Since 9/11, twice as many Americans were killed by white supremacists than any other group

Oh I think gang bangers numbers of killings are well ahead of white supremacists.
You don't think right wing militias, the KKK, Proud Boys, etc. are gangs?

But, hey, when you're a fascist trying to convince others they are, whatever.
You're calling the FBI fascist? I dunno, you might be right about that?

I'm calling white supremacy un-American.

I see you have a hard time with reality. So what else is new?

The FBI? No, I don't think so, unless your initials are F.B.I.
Since the Overwhelming Majority of White Supremicists declare themselves as Democrats, I'd say your party needs to start disavowing the Byrds, Gores, and Clintons who run your Entitlement Plantations and who treat minorities like wards of the state!

Black Lives Matter
Code Pink
Move On. Org

Are Domestic Terrorist Organizations
White supremacists are anti-American.

White supremacists are the assholes we fought in WWII.

I agree 100%. Antifa are as well
I see you have a hard time with reality. So what else is new?

The FBI? No, I don't think so, unless your initials are F.B.I.
You say I'm a fascist, yet claim I'm the one who has a hard time dealing with reality? Project much?

BTW, these are the FBI's statistics, dumbass, not mine.
I see you have a hard time with reality. So what else is new?

The FBI? No, I don't think so, unless your initials are F.B.I.
You say I'm a fascist, yet claim I'm the one who has a hard time dealing with reality? Project much?

BTW, these are the FBI's statistics, dumbass, not mine.

Only a dumbass believes that white supremacists have killed more Americans than gang bangers have since 9/11. Hell, the entire number is likely a slow month in chi town.
Only a dumbass believes that white supremacists have killed more Americans than gang bangers have since 9/11. Hell, the entire number is likely a slow month in chi town.
You're calling the FBI, dumbasses? I'm down with that.
No, members who believe in the way Antifa does were busy killing millions in the USSR.
Is this an alternate universe? ANTIFA is an organization against fascism. The Russians fought fascists in WWII.

Now lets review...
Right wing violence is double that of any other group in this country.

FBI/DHS report:

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two. Yet we don't really talk about that, nor do we even call these instances, of the shooting at Charleston, South Carolina, or what happened at Oak Creek, Wisconsin, at the Sikh temple or even what happened in Charlottesville this weekend—as terrorism.
We fought these fuckers in WWII. Why the fuck are we doing it again in this country?

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American

White supremacy = anti-American
I guess Hitler had the last laugh after all?

Let me guess... this fake report views being white as being white supremacist. How perfectly hard left of them...
Those are the facts we need to be discussing on how to prevent and stop from happening.

At this point, its a national epidemic and crisis.

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It's an outlandish lie. I know how bad you wish it were true though. Too bad for you.
They are your people not mine. I don't like them either but they are part of your party who created The KKK and fought Civil Rights.

It's your problem so maybe you should get on the phone and tell your Congressman to quit preaching hate and fermenting rebellion .

Since the Overwhelming Majority of White Supremicists declare themselves as Democrats, I'd say your party needs to start disavowing the Byrds, Gores, and Clintons who run your Entitlement Plantations and who treat minorities like wards of the state!

Black Lives Matter
Code Pink
Move On. Org

Are Domestic Terrorist Organizations
White supremacists are anti-American.

White supremacists are the assholes we fought in WWII.
Once again, a liberal can't see outside his own little world.
At least this little liberal provided a link to back up what he said, instead of just shooting his fucking mouth off.

I hope you didn't give your mommie herpes with that nasty mouth of yours. What I asserted is pretty much common knowledge, unless you happen to live under a rock or something. If you're so pig-headed and full of shit that you won't take my word for it, go look it up yourself.

Although you probably won't. It's pretty obvious you'd rather live in your cramped, dark little world and stew in your own ignorance.

Carry on.
What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two.
Really? This is from the linked article white supremacist groups were "responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016. 49 people were killed in the Pulse nightclub attack alone 14 were killed in the San Bernardino attack and 13 were killed in the Fort Hood attack by my count that's 76 killed in just three attacks.

Liberal math. The same mathematicians told them Trump would never get to 270 electoral votes.
Liberals lie. That is their only function in life.

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined by a factor of two.
Really? This is from the linked article white supremacist groups were "responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016. 49 people were killed in the Pulse nightclub attack alone 14 were killed in the San Bernardino attack and 13 were killed in the Fort Hood attack by my count that's 76 killed in just three attacks.
Really? This is from the linked article white supremacist groups were "responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016. 49 people were killed in the Pulse nightclub attack alone 14 were killed in the San Bernardino attack and 13 were killed in the Fort Hood attack by my count that's 76 killed in just three attacks.
According to the FBI it is.

BTW, the Fort Hood attack was about a guy who wanted out of the military and they refused to listen to his pleas. It had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism.

Running interference for radical Islamic terrorists now are you? Why not just go full-retard and join ISIS like many of your other liberals buddies.

I'll just stay here and watch the Liveleak drone camera footage on the internet, for shits and grins.
FBI/DHS report:

What people need to understand is that since Sept. 11, more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white supremacists than by any other foreign or domestic group combined

Only a dumbass believes that white supremacists have killed more Americans than gang bangers have since 9/11. Hell, the entire number is likely a slow month in chi town.
Blame the FBI on how they define "group", or how they collect statistics, but don't blame the messenger when the FBI wrote the message.
A Democrat is nothing but a White Supremacist who tells minorities they aren't smart enough to make a success
of their lives without them.

Since the Overwhelming Majority of White Supremicists declare themselves as Democrats, I'd say your party needs to start disavowing the Byrds, Gores, and Clintons who run your Entitlement Plantations and who treat minorities like wards of the state!

Black Lives Matter
Code Pink
Move On. Org

Are Domestic Terrorist Organizations
White supremacists are anti-American.

White supremacists are the assholes we fought in WWII.

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