Democrats, who will you put in prison next?

Hard to say who the goose stepping Dem Nazi's will go after next, probably grandmas.
They have to be careful They can't do what they just did too often. I'll guarantee you the supreme Court is taking notes because they know that this case is going to end up before them sometime within the next 18 to 24 months. Too bad it takes that long especially for this kangaroo crap that just happened.
So will democrat politics.
You're not kidding. You can't even pay off a hooker to hide her story from the voters without them going after you now. What is the world coming to?

Hard to say who the goose stepping Dem Nazi's will go after next, probably grandmas.
Could be. They are pretty slow. To be safe tell any grandmas you know that paid off a hooker to hide her story from the voters it would be best if they got ahead of it, lawyered up and copped to a plea.
You're not kidding. You can't even pay off a hooker to hide her story from the voters without them going after you now. What is the world coming to?

Could be. They are pretty slow. To be safe tell any grandmas you know that paid off a hooker to hide her story from the voters it would be best if they got ahead of it, lawyered up and copped to a plea.
Democrats will only target those who challenge them politically that are seen capable of doing the most damage

This goes back to Clarence Thomas, and then Justice Kav, and then Trump.

Most in the GOP are Rhinos who are basically democrat light that are allowed to escape judicial persecution so long as they do as their told.
They are blocking men and women that need to be elected who will go face to face with the Progs. A hundred MTG's are needed to face off with a hundred Progs. There is enough evidence that many Prog politicians are incompetent and corrupted who live y the morning orders given from the elites. That is why everything you see on TV and from the Prog politicians is near identical from day to day.
They can't put him in jail and they know it. They'll probably try to make it some kind of house arrest so he can't campaign but I'm pretty sure he can beat that too. The New York appellate Court is just as useless as the New York lower Court system.
This will go to the supreme Court but it will take 18 to 20 months to get there.

Jail or not I just meant if they find a way to "get him" in this trial or some other way then it's all down hill from there.
Obama murdered an American citizen with no due process.

I would go there for sure.
No he didn't. Americans who are working with terrorists in foreign countries who get got, just get got.
Trump was indicted by a grand jury, NONE OF THEM worked for the DOJ. Trump was convicted by a jury with at least one member who used Truth Social. The jurors were selected by Trumps lawyers as well as the prosecution, not Joe Biden or Merrick Garland. Both times AMERICAN CITIZENS looked at the evidence and decided. So its time you stopped blindly believing Trump. Joe Biden didn't find trump guilty of all 34 counts nor did Joe Biden influence anything about the trial. He said nothing. The fact is that trump broke the law. Now I'm telling you based on years of working with con men, grifters, drug addcts, abusers, etc., that Donald Trump is a sorry ass manipulator who is also a con man. He's not dumb, he set this up and here is how he did it.

He knew indictments were coming so he declared his candidacy earlier than anyone in the history of American presidential campaign history. Why? To set up the narrative he could con peope like you with: the claim of election interference as well as how he is being politically prosecuted by the Biden administration because he was his opposition. He tried comparing Biden to a dictator. And your dumb asses fell for it. And you don't question it.

So why didn't Biden try doing the same thing to every Republican who ran during the primary? All of them were potential oposition to Biden. Why if there is a deep state, didn't the deep state create bogus charges against Desantis, Haley, Christie, Ramaswamy, Burchum, Scott, etc.? In places where dictators exist, you don't see a line of candidates in a primary. But your dumb ass continued falling for Trumps lies because he promises you a more whiter nation, a return to a time that HAS NEVER EVER EXISTED IN REALITY, at least not for anyone not a white male.

Trump was convicted yesterday for crimes he committed. That's reality. He won't win on appeal and he's not beating anything. He hasn't beatong anything since he left office. He only beat things because he was the presdent and could make the AG end cases. He can't do that now. So his ass is up.

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