Will you vote for Trump even if he is in jail?

Will you vote for Trump even if he is in jail?

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Corrupt ass New York.

Tell me the exact crime again???

I wasn't going to vote for Trump either way.

If his name is on the ballot I'll use the write-in option for Nikki Haley.

No surprise and No one cares.

The BS lawfare is even pissing off Dems in deep blue states.

You shot yourself in the foot and dont even know it.
So the prosecution wasn’t able to name the underlying crime,

Sure they did. Michael Cohen's conviction of federal campaign finance fraud and laundering the money to reimburse Cohen through his business entity to conceal the repayment.

Funny thing is that if in 2016 Trump had simply taken out a certified check from his personal account and not attempted to conceal it through his business he wouldn't have been convicted of business record falsification as it wouldn't have been concealed in his business entity.

Sure they did. Michael Cohen's conviction of federal campaign finance fraud and laundering the money to reimburse Cohen through his business entity to conceal the repayment.

Funny thing is that if in 2016 Trump had simply taken out a certified check from his personal account and not attempted to conceal it through his business he wouldn't have been convicted of business record falsification as it wouldn't have been concealed in his business entity.

Hide what? An NDA was filed.
Trump was RAILROADED by demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES just like YOU.

Stage 3 can be the hardest to get trough, let it out. Just know we are here to help you work through your issues.

He was charged with the “underlying crime,” which was not identified. The judge just threw out a few possibilities it could be, and told the jury they didn’t have to be unaminous,

Yes it was. Cohen's conviction for federal campaign fraud. The evidence was submitted in court and Cohen's conviction is prima facia evidence that - ahhh - Cohen committed a crime. Then the prosecution showed how Trump laundered the reimbursement through his business entity to conceal the payments for Cohen's crimes.

It's all right there in the evidence and transcripts which are publicly available.

Would you like a link?

Seeing as Trump is a rapist, a felon, an orchestrator of a coup, a tax cheat, a thief of charitable donations, a multiple adulterer, an incompetent buffoon, a bigot, and someone who consorts with criminals........................doesn't he have an incentive to commit more illegal, immoral acts since his supporters love him more each time he does?
View attachment 954680.
Stage 3 can be the hardest to get trough, let it out. Just know we are here to help you work through your issues.

Self-awareness is not a trait that subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies possess as demonstrated above.
It was Trump that got politically convicted yesterday.
You're next.
Good luck with THAT grief.
So tell us: what specifically was the “other crime” he intended to commit for which the jury convicted him,

Cohen's conviction for federal campaign fraud. The evidence was submitted in court and Cohen's conviction is prima facia evidence that - ahhh - Cohen committed a crime. Then the prosecution showed how Trump laundered the reimbursement through his business entity to conceal the payments for Cohen's crimes.

and was the verdict unanimous as required by law?

Yes. The jury unanimously agreed, for all 34 counts Donald J. Trump violated New York State Penal Code Section 175.10.


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