Since nobody else has the courage to say this, I will.

One ridiculous and presumptive comment "Zimmerman killed the NO LIMIT NIGGA version" deserves another.

No no. The asshole LaKunta offered up the false image of Trayvon as a young kid. It wasn't the young child who engaged with Zimmerman. It was the one whose facebook image reflected a more "thug's life" persona, the SELF described No Limit Nigga. But YOU applauded that bullshit from LaKunta.

You got REFUTED by the FACTUAL comment about the ACTUAL Trayvon who was involved in the incident. Not a child for whom a time machine would have been required. But the "No Limit" young man.

And noting that does NOT justify YOUR stupid pre-trial verdict.

Zimmerman may or may not be guilty of a number of crimes. But until the evidence is actually presented -- all of the legally admissible evidence, that is -- at a trial of fair minded jurors adhering to the actual law and trying to DO JUSTICE, there is no valid verdict.

Your justification is hollow.

Excessive force. It's my verdict. I don't care what you think about it, racist thug.

Are you going to stomp your feet and hold your breath?
These are photos taken by the police in Florida the night Zimmerman was rightfully let go.

Those photos are fraud.

No they are not and you are acting like a child.


Zimmerman's lawyers release bloody nose photo - Crimesider - CBS News

The Trayvon Martin Case, Update 17: Black and White « Stately McDaniel Manor

Anyone can stage/take photos weeks, months afterwards. Police photos? Not convinced yet.

Anyone can stage/take photos weeks, months afterwards. Police photos? Not convinced yet.

Good job for spotting it. All of those photos and news sights were made up just to fool you and you didn't let them :clap2:
How do you know this? Do you have some information on the case that hasn't been released from the police?

He stalked, shot and killed an unarmed young man who was half his size. My view of the world still finds that criminal, despite what Florida law may end up saying about it. Black, white, mexican, muslim, asian. I don't care. He used excessive force and killed a man.

So, it's my personal verdict. You probably have yours as well.

He killed Martin after he was attacked by Martin. It was self-defense.

Ohh NOoo! Zimmerman attacked Martin by stalking him and getting close enough to provoke a confrontation. then when he got what he asked for ( a Gene Autry /Roy Rogers style arse whuppin) he pulled a gun and killed his victim!.
These are photos taken by the police in Florida the night Zimmerman was rightfully let go.

Those photos are fraud.

No they are not and you are acting like a child.


Zimmerman's lawyers release bloody nose photo - Crimesider - CBS News

The Trayvon Martin Case, Update 17: Black and White « Stately McDaniel Manor

Twice the size of Trayvon Martin. Was there something wrong with Zimmerman's fists? Are you really going to defend this pussy who couldn't defend himself like a man? If he knew he was a pussy and couldn't defend himself without a gun, why did he chase Trayvon? Why didn't he back down and let the police take care of it like they instructed him to?

Because he's a coward and a pussy who was chomping at the bit to shoot someone and be a hero. Race doesn't matter. Mental illness does. Zimmerman's a nutter and this is what happens when the state lets nutters have guns.
He stalked, shot and killed an unarmed young man who was half his size. My view of the world still finds that criminal, despite what Florida law may end up saying about it. Black, white, mexican, muslim, asian. I don't care. He used excessive force and killed a man.

So, it's my personal verdict. You probably have yours as well.

He killed Martin after he was attacked by Martin. It was self-defense.

Ohh NOoo! Zimmerman attacked Martin by stalking him and getting close enough to provoke a confrontation. then when he got what he asked for ( a Gene Autry /Roy Rogers style arse whuppin) he pulled a gun and killed his victim!.

The available evidence does not support your opinion.
No no. The asshole LaKunta offered up the false image of Trayvon as a young kid. It wasn't the young child who engaged with Zimmerman. It was the one whose facebook image reflected a more "thug's life" persona, the SELF described No Limit Nigga. But YOU applauded that bullshit from LaKunta.

You got REFUTED by the FACTUAL comment about the ACTUAL Trayvon who was involved in the incident. Not a child for whom a time machine would have been required. But the "No Limit" young man.

And noting that does NOT justify YOUR stupid pre-trial verdict.

Zimmerman may or may not be guilty of a number of crimes. But until the evidence is actually presented -- all of the legally admissible evidence, that is -- at a trial of fair minded jurors adhering to the actual law and trying to DO JUSTICE, there is no valid verdict.

Your justification is hollow.

Excessive force. It's my verdict. I don't care what you think about it, racist thug.

Are you going to stomp your feet and hold your breath?

Nope. I'm having fun drinking a glass of wine and watching you make an ass out of yourself.
Chicago should immediately do as NYC did, a mandatory term for carrying an illegal handgun. Obama has little to do with it, NOTHING to do with Zim.

Gun laws like NYC's do little to stem violence.

What worked in NYC was the notion that if you check the background of EVERY person who is stopped by the police for some offense, you end up taking off the street a boat load of rancid scum who have outstanding warrants. You know: the recidivists.

Oddly enough, when the bad guys get isolated, the crime rate DOES seem to magically drop.

Sure. Five years is nothing to criminals.
He killed Martin after he was attacked by Martin. It was self-defense.

Ohh NOoo! Zimmerman attacked Martin by stalking him and getting close enough to provoke a confrontation. then when he got what he asked for ( a Gene Autry /Roy Rogers style arse whuppin) he pulled a gun and killed his victim!.

The available evidence does not support your opinion.

Were you in prison or comatose when this went down?

Anyone can stage/take photos weeks, months afterwards. Police photos? Not convinced yet.

Oh, I think most of them are real. It's obvious the kid fought like crazy for his life. Anyone would, attacked by a madman.

Anyone can stage/take photos weeks, months afterwards. Police photos? Not convinced yet.

Oh, I think most of them are real. It's obvious the kid fought like crazy for his life. Anyone would, attacked by a madman.

Your either stupid or being purposely obtuse. But it's OK as you know that.
Chicago should immediately do as NYC did, a mandatory term for carrying an illegal handgun. Obama has little to do with it, NOTHING to do with Zim.

Gun laws like NYC's do little to stem violence.

What worked in NYC was the notion that if you check the background of EVERY person who is stopped by the police for some offense, you end up taking off the street a boat load of rancid scum who have outstanding warrants. You know: the recidivists.

Oddly enough, when the bad guys get isolated, the crime rate DOES seem to magically drop.

Sure. Five years is nothing to criminals.

As expected, you just demonstrated how totally dense you are, FrancoTub.

When the assholes get caught for bail jumping or for some other outstanding warrant, they get put IN. When they are IN, what are they NOT doing? They are not OUT committing more crimes.

And if they get convicted of bail jumping or the underlying charges, they are put away for even longer, and this makes them unavailable for that period of time to be out there doing their "thing."
They werent making a huge issue about gun control until Sandy Hook came up, and lets face it these weren't Black kids that were shot.

Black youth have been getting murdered in the streets for decades, and few people even give a crap, but when its White kids being shot up in school then that is what tilts the political issue of them pursuing gun control.

Its not just the inner city that needs to be disarmed, but also the Elmer fuds out there like Zimmerman, prowling around like a vulture just to harass a young black kid who was tired of being mistreated. Cant even take his whooping like a man, and has to pull out a gun to shoot a teenager. What a coward.

Don't you think your assessment is off? Sandy Hook came after Aurora and is an unusual case. I don't know how many times these gun nutters have brought up Sandy Hook and I've always told them that isn't the reason I want gun control legislation.
We understand that nutters want gun legislation in order to ensure that all schools can be as effectively targeted as Sandy Hook was.
We understand that nutters want gun legislation in order to ensure that all schools can be as effectively targeted as Sandy Hook was.

Not for spending money on either gun legislation or school security in the event of Newtown like shooting. I'd prefer to put my money on the lottery. It has better odds.
We understand that nutters want gun legislation in order to ensure that all schools can be as effectively targeted as Sandy Hook was.

How many states allow guns in schools and does any state prevent hiring a cop to be in their schools and the gun comes with the cop?
The only reason sandy hook is being brought up is because it serves a political agenda of the moment....

it has nothing to do with race.

That's funny. I thought Sandy Hook is being brought up because twenty 5 and 6 year-olds were murdered, their bodies torn apart by military weaponry, in an American suburb

That's what I thought.

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