Simple Question: Is Romney a RINO?

That is a bullshit lie.

Santorum and Pauls budgets would not grow the debt as they both plan to cut a trillion USD from it each year they are in office.

Why do people like you just make shit up and expect everyone to believe it? Or are you just hoping some people are stupid enough to believe your bullshit?

I have to admit that my response to these statements from both Santorum and Paul is really quite simple. Basically it goes like this... what you say on the campaign trail will more than likely not resemble what you do in office. Why should I believe either one of them?


Now you lie again. You did not say you had no reason to believe them, you said that they submitted budgets that would grow the deficit. So you lied then and now you lie again trying to cover it up.

Lie, lie, and more fucking lies. I am so sick of these astro-turfing whores going around making shit up and clouding the real facts.

Excuse me?

When did I say that they submitted budgets and that the deficit would grow?

I would say that you are lying, but then it appears that you did not read who wrote the post that you quoted. ;)

I made my comment about what you had said. I never made the statements you have claimed were my words. Consider this a neg (without the bite) for putting words in my mouth.


PS It was g5000 with whom you were discussing the budgets and growing deficit not me. I just threw in a off the cuff remark as I read your post.
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If the guy who is full of shit is at least honest about it and you know what to expect; he is. Can you hang your hat on anything Romney has said?

It depends on the issue. Some things, sure, particularly on economic issues. On social issues he has a tendency to waver a bit but not a big deal in my opinion. Look, I think people are forgetting that our political system requires a measure of game playing. The standard strategy is to position yourself as a solid conservative or liberal in order to secure the nomination and then once that is in the books you move back to center to pick up the moderates and the Independents. The way our system is set up, that's just what you have to do so right now he's playing the game like everyone else. Once he secures the nomination some of his positions will soften. You can call that dishonest (and strictly speaking it is I suppose) but that's simply the strategy you have to take. Any other way loses.

Is he full of shit on some things? Well sure. He's a politician and they are all full of shit....without exception. Of the four GOP candidates right now I would say Ron Paul is probably being the most honest and look how he's doing? So, as much as I hate to say that our political system has come to this, it's not so much whether the candidate is full of shit, it's the degree to which they are full of shit. So here's my analysis of our options:

Santorum: 100% full of shit and a flaming moron.

Obama: 100% full of shit and a proven disaster.

Paul: 25% full of shit but fucking dangerous in regard to foreign affairs.

Gingrich: 65% full of shit but good entertainment.

Romney: 60% full of shit but strong on economics and foreign affairs which right now is all I really care about and far less of a risk than anyone else.
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Let me put one of my earlier points into perspective. Consider the following conversation:

Me: I support low taxes.
Conservative: great me too

Me: I oppose raising taxes on the rich
Conservative: damn straight

Me: I support minimal, if any, gun restrictions
Conservative: hallelujah

Me: I support eliminating all but the most vital regulations on business
Conservative: amen, brother

Me: Unionization is currently doing more harm than good for our economy
Conservative: hell yeah

Me: I support a strong military and an aggressive foreign policy
Conservative: God bless our troops

Me: I oppose government funding of Planned Parenthood
Conservative: You are wise my friend

Me: I believe the constitution should be our guiding legal principle and strictly adhered to
Conservative: amen...let me repeat....AMEN!!!

Me: I support a homosexual's constitutional rights and as such I support their right to marry.

Ok...maybe a little hyperbole......but not much.
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Romney's biggest failing is RomneyCare. Entrenching reliability on the government for all your cares and concerns.

He may have SAID this and that about abortion. He may have SAID this or that about taxes. But what he DID about health care "reform" damns him forever.

There is a massive difference between a state program and a federal one. Fairly straightforward logic.

Yes, there is, but the individual mandate to buy health insurance is still a heavy state imposed burden that crosses a previously uncrossed line.

States have been able to compell people to buy car insurance by refusing drivers licenses to those who wont get the insurance. If you really insist on not getting insurance, fine, you dont drive.

But to flat out tell everyone that they are required by law to get health insurance, what is that predicated on? Your right to keep breathing? There is no way out of it, or to avoid it; it gives room for no choice what so ever.

That is the thing you Romnulans have to face; Romney is a state power oriented power monger who has no respect for human rights, human dignity or even the simple truth of anything. He is a wannabe tyrant and I pray he never gets the chance to put his twisted soul in the Oval Office.
Yes, Romney is a RINO, and a closet pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-gun grabbing fascist.

It could be argued that the radical right, social conservatives, and Christian fundamentalists are the ‘RINOs.’

Only iuf you ignore the past FIFTY YEARS of platforms passed by the Republican Party.

No, the neocons are the infiltraters, the guests who came in and took over by guile and deceit, not the Reagan conservatives.
I have to admit that my response to these statements from both Santorum and Paul is really quite simple. Basically it goes like this... what you say on the campaign trail will more than likely not resemble what you do in office. Why should I believe either one of them?


Now you lie again. You did not say you had no reason to believe them, you said that they submitted budgets that would grow the deficit. So you lied then and now you lie again trying to cover it up.

Lie, lie, and more fucking lies. I am so sick of these astro-turfing whores going around making shit up and clouding the real facts.

Excuse me?

When did I say that they submitted budgets and that the deficit would grow?

I would say that you are lying, but then it appears that you did not read who wrote the post that you quoted. ;)

I made my comment about what you had said. I never made the statements you have claimed were my words. Consider this a neg (without the bite) for putting words in my mouth.


PS It was g5000 with whom you were discussing the budgets and growing deficit not me. I just threw in a off the cuff remark as I read your post.

Duh, I am sorry and owe you an apology. Please forgive my honest misreading of what you posted.

I was reading in a rush and blew it.
All the Republicans running are RINO's.

Who else besides Romney has a track record of going against almsot every plank in the GOP platform?

Romney is the only RINO I see running. Where has Santorum or Gingrich opposed the party platform as Romney has by rasing taxes, imposing health insurance on individuals, appointing pro-abortion judges, and restricting gun rights? Where?
Now you lie again. You did not say you had no reason to believe them, you said that they submitted budgets that would grow the deficit. So you lied then and now you lie again trying to cover it up.

Lie, lie, and more fucking lies. I am so sick of these astro-turfing whores going around making shit up and clouding the real facts.

Excuse me?

When did I say that they submitted budgets and that the deficit would grow?

I would say that you are lying, but then it appears that you did not read who wrote the post that you quoted. ;)

I made my comment about what you had said. I never made the statements you have claimed were my words. Consider this a neg (without the bite) for putting words in my mouth.


PS It was g5000 with whom you were discussing the budgets and growing deficit not me. I just threw in a off the cuff remark as I read your post.

Duh, I am sorry and owe you an apology. Please forgive my honest misreading of what you posted.

I was reading in a rush and blew it.

No problem whatsoever. I understood what happened and just wanted to point it out.

For one thing, g5000 didn't make an about face on his posts either.

Have a great day,

While its true that he never met an opinion that he didn't like, he's not very smart and has no real world experience, I think he will do as Grover Norquist said - what he's told.

So, even though he's a RINO, he's also 100% plutocrat. We know he invests in offshore banks and offshore business rather than the United States and that won't change.

I see he squeaked through in Ohio even though he spent more than 4 times more than the Sex Sheriff Santorum. With good reason, voters don't like him. He's a fraud but the rw sheeples will vote for him because that's what they've been told to do.
If he is, why would you vote for him if you're a Republican?

I love that term, RINO. It is used by the right wing batshit crazy nutjobs who currently control the Republican Party for those few moderate Republicans who are left. The rest of them, like me, have left the Grand Old Party.
If the guy who is full of shit is at least honest about it and you know what to expect; he is. Can you hang your hat on anything Romney has said?

It depends on the issue. Some things, sure, particularly on economic issues. On social issues he has a tendency to waver a bit but not a big deal in my opinion. Look, I think people are forgetting that our political system requires a measure of game playing. The standard strategy is to position yourself as a solid conservative or liberal in order to secure the nomination and then once that is in the books you move back to center to pick up the moderates and the Independents. The way our system is set up, that's just what you have to do so right now he's playing the game like everyone else. Once he secures the nomination some of his positions will soften. You can call that dishonest (and strictly speaking it is I suppose) but that's simply the strategy you have to take. Any other way loses.

Is he full of shit on some things? Well sure. He's a politician and they are all full of shit....without exception. Of the four GOP candidates right now I would say Ron Paul is probably being the most honest and look how he's doing? So, as much as I hate to say that our political system has come to this, it's not so much whether the candidate is full of shit, it's the degree to which they are full of shit. So here's my analysis of our options:

Santorum: 100% full of shit and a flaming moron.

Obama: 100% full of shit and a proven disaster.

Paul: 25% full of shit but fucking dangerous in regard to foreign affairs.

Gingrich: 65% full of shit but good entertainment.

Romney: 60% full of shit but strong on economics and foreign affairs which right now is all I really care about and far less of a risk than anyone else.

Too Damn Funny.
Simple question. Simple answer, I don't care as long as he's not obama.
Yeah.....ol' Mittens had quite the....


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