Since 9/11, twice as many Americans were killed by white supremacists than any other group

BTW, the Fort Hood attack was about a guy who wanted out of the military and they refused to listen to his pleas. It had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism.

Running interference for radical Islamic terrorists now are you? Why not just go full-retard and join ISIS like many of your other liberals buddies..

I checked the record. Nadal was never charged with terrorism, he was a lone gunman.
Right wing violence is double that of any other group in this country.

FBI/DHS report:

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two. Yet we don't really talk about that, nor do we even call these instances, of the shooting at Charleston, South Carolina, or what happened at Oak Creek, Wisconsin, at the Sikh temple or even what happened in Charlottesville this weekend—as terrorism.
We fought these fuckers in WWII. Why the fuck are we doing it again in this country?

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American
I guess Hitler had the last laugh after all?

The U,.S was founded by White Supremacists.

The Founding Fathers immigration act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 said only free Whites of good character were to become U.S citizens.
Mass shootings don't necessarily represent a demographic.

East Asians commit a disproportionate amount of mass shootings, but they have overall low murder rates.
BTW, the Fort Hood attack was about a guy who wanted out of the military and they refused to listen to his pleas. It had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism.

Running interference for radical Islamic terrorists now are you? Why not just go full-retard and join ISIS like many of your other liberals buddies..

I checked the record. Nadal was never charged with terrorism, he was a lone gunman.

Real terrorists would disagree with you.

Anwar al-Awlaki praised Hasan's actions by saying:

"Nidal Hassan [sic] is a hero. He is a man of conscience who could not bear living the contradiction of being a Muslim and serving in an army that is fighting against his own people.... Any decent Muslim cannot live, understanding properly his duties towards his Creator and his fellow Muslims, and yet serve as a US soldier. The U.S. is leading the war against terrorism which in reality is a war against Islam...."

Al Qaeda spokesman, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, praised Hasan, saying:

"Mujahid brother ... has shown us what one righteous Muslim with an assault rifle can do for his religion and brothers in faith ... is a pioneer, a trailblazer and a role-model ... and yearns to discharge his duty to Allah and play a part in the defense of Islam and Muslims against the savage, heartless and bloody Zionist Crusader assault on our religion, sacred places and homelands."

"A statement issued by the Ansar Al-Mujahideen Network, another extremist group, on November 24, 2009, cited Hasan as a role model. It congratulated him for his "brave and heroic deed" for standing up to the "modern Zionist-Christian Crusades" against the Muslim community."

Nidal Hasan - Wikipedia

There were also praises he received. When you receive praises from such people, then you've graduated from "workplace shooter" to full-blown shithead terrorist.
Those are the facts we need to be discussing on how to prevent and stop from happening.

At this point, its a national epidemic and crisis.

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It's funny, the actual point of that article was noting that the Trump Administration was defunding the "Life after Hate" group that councils former white supremacists on dealing with peer pressure after abandoning their hate.

Clear propagandists,

If there was funding for such a group for treat Islamists you would be cry "islamophobia"

Furthermore, there's nothing wrong with most racists.

The fact that Racists have more of the love hormone Oxytocin, speaks volumes on it.

If anything it's Globalists who are the sickos, they're destroying entire people's heritages, just to maximize profits.
I checked the record. Nadal was never charged with terrorism, he was a lone gunman.

Real terrorists would disagree with you.

Anwar al-Awlaki praised Hasan's actions by saying:

Al Qaeda spokesman, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, praised Hasan, saying:

"A statement issued by the Ansar Al-Mujahideen Network, another extremist group, on November 24, 2009,

There were also praises he received. When you receive praises from such people, then you've graduated from "workplace shooter" to full-blown shithead terrorist.

Thank-you for your position.

Trump has received the same praise from racists, the KKK, David Duke, neo-nazi's and white supremacists. Thanks for admitting that Trump in indeed a racist, since he's received praise from so many racists.
No, members who believe in the way Antifa does were busy killing millions in the USSR.
Is this an alternate universe? ANTIFA is an organization against fascism. The Russians fought fascists in WWII.

Now lets review...

Sure, let's review violence against those who think differently than you is the definition of Facsism.

Got it Adolph?
BTW, the Fort Hood attack was about a guy who wanted out of the military and they refused to listen to his pleas. It had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism.

Running interference for radical Islamic terrorists now are you? Why not just go full-retard and join ISIS like many of your other liberals buddies..

I checked the record. Nadal was never charged with terrorism, he was a lone gunman.

And the two are mutually exclusive?

Spouting nonsense is nonsense
Right wing violence is double that of any other group in this country.

FBI/DHS report:

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two. Yet we don't really talk about that, nor do we even call these instances, of the shooting at Charleston, South Carolina, or what happened at Oak Creek, Wisconsin, at the Sikh temple or even what happened in Charlottesville this weekend—as terrorism.
We fought these fuckers in WWII. Why the fuck are we doing it again in this country?

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American
I guess Hitler had the last laugh after all?


No proof.....
The OP stinks....and wreaks of Bullshit.....
Is this because maybe the OP once again pulled this crap out of his ass.
Right wing violence is double that of any other group in this country.

FBI/DHS report:

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two. Yet we don't really talk about that, nor do we even call these instances, of the shooting at Charleston, South Carolina, or what happened at Oak Creek, Wisconsin, at the Sikh temple or even what happened in Charlottesville this weekend—as terrorism.
We fought these fuckers in WWII. Why the fuck are we doing it again in this country?

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American
I guess Hitler had the last laugh after all?

This has already been exposed as a lie, dumbass.
I checked the record. Nadal was never charged with terrorism, he was a lone gunman.

Real terrorists would disagree with you.

Anwar al-Awlaki praised Hasan's actions by saying:

Al Qaeda spokesman, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, praised Hasan, saying:

"A statement issued by the Ansar Al-Mujahideen Network, another extremist group, on November 24, 2009,

There were also praises he received. When you receive praises from such people, then you've graduated from "workplace shooter" to full-blown shithead terrorist.

Thank-you for your position.

Trump has received the same praise from racists, the KKK, David Duke, neo-nazi's and white supremacists. Thanks for admitting that Trump in indeed a racist, since he's received praise from so many racists.

You're assuming too much. You're also assuming that I'm afraid of the same boogie-men that you're terrified of. While I agree that the KKK, David Duke, neo-nazi's and white supremacists are shitheads, they rank lower on my shitlist than radical Islamics, communists, ANTIFA, BLM, the DNC, the Democrat Party, globalism and liberalism.

Say you have a concealed weapon like so many of us do: You're approached by three men, one with a handgun, one with a knife, and one with a club.

Which threat are you going to neutralize first? The most dangerous one, right? And personally, I don't feel threatened by the KKK, David Duke, neo-nazi's and white supremacists.

Maybe you do but then, you're probably also afraid of those Russians under your bed and hiding in your closet.
Thank-you for your position.

Trump has received the same praise from racists, the KKK, David Duke, neo-nazi's and white supremacists. Thanks for admitting that Trump in indeed a racist, since he's received praise from so many racists.

You're assuming too much. You're also assuming that I'm afraid of the same boogie-men that you're terrified of. While I agree that the KKK, David Duke, neo-nazi's and white supremacists are shitheads, they rank lower on my shitlist than radical Islamics, communists, ANTIFA, BLM, the DNC, the Democrat Party, globalism and liberalism.

But I hope you stand by your position of you're a terrorist, if you'r praised by terrorists.

And Trump is a racist if he's praised by racists.
Right wing violence is double that of any other group in this country.

FBI/DHS report:

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two. Yet we don't really talk about that, nor do we even call these instances, of the shooting at Charleston, South Carolina, or what happened at Oak Creek, Wisconsin, at the Sikh temple or even what happened in Charlottesville this weekend—as terrorism.
We fought these fuckers in WWII. Why the fuck are we doing it again in this country?

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American
I guess Hitler had the last laugh after all?
Oh look, another leftist opening a thread by calling those he disagrees with racist. Haven't seen that before.
Thank-you for your position.

Trump has received the same praise from racists, the KKK, David Duke, neo-nazi's and white supremacists. Thanks for admitting that Trump in indeed a racist, since he's received praise from so many racists.

You're assuming too much. You're also assuming that I'm afraid of the same boogie-men that you're terrified of. While I agree that the KKK, David Duke, neo-nazi's and white supremacists are shitheads, they rank lower on my shitlist than radical Islamics, communists, ANTIFA, BLM, the DNC, the Democrat Party, globalism and liberalism.

But I hope you stand by your position of you're a terrorist, if you'r praised by terrorists.

And Trump is a racist if he's praised by racists.

You don't say? So if your little truism is correct, would I be right in saying "Obama is a communist if he's praised by communists"?

Sadly, I don't find the term "racist" particularly offensive. Perhaps it's due to the fact that every other word that comes from the mouth of a liberal is "racist". The word seems to have lost all meaning to me.

Now the word "communist" still has quite a lot of meaning. Having served in the military, I've never killed any racists, but I have killed communists. Not much fun, but you do what you're called on to do.
Right wing violence is double that of any other group in this country.

FBI/DHS report:

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two. Yet we don't really talk about that, nor do we even call these instances, of the shooting at Charleston, South Carolina, or what happened at Oak Creek, Wisconsin, at the Sikh temple or even what happened in Charlottesville this weekend—as terrorism.
We fought these fuckers in WWII. Why the fuck are we doing it again in this country?

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American
I guess Hitler had the last laugh after all?
Well seeing how every black and Hispanic gang in the US kills 100 times more than white supremacists, your entire OP is a fucking joke. Do you even know the murder stats out of Chicago alone?

You are one dumb bitch. :laugh:
Right wing violence is double that of any other group in this country.

FBI/DHS report:

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two. Yet we don't really talk about that, nor do we even call these instances, of the shooting at Charleston, South Carolina, or what happened at Oak Creek, Wisconsin, at the Sikh temple or even what happened in Charlottesville this weekend—as terrorism.
We fought these fuckers in WWII. Why the fuck are we doing it again in this country?

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American
I guess Hitler had the last laugh after all?

Really, how about you prove that. Have white supremacist killed more than black gangs in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and Philadelphia?

Really, how about you prove that. Have white supremacist killed more than black gangs in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and Philadelphia?

Are you on crack? I just did prove it. If you don't want to click the link I provided, that's your problem, not mine. How about you provide evidence to the contrary? Or are you just content with shooting your fucking mouth off?
Since the Overwhelming Majority of White Supremicists declare themselves as Democrats, I'd say your party needs to start disavowing the Byrds, Gores, and Clintons who run your Entitlement Plantations and who treat minorities like wards of the state!

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