Since 9/11, twice as many Americans were killed by white supremacists than any other group

The only beatings I personally have witnessed is 5 blacks stomping the shit out of an innocent white guy. Then there's Reginald Denny.

If you personally witnessed that, why didn't you come to his aid?
Pig. Typical liberal. You just love to have dead bodied to get little pats on your back don't ya? Say pig, how about you post the numbers for us to look at, how many blacks, Jews, Mexicans and so on. Honestly, if these guys are killing them selves that's a good thing. But have some class, don't display dead bodies for cool points . It's just wrong.
There were no pics in that post.

Are you on acid?
Pig. Typical liberal. You just love to have dead bodied to get little pats on your back don't ya? Say pig, how about you post the numbers for us to look at, how many blacks, Jews, Mexicans and so on. Honestly, if these guys are killing them selves that's a good thing. But have some class, don't display dead bodies for cool points . It's just wrong.
There were no pics in that post.

Are you on acid?[/QUOTE/]

Dang. Possibly.
Blacks, in spite of being a small minority, commit the majority of murders in America. What do Americans fear more? Walking through a white neighborhood at night, or walking through a black neighborhood at night?
Pig. Typical liberal. You just love to have dead bodied to get little pats on your back don't ya? Say pig, how about you post the numbers for us to look at, how many blacks, Jews, Mexicans and so on. Honestly, if these guys are killing them selves that's a good thing. But have some class, don't display dead bodies for cool points . It's just wrong.
There were no pics in that post.

Are you on acid?

But it's still creepy how you library's cum all over your selves when you get dead black people. Y'all have your circle jerk and get all worked up.
Well, a lot of Americans have Germanic roots.
But why are they in to that particular type of German?

I'm a Polish Fascist, and I have a particular disdain for Western Europeans, I think they are a major f*ck up, be it ANTIFA, or Neo-Nazis, they don't seem to think of logic, or moral implications very well.
I'm a Polish Fascist, and I have a particular disdain for Western Europeans, I think they are a major f*ck up, be it ANTIFA, or Neo-Nazis, they don't seem to think of logic, or moral implications very well.
A Polish Fascist? How does that happen? After the Nazis invaded, you went, "This is cool!"

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