Simple fact about Afghanistan.

It can’t keep on going on like this but let be clear all great experiments come to an end and America time is coming to an end.

Seems to be, and people seem to be revelling in the destruction. It seems weird, the UK is doing the same thing. Like people reach a point of advancement and then want to destroy it all to keep themselves happy.
All said and done, I am damn glad he got us out of the pit, we should have been out of 10 years and two presidents ago. Nation Building, Bullsh#t. We suck at it. Only 13 of our troops were killed in the withdrawal during the final two weeks. I have seen more US troops die during a two-week annual training, here in the states. He did it, even though the (useless) Afghani Army surrendered and laid down their weapons while he and our military pulled it off. The Bast#rds could have turned in their weapons and equipment for destruction a month ago, but they showed their true colors before they had to stand up for their country, proving that country certainly not worth further investment of our military lives, material and money.
Thank you, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.! I am damn glad I voted for you, Sir.
Hahaha...yet another fine post from White 6 that proves he definitely was never a military legit Veteran speaks like this...NONE!
No. We followed Osama bin Laden to Afghanistan. And, we should have followed him to the ends of the earth to send him to hell. After we sent him to hell, we should have left.
We just should not have stayed for some lame nation building mission after our actual mission was accomplished.

Then, Biden was right.
You blaming Trump isn't political, it's you being a whiny bitch. Especially when there is failure heaped upon failure in the actual withdrawal that you want ignore.

Your threat to ignore me only confirms you are incapable of entering a conversation that isn't a whiny liberal circle jerk. Bye, hope to never hear from you again.

Oh, insults.

I wasn't threatening. It's a policy of mine. Bye, forever.
Had Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, had 13 soldiers been killed in an explosion outside of Kabul airport, a lot of people on the right would be saying it was the right thing to do. They're be pointing out the number of deaths, the lack of success, the inability of the Afghanis to fight for their own country.

A lot of Democrats would be criticizing them for leaving a US ally, they'd be saying they were giving it for China and so on.

But since it's Biden, the Republicans are attacking Biden, attacking leaving Afghanistan while the Democrats are defending.

The question, how is this healthy for the US? How can a country progress when politics is constantly surrounded by this total nonsense?
Bullshit, Trump would've got the civilians out first. Just because pedo joe screwed the pooch. Anyway after the Kavanaugh fiasco, there is no unity.
Had Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, had 13 soldiers been killed in an explosion outside of Kabul airport, a lot of people on the right would be saying it was the right thing to do. They're be pointing out the number of deaths, the lack of success, the inability of the Afghanis to fight for their own country.

A lot of Democrats would be criticizing them for leaving a US ally, they'd be saying they were giving it for China and so on.

But since it's Biden, the Republicans are attacking Biden, attacking leaving Afghanistan while the Democrats are defending.

The question, how is this healthy for the US? How can a country progress when politics is constantly surrounded by this total nonsense?

We will regret pulling our troops from Afghanistan. Don't be surprised if the winner of the 2024 election realizes this and sends troops in to teach the Taliban a lesson.
oh that’s just silly not everything was “perfect” - though most everything was better then now with xiden and the dems in power

Yep, much better.

Like the time Trump set out to withdraw troops out of Afghanistan...set a date to after his election because he was too chicken shit to do it before, promissed to withdraw by December 2020. It went real well...oh wait no it didn't, Trump got too tied up fucking up the election, lying his shameless ass off about it being stolen, and abusing his office to try to overturn the result.

Oh boy, those Trump days were awesome. :rolleyes-41:
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Hahaha...yet another fine post from White 6 that proves he definitely was never a military legit Veteran speaks like this...NONE!
Wrong Answer. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Just keep those retirement check coming direct deposit to my account. I am using the Dentil through TriCare for Life, again tomorrow.:auiqs.jpg:Thank you very much! :auiqs.jpg:
An ethical military leader does not keep devoting new troops and equipment into a mission that cannot be won and is only being staffed, funded and supplied as a mistake of the leader before him.
If you want a war, using US troops and treasure in Afghanistan, you will just have to go out and find some dumb ass to run on putting troops there with some kind of mission that has a possibility of success. The old "they killed my buddies, so we're staying until we win, no matter how many troops or how much treasure" is not military thinking, PFC. Luckily, the US Army sent me to schools to learn this, learning military tactics and strategies to keep dumb asses like you alive, accomplish missions, and win campaigns, when it is possible. All you can do, once you put on the uniform is follow legal orders and hope the civilian leaders know to listen to those that studied and not waste troops in a bad cause. Afghanistan's own army threw down their weapons and surrendered, and it was their own country.

Tell me Oh Great Strategist, do you think Soviet Union should have stayed in Afghanistan, keeping on expending troops, equipment and money, when they failed to accomplish their mission, showing no probability of success there, too?
"A lot of people on the right would have justified the deaths of 13 Marines" if it happened under Trump? Lefties are not only becoming unhinged but they have become down right offensive, disrespectful and freaking insulting.
Not Biden. He was calling for withdrawal since he became VP. He was overruled by Obama.

Good to know we have such a consistent and intelligent man running things.

Overruled by homO...


Bent over by homO?

HUFFPO says the preference is older white men....

Traitor Joe never had any problem with col Tim osman being "not a priority," but had a good laugh when he saw the plastic head homO was going to dump in the ocean....

Always a HOAX from the community HATE HOAX organizer
Yep, much better.

Like the time Trump set out to withdraw troops out of Afghanistan...set a date to after his election because he was too chicken shit to do it before, promissed to withdraw by December 2020. It went real well...oh wait no it didn't, Trump got too tied up fucking up the election, lying his shameless ass off about it being stolen, and abusing his office to try to overturn the result.

Oh boy, those Trump days were awesome. :rolleyes-41:
correct it didn’t happen…wasn’t going to happen when the Taliban wasn’t meeting it conditions

Country and safely of the world before some cheap poltical stunt…
Had Trump pulled out of Afghanistan, had 13 soldiers been killed in an explosion outside of Kabul airport, a lot of people on the right would be saying it was the right thing to do. They're be pointing out the number of deaths, the lack of success, the inability of the Afghanis to fight for their own country.

A lot of Democrats would be criticizing them for leaving a US ally, they'd be saying they were giving it for China and so on.

But since it's Biden, the Republicans are attacking Biden, attacking leaving Afghanistan while the Democrats are defending.

The question, how is this healthy for the US? How can a country progress when politics is constantly surrounded by this total nonsense?
After the past administration you seriously posted that?
Says the cult kook loser who thinks some rifles and grenade launchers and humvees are "The 2nd most sophisticated military equipment in history."

Just admit it. Like the other Trump cult beta-pervs here, you get an actual sexual thrill from being terrified into wetting yourself. That's why you allow yourself to fall for such stupid things.
Wow, you don’t even know what was left there…

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