Since 9/11, twice as many Americans were killed by white supremacists than any other group

I hope you didn't give your mommie herpes with that nasty mouth of yours. What I asserted is pretty much common knowledge, unless you happen to live under a rock or something. If you're so pig-headed and full of shit that you won't take my word for it, go look it up yourself.

Although you probably won't. It's pretty obvious you'd rather live in your cramped, dark little world and stew in your own ignorance.

Carry on.
Well, if its common knowledge, then it wouldn't be that hard to prove, now would it?

Okay, so now prove it. Lets see the evidence to back up your claim. Because if you don't, that proves you're full of shit.
Liberal math. The same mathematicians told them Trump would never get to 270 electoral votes.
It's an FBI report, dumbass.

BTW, Trump got 270 electoral votes due to voter suppression in racist red states. The majority of Americans didn't want him.
Right wing violence is double that of any other group in this country.

FBI/DHS report:

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two. Yet we don't really talk about that, nor do we even call these instances, of the shooting at Charleston, South Carolina, or what happened at Oak Creek, Wisconsin, at the Sikh temple or even what happened in Charlottesville this weekend—as terrorism.
We fought these fuckers in WWII. Why the fuck are we doing it again in this country?

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American
I guess Hitler had the last laugh after all?

This report, White Supremacist Extremism Poses Persistent Threat of Lethal Violence (pdf), noted that white supremacist groups were "responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016

Let me get this straight, white supremacists were responsible for 49 deaths between 2000 and 2016. In that same time the US murder rate was about 14,000 - 16,000 every year, so about 255,000 murders total over those years. (United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2015)

Clearly 49 deaths out of 255,000+ is the biggest problem we should be focusing on.

Your article is full of shit, the largest group of murderous thugs are inner city blacks, followed closely by inner city Hispanics. But they don't get classified as a "hate group" even though they are responsible for the vast majority of homicides every year.
Really, how about you prove that. Have white supremacist killed more than black gangs in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and Philadelphia?

Are you on crack? I just did prove it. If you don't want to click the link I provided, that's your problem, not mine. How about you provide evidence to the contrary? Or are you just content with shooting your fucking mouth off?

No you didn't, if I read the article correctly they weren't even considered in the FBI report. They only considered supremacist groups and only identified 49 deaths in 17 years, which equals a bad month in Chicago alone.

Running interference for radical Islamic terrorists now are you? Why not just go full-retard and join ISIS like many of your other liberals buddies.

I'll just stay here and watch the Liveleak drone camera footage on the internet, for shits and grins.
I'm just recalling the historical record; you're trying to re-write it.
This report, White Supremacist Extremism Poses Persistent Threat of Lethal Violence (pdf), noted that white supremacist groups were "responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016

Let me get this straight, white supremacists were responsible for 49 deaths between 2000 and 2016. In that same time the US murder rate was about 14,000 - 16,000 every year, so about 255,000 murders total over those years. (United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2015)

Clearly 49 deaths out of 255,000+ is the biggest problem we should be focusing on.

Your article is full of shit, the largest group of murderous thugs are inner city blacks, followed closely by inner city Hispanics. But they don't get classified as a "hate group" even though they are responsible for the vast majority of homicides every year.
Where's your proof, asshole?

Oh yes, fuck you for siding with Nazi thugs.
No you didn't, if I read the article correctly they weren't even considered in the FBI report. They only considered supremacist groups and only identified 49 deaths in 17 years, which equals a bad month in Chicago alone.

How could they determine the number of incidents was double that of other groups, if the didn't consider the other groups?

According to your logic, Hitler's biggest problem was bad PR.
No you didn't, if I read the article correctly they weren't even considered in the FBI report. They only considered supremacist groups and only identified 49 deaths in 17 years, which equals a bad month in Chicago alone.

How could they determine the number of incidents was double that of other groups, if the didn't consider the other groups?

According to your logic, Hitler's biggest problem was bad PR.

Since 9/11, twice as many Americans were killed by white supremacists than any other group

How could you make this broad statement knowing they only considered supremacist groups, not all groups? Here's a hint child, you needed to include a qualifier. I know, it's a bitch when you need to blunt your own propaganda, you regressives just love your broad brush. LMAO

Ok Texas just loves advocating for his white supremacists brothers.
It keeps him alive.
This report, White Supremacist Extremism Poses Persistent Threat of Lethal Violence (pdf), noted that white supremacist groups were "responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016

Let me get this straight, white supremacists were responsible for 49 deaths between 2000 and 2016. In that same time the US murder rate was about 14,000 - 16,000 every year, so about 255,000 murders total over those years. (United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2015)

Clearly 49 deaths out of 255,000+ is the biggest problem we should be focusing on.

Your article is full of shit, the largest group of murderous thugs are inner city blacks, followed closely by inner city Hispanics. But they don't get classified as a "hate group" even though they are responsible for the vast majority of homicides every year.
Where's your proof, asshole?

Oh yes, fuck you for siding with Nazi thugs.

The proof is in the math you moron. Less than 0.02% of all homicides over those 17 years have been due to "white supremacists".

Are you refuting your own link that stated there was only 49 homicides over a 17 year period, or the US crime statistics that clearly show an average of about 15,000 murders a year in the US?
Right wing violence is double that of any other group in this country.

FBI/DHS report:

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two. Yet we don't really talk about that, nor do we even call these instances, of the shooting at Charleston, South Carolina, or what happened at Oak Creek, Wisconsin, at the Sikh temple or even what happened in Charlottesville this weekend—as terrorism.
We fought these fuckers in WWII. Why the fuck are we doing it again in this country?

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American
I guess Hitler had the last laugh after all?
so you're saying Homeland security is doing it's job properly.
and that whites out number all other groups.

math is racist to leftist.
Whatever deflects from jihadism is a good death.
Why would you even go there? Pathetic.
I'm just happy to point out the obvious. These threads pop up most often after the latest jihadist atrocity as a way to spin and deflect for the Regressive Left's pet constituent religion. The white supremacist story was just a fortuitous excuse for another one.

But keep being obtuse, it's expected.
Whatever deflects from jihadism is a good death.
Why would you even go there? Pathetic.
I'm just happy to point out the obvious. These threads pop up most often after the latest jihadist atrocity as a way to spin and deflect for the Regressive Left's pet constituent religion. The white supremacist story was just a fortuitous excuse for another one.

But keep being obtuse, it's expected.
NO, that's not what you said.

What you said was that some lefties are considering people getting murdered as good and fortunate.

That's some fucked up, hateful nutter shit you are spewing.
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Whatever deflects from jihadism is a good death.
Why would you even go there? Pathetic.
I'm just happy to point out the obvious. These threads pop up most often after the latest jihadist atrocity as a way to spin and deflect for the Regressive Left's pet constituent religion. The white supremacist story was just a fortuitous excuse for another one.

But keep being obtuse, it's expected.
NO, that's not what you said.

What you said was that some lefties are considering people getting killed as good and fortunate.

That's some fucked up, hateful nutter shit you are spewing.
Of course they do, they look at opportunity for political advantage they can leverage in everything.

That's how zealots are. And that philosophy infects both ends of the political spectrum, which I point out in my sig.

I don't need you to confirm it.
Whatever deflects from jihadism is a good death.
Why would you even go there? Pathetic.
I'm just happy to point out the obvious. These threads pop up most often after the latest jihadist atrocity as a way to spin and deflect for the Regressive Left's pet constituent religion. The white supremacist story was just a fortuitous excuse for another one.

But keep being obtuse, it's expected.
NO, that's not what you said.

What you said was that some lefties are considering people getting killed as good and fortunate.

That's some fucked up, hateful nutter shit you are spewing.
Of course they do, they look at opportunity for political advantage they can leverage in everything.

That's how zealots are. And that philosophy infects both ends of the political spectrum, which I point out in my sig.

I don't need you to confirm it.

Bullshit. Very few rightwingers would rejoice at innocent people getting murdered (maybe straight up nazis would) and I say this as a lefty.

It takes a VERY disturbed person to feel that way about murder victims, and it goes beyond politics.
It takes a VERY disturbed person to feel that way about murder victims, and it goes beyond politics.
Yes, I agree.

That's what hardcore commitment to an ideology does to people. It makes them ugly.

Neither progressive or conservative ideologies here in America would make one enjoy innocent people getting killed. You are out to lunch with this bull while you dodge and deflect this thread's topic.

OP CERTAINLY hasn't shown any signs of enjoying white supremacists killing people.
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Since 9/11, twice as many Americans were killed by white supremacists than any other group

How could you make this broad statement knowing they only considered supremacist groups, not all groups? Here's a hint child, you needed to include a qualifier. I know, it's a bitch when you need to blunt your own propaganda, you regressives just love your broad brush. LMAO

It's not my statement, it's the FBI's. And I'll say this again, since you seem to have a problem with comprehension, they had to have considered "other groups" in order to know the white supremacist incidents were twice as many.

Que pasa, mutha?

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