Simple question

Why are liberals stuck reliving the 18th,19th & 20th century?
Right. All those liberals flying the traitor's flag because "heritage" >wink < are living in the past

There we go. A prime example.
Who gives a fuck if Billy Bob is stuck in the past?

in that scenario billy bob is in the past, liberals would like to bring him to the present.


Liberals just want to PUBLICLY crucify him. Not for Justice mind you, just because he's different
What Gramps meant to ask is why RWs are always talking about the way Dems used to be - 100 years ago.

The answer is simple, just like the RWs are simple.

They don't want to admit the Repubs are the party of racism, denial of very basic civil rights and equality.

And sadly, these days, they also hid and protect child predators.
Why are liberals stuck reliving the 18th,19th & 20th century?
Right. All those liberals flying the traitor's flag because "heritage" >wink < are living in the past

There we go. A prime example.
Who gives a fuck if Billy Bob is stuck in the past?

in that scenario billy bob is in the past, liberals would like to bring him to the present.


Liberals just want to PUBLICLY crucify him. Not for Justice mind you, just because he's different
you bet your ass. billy bob can join the rest of us in the present or he can be shunned, belittled, and generally put on display for the asshole he is.

what's the problem with that?
Why are liberals stuck reliving the 18th,19th & 20th century?
Right. All those liberals flying the traitor's flag because "heritage" >wink < are living in the past

There we go. A prime example.
Who gives a fuck if Billy Bob is stuck in the past?

in that scenario billy bob is in the past, liberals would like to bring him to the present.


Liberals just want to PUBLICLY crucify him. Not for Justice mind you, just because he's different
you bet your ass. billy bob can join the rest of us in the present or he can be shunned, belittled, and generally put on display for the asshole he is.

what's the problem with that?
Nothing I guess as long as you're OK with bitches that murder children getting the same idiotic treatment.
Awe fuck it let's just join the Muslims & publicly stone those we disagree with.

Thank you for exposing yourself for the nosy intolerant ass you are
Right. All those liberals flying the traitor's flag because "heritage" >wink < are living in the past

There we go. A prime example.
Who gives a fuck if Billy Bob is stuck in the past?

in that scenario billy bob is in the past, liberals would like to bring him to the present.


Liberals just want to PUBLICLY crucify him. Not for Justice mind you, just because he's different
you bet your ass. billy bob can join the rest of us in the present or he can be shunned, belittled, and generally put on display for the asshole he is.

what's the problem with that?
Nothing I guess as long as you're OK with bitches that murder children getting the same idiotic treatment.
Awe fuck it let's just join the Muslims & publicly stone those we disagree with.

Thank you for exposing yourself for the nosy intolerant ass you are
i'm having difficulty making sense of your post. who is murdering children? who has said anything about stoning anyone?
There we go. A prime example.
Who gives a fuck if Billy Bob is stuck in the past?

in that scenario billy bob is in the past, liberals would like to bring him to the present.


Liberals just want to PUBLICLY crucify him. Not for Justice mind you, just because he's different
you bet your ass. billy bob can join the rest of us in the present or he can be shunned, belittled, and generally put on display for the asshole he is.

what's the problem with that?
Nothing I guess as long as you're OK with bitches that murder children getting the same idiotic treatment.
Awe fuck it let's just join the Muslims & publicly stone those we disagree with.

Thank you for exposing yourself for the nosy intolerant ass you are
i'm having difficulty making sense of your post. who is murdering children? who has said anything about stoning anyone?
Sorry but I'm not teaching 6th grade to you. If you are too stupid to figure it out I got nothing for ya
in that scenario billy bob is in the past, liberals would like to bring him to the present.


Liberals just want to PUBLICLY crucify him. Not for Justice mind you, just because he's different
you bet your ass. billy bob can join the rest of us in the present or he can be shunned, belittled, and generally put on display for the asshole he is.

what's the problem with that?
Nothing I guess as long as you're OK with bitches that murder children getting the same idiotic treatment.
Awe fuck it let's just join the Muslims & publicly stone those we disagree with.

Thank you for exposing yourself for the nosy intolerant ass you are
i'm having difficulty making sense of your post. who is murdering children? who has said anything about stoning anyone?
Sorry but I'm not teaching 6th grade to you. If you are too stupid to figure it out I got nothing for ya
i'm serious. when you talk about murdering children, who are you talking about? when i say ignorance and backward thinking should be shunned and belittled how do you arrive at stonings?

i must be missing something in your post, can you please clarify it for me?

Liberals just want to PUBLICLY crucify him. Not for Justice mind you, just because he's different
you bet your ass. billy bob can join the rest of us in the present or he can be shunned, belittled, and generally put on display for the asshole he is.

what's the problem with that?
Nothing I guess as long as you're OK with bitches that murder children getting the same idiotic treatment.
Awe fuck it let's just join the Muslims & publicly stone those we disagree with.

Thank you for exposing yourself for the nosy intolerant ass you are
i'm having difficulty making sense of your post. who is murdering children? who has said anything about stoning anyone?
Sorry but I'm not teaching 6th grade to you. If you are too stupid to figure it out I got nothing for ya
i'm serious. when you talk about murdering children, who are you talking about? when i say ignorance and backward thinking should be shunned and belittled how do you arrive at stonings?

i must be missing something in your post, can you please clarify it for me?
What level of "judging others" are you comfortable with? It's a simple concept
you bet your ass. billy bob can join the rest of us in the present or he can be shunned, belittled, and generally put on display for the asshole he is.

what's the problem with that?
Nothing I guess as long as you're OK with bitches that murder children getting the same idiotic treatment.
Awe fuck it let's just join the Muslims & publicly stone those we disagree with.

Thank you for exposing yourself for the nosy intolerant ass you are
i'm having difficulty making sense of your post. who is murdering children? who has said anything about stoning anyone?
Sorry but I'm not teaching 6th grade to you. If you are too stupid to figure it out I got nothing for ya
i'm serious. when you talk about murdering children, who are you talking about? when i say ignorance and backward thinking should be shunned and belittled how do you arrive at stonings?

i must be missing something in your post, can you please clarify it for me?
What level of "judging others" are you comfortable with? It's a simple concept
oh i understand. you somehow think that because i'm comfortable shaming someone for backwards thinking in the arena of ideas that i'm also comfortable with stoning them.

that does not follow.
Nothing I guess as long as you're OK with bitches that murder children getting the same idiotic treatment.
Awe fuck it let's just join the Muslims & publicly stone those we disagree with.

Thank you for exposing yourself for the nosy intolerant ass you are
i'm having difficulty making sense of your post. who is murdering children? who has said anything about stoning anyone?
Sorry but I'm not teaching 6th grade to you. If you are too stupid to figure it out I got nothing for ya
i'm serious. when you talk about murdering children, who are you talking about? when i say ignorance and backward thinking should be shunned and belittled how do you arrive at stonings?

i must be missing something in your post, can you please clarify it for me?
What level of "judging others" are you comfortable with? It's a simple concept
oh i understand. you somehow think that because i'm comfortable shaming someone for backwards thinking in the arena of ideas that i'm also comfortable with stoning them.

that does not follow.
You've made it quite clear that your a okay sticking your nose in the business of others.
You're a hypocrite
Why are liberals stuck reliving the 18th,19th & 20th century?
Right. All those liberals flying the traitor's flag because "heritage" >wink < are living in the past

There we go. A prime example.
Who gives a fuck if Billy Bob is stuck in the past?

in that scenario billy bob is in the past, liberals would like to bring him to the present.


Liberals just want to PUBLICLY crucify him. Not for Justice mind you, just because he's different
Hyperbole is sooooooo effective.
Why are liberals stuck reliving the 18th,19th & 20th century?
Right. All those liberals flying the traitor's flag because "heritage" >wink < are living in the past

There we go. A prime example.
Who gives a fuck if Billy Bob is stuck in the past?

in that scenario billy bob is in the past, liberals would like to bring him to the present.


Liberals just want to PUBLICLY crucify him. Not for Justice mind you, just because he's different
Hyperbole is sooooooo effective.
Effective & quite accurate
Why are liberals stuck reliving the 18th,19th & 20th century?
Right. All those liberals flying the traitor's flag because "heritage" >wink < are living in the past

There we go. A prime example.
Who gives a fuck if Billy Bob is stuck in the past?


I'm okay with people wanting to go back to deep rooted traditions.
Old fashioned doesn't have to mean backwards or out of date, it can mean timeless wisdom and common sense.

What I do have an issue with
is people insisting on staying stuck in middle school mentality
of "telling mommy and daddy on you" or
"you can't talk to THAT person from THAT group and still be MY friend"
the whole cliquish gang bullying BS of trying to be cool by teaming up against the runt in the pack.

I do worry about whole generations of people thinking they can live like teenagers,
bitching about their right to drive the car when they don't pay for it but think it's owed to them cuz others have cars,
depending on Mom and Dad to run the household and worry about the real cost of things
while they THINK they know everything (until they have to run their own house and find it how expensive it is)

I do worry that people have a skewed sense of the cost of living
if they keep factoring in social security, unemployment, child support, etc.
where they don't have real experience owning property, much less rental property.

How can our sense of cost and value be equal if people don't have experience
in how much work it really takes to be financially stable.

That's not an issue of being "stuck in the past" that's an issue of
where people are on the learning curve toward financial and political independence.
And some people don't even know there is a curve, and stages or classes of development.

They think people are stuck in classes, like being born in castes,
and once you are poor you will stay poor, or if you are born rich with privilege you will get richer.

So THAT mentality of staying stuck in class division, looking at people through that lens,
is what worries me that keeps people "stuck" instead of resolving problems and overcoming conflicts
that otherwise keep people divided.

It's not just being "stuck" in the past -- it's about being "stuck" in a negative mindset and just
projecting the responsibility and power to change onto other people, and staying in "victim mode"

I'm more worried about people staying stuck in "scarcity mentality"
and never learning the real meaning and freedom of "abundance mentality"

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