Simple question

What I do have an issue with
is people insisting on staying stuck in middle school mentality
of "telling mommy and daddy on you" or
"you can't talk to THAT person from THAT group and still be MY friend"
the whole cliquish gang bullying BS of trying to be cool by teaming up against the runt in the pack.


They think people are stuck in classes, like being born in castes,
and once you are poor you will stay poor, or if you are born rich with privilege you will get richer.

So THAT mentality of staying stuck in class division, looking at people through that lens,
is what worries me that keeps people "stuck" instead of resolving problems and overcoming conflicts
that otherwise keep people divided.

It's not just being "stuck" in the past -- it's about being "stuck" in a negative mindset and just
projecting the responsibility and power to change onto other people, and staying in "victim mode"

I'm more worried about people staying stuck in "scarcity mentality"
and never learning the real meaning and freedom of "abundance mentality"

First post in this thread that's made any coherent sense at all.

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