plan.
And I suppose there was nothing either the Obama administration (that included Biden) nor this administration could have done better eh?

What a weak ass position.
Thats right, Biden is the president who brought the troops home, while Trump spends his time beating his chest and spreading fantasies for fools like you that if only it was him evertyhig would go down hunky dory in Afghanistan.

Yep, brought the troops home, while telling civilian Americans, "tough luck suckers, fend for yourselves", and leaving behind billions in advanced equipment, making the Taliban the 38th best armed military in the world.. great.
Yep, brought the troops home, while telling civilian Americans, "tough luck suckers, fend for yourselves"


6000 civilian Americans (what the f were they doing there anyway with imminent withdrawal?) were brought home.

There are 200 or so remaining that Biden has commited to bring home.

Never did Biden say or suggest that they would be fending for themselves.

6000 civilian Americans (what the f were they doing there anyway with imminent withdrawal?) were brought home.

There are 200 or so remaining.
You buy that? I dont.. just 10 days ago the estimate was 11k stranded there.. The math doesn't add up.. But, your talking point is noted.
You buy that? I dont.. just 10 days ago the estimate was 11k stranded there.. The math doesn't add up.. But, your talking point is noted.

10 days ago? There were 10,000 people taken out A DAY, they were mostly afghans, some Americans.

Official number is about 200 American citizens left in Afghanistan that still want to get out, unless there is some serious source to contradict these numbers thats what we should assume is true.
10 days ago? There were 10,000 people taken out A DAY.

Official number is about 200 American citizens left in afghanistan that still want to get out, unless there is some serious source to contradict these numbers thats what we should assume is true.
Not Americans. But, I understand you libs love to put them last.
Don't give me that bullshit. Having concern for withdrawal conditionality has NOTHING to do with having up-to-date secret intel. Trump had NONE of those concerns PERIOD.

Trump ran for office on withrawing from Afghanistan. He was the president for 4 fucking years, setup the withdrawal framework and still didn't get it done because he was too chicken shit to pull the trigger before election and too busy lying to Americans about election afterwards.

We now have a president who stopped kicking the can down the road, stepped up and finished the job.

You are welcome.
of course he wanted to withdraw…who didn’t?

that’s not the issue…and either you are too dumb or simply to blindly partisan to your cult to grasp it

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