Since we know that trickledown economics is a GOP lie, why are republicans still opposed to taxing the very wealthy more?

Generally speaking, CEOs don't come up with too may of those brilliant ideas. It's done by committee.
You have every right to choose what you wish to do with your money. Don't want to patronize certain/any corporations fine.

We are back to being taxed fairly. If 99% of the earning is received by the top 20%, all taxes should be paid at the same rate. It's not. In fact, when you total all the taxes, the top 20% doesn't even contribute 50%.
wrong again,,,

Not wrong. Doing the right thing is not always a reality.
thats two different things,,

how about you provide a link to back up your claim,,

Wow, the Vinnie Barbarno Defense. It's already been covered in here. I can't help that when confronted with it, you covered both eyes and starting screaming "LALALALALA" and over again while you were clicking the thumbs down button.
so what youre saying is you dont have a link because you made it up,,,

Generally speaking, CEOs don't come up with too may of those brilliant ideas. It's done by committee.
You have every right to choose what you wish to do with your money. Don't want to patronize certain/any corporations fine.

We are back to being taxed fairly. If 99% of the earning is received by the top 20%, all taxes should be paid at the same rate. It's not. In fact, when you total all the taxes, the top 20% doesn't even contribute 50%.
wrong again,,,

Not wrong. Doing the right thing is not always a reality.
thats two different things,,

how about you provide a link to back up your claim,,

Wow, the Vinnie Barbarno Defense. It's already been covered in here. I can't help that when confronted with it, you covered both eyes and starting screaming "LALALALALA" and over again while you were clicking the thumbs down button.

hope this helps you not make an ass of yourself next time,,
The ones that originated the Companies that later became Corporations did do the blood, sweat and tears but at some point, their blood, sweat and tears are assumed by others.
So, basically what your saying is, all you need to do is come up with an idea that many people want to be a part of.
The simple answer to the post question is: They consider the top 1-2% to be their ca$h cow$ and will trickle down mega buck$ to help get them reelected and they in turn will pass more tax break laws to that very 1-2% who trickle the dough back to them... SIMPLE: I please you and you pad my election coffer. Eazy peazy ...
Generally speaking, CEOs don't come up with too may of those brilliant ideas. It's done by committee.
You have every right to choose what you wish to do with your money. Don't want to patronize certain/any corporations fine.

We are back to being taxed fairly. If 99% of the earning is received by the top 20%, all taxes should be paid at the same rate. It's not. In fact, when you total all the taxes, the top 20% doesn't even contribute 50%.
wrong again,,,

Not wrong. Doing the right thing is not always a reality.
thats two different things,,

how about you provide a link to back up your claim,,

Wow, the Vinnie Barbarno Defense. It's already been covered in here. I can't help that when confronted with it, you covered both eyes and starting screaming "LALALALALA" and over again while you were clicking the thumbs down button.
View attachment 472885

hope this helps you not make an ass of yourself next time,,

It says nothing about what we are talking about, Ass.
Generally speaking, CEOs don't come up with too may of those brilliant ideas. It's done by committee.
You have every right to choose what you wish to do with your money. Don't want to patronize certain/any corporations fine.

We are back to being taxed fairly. If 99% of the earning is received by the top 20%, all taxes should be paid at the same rate. It's not. In fact, when you total all the taxes, the top 20% doesn't even contribute 50%.
wrong again,,,

Not wrong. Doing the right thing is not always a reality.
thats two different things,,

how about you provide a link to back up your claim,,

Wow, the Vinnie Barbarno Defense. It's already been covered in here. I can't help that when confronted with it, you covered both eyes and starting screaming "LALALALALA" and over again while you were clicking the thumbs down button.
View attachment 472885

hope this helps you not make an ass of yourself next time,,

It says nothing about what we are talking about, Ass.
it goes directly to what you said,, and it proves you wrong,,, AGAIN,,
Generally speaking, CEOs don't come up with too may of those brilliant ideas. It's done by committee.
You have every right to choose what you wish to do with your money. Don't want to patronize certain/any corporations fine.

We are back to being taxed fairly. If 99% of the earning is received by the top 20%, all taxes should be paid at the same rate. It's not. In fact, when you total all the taxes, the top 20% doesn't even contribute 50%.
wrong again,,,

Not wrong. Doing the right thing is not always a reality.
thats two different things,,

how about you provide a link to back up your claim,,

Wow, the Vinnie Barbarno Defense. It's already been covered in here. I can't help that when confronted with it, you covered both eyes and starting screaming "LALALALALA" and over again while you were clicking the thumbs down button.
so what youre saying is you dont have a link because you made it up,,,

Just don't do your own research as it would make your head explode and declare yourself the winner.
Generally speaking, CEOs don't come up with too may of those brilliant ideas. It's done by committee.
You have every right to choose what you wish to do with your money. Don't want to patronize certain/any corporations fine.

We are back to being taxed fairly. If 99% of the earning is received by the top 20%, all taxes should be paid at the same rate. It's not. In fact, when you total all the taxes, the top 20% doesn't even contribute 50%.
wrong again,,,

Not wrong. Doing the right thing is not always a reality.
thats two different things,,

how about you provide a link to back up your claim,,

Wow, the Vinnie Barbarno Defense. It's already been covered in here. I can't help that when confronted with it, you covered both eyes and starting screaming "LALALALALA" and over again while you were clicking the thumbs down button.
so what youre saying is you dont have a link because you made it up,,,

Just don't do your own research as it would make your head explode and declare yourself the winner.
your surrender is accepted,, again,,,
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

You don't know how the tax law works. Taxing the rich does not generate much money.
If you raise the tax rates on the rich or eliminate some of their deductions, they simply move their money into tax shelters. Tax shelters are easy to find. I'm not rich and I have 2 of them.

The Dumbocrats know this, so they tax the middle class and the workers. That $400,000 figure that Biden, Harris and Sanders babble about is a fantasy. Those clowns have been in Congress for years and they never once tried to put that number into the tax law. It's a con for fools. Biden and Harris say they will eliminate the Trump tax cuts. Those cuts brought a benefit to more than 80% of Americans. Get it? The Dumbocrats will raise taxes on more than 80% of Americans.
The ones that originated the Companies that later became Corporations did do the blood, sweat and tears but at some point, their blood, sweat and tears are assumed by others.
So, basically what your saying is, all you need to do is come up with an idea that many people want to be a part of.

I already said what I meant and meant what I said and you trying to tell me what I am thinking doesn't hold any water.
Wow! There's some real intelligence is on display in this thread.

While it may seem reasonable to expect the government to figure out the best tax legislation to enact, I think the problems lie more with average Americans being wasteful, complacent, and ignorant all while having no skin in the game.

As mentioned, the fact that more than 50% of all taxpayers pay nothing into the system is egregious. EVERYONE should contribute something. No matter what.
If everyone contributed, people would pay more attention to government spending and there and voters would end up better informed. Everyone would have skin in the game. Politicians would be forced to consume less pork. In addition, people would pay better attention to their own personal finances and perhaps learn to rely less on the government to get them through.

We have created a situation that is unfair to the rich and creates dependency by the poor. It only makes the divide worse.
john, by nothing you just mean income taxes....right.
Federal income tax
If you want to tax the wealthy than tax all of the wealthy...not just income tax but a wealth tax...a tax that takes into account all of your savings and holdings that you already paid taxes on...and tax that at lets say 10%....

And then lets say the minimum cut off is zero...meaning everyone is taxed for their wealth and income.....

And then you are living in China....because that's their tax system in a nut thing to look at in there system is even the poor pay taxes in China and are often jailed for not paying their quarterly....

Enjoy libtards....enjoy.....
I will enjoy.

Very much so.

Because the current system is failing.
You can run out of rich people very it or not...there are billions more lazy unproductive people than there are productive earners in the world....there is a breaking point...when you run out of enough rich people to tax...
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

Way to spread that DNC Class Warfare BS...sold to you by self-enriching BILLIONAIRES who stay in power by dividing Americans and pitting Americans against each other.

Under Trump MILLIONS of Americans escaped the Demicrat plantation and their policies of economic slavery. Millions got off of welfare, food stamps, unemployment...and Democrats rely / survive on American DEPENDENCE on those things/ them.

Democrats responded by using COVID-19 as a weapon to violate Ameticans' Constitutional and Civil rights, used their oppressive edicts to erase all the successes and achievement...the Democrats destroyed over 50% of ALL minority-owned small businesses in the US while crippling the economy because with a successful economy Democrats stood no chance of winning...

Democrats f*ed minorities and this country for their own success / power...and are still doing it.

Go ahead, like dementia-ravaged Joe and insanely blame Trump and make false accusations ... like Joe claiming vacines did not exist prior to his becoming President...despite the world having watched him get both vaccine shots before he went into the WH.
If you want to tax the wealthy than tax all of the wealthy...not just income tax but a wealth tax...a tax that takes into account all of your savings and holdings that you already paid taxes on...and tax that at lets say 10%....

And then lets say the minimum cut off is zero...meaning everyone is taxed for their wealth and income.....

And then you are living in China....because that's their tax system in a nut thing to look at in there system is even the poor pay taxes in China and are often jailed for not paying their quarterly....

Enjoy libtards....enjoy.....
I will enjoy.

Very much so.

Because the current system is failing.
You can run out of rich people very it or not...there are billions more lazy unproductive people than there are productive earners in the world....there is a breaking point...when you run out of enough rich people to tax...

$1.9 Trillion 'COVID' porkulous deficit bomb with $1.3 trillion having nothing to do with virus relief ... and another $3 trillion for non-shovel-ready pork projects....nearly $5 trillion in Democrat pork spending in less than 100 days...

Socialists love spending other people's money ...
And its great until their ruled masses run out of money
If the business lays off needed workers it will harm the business because the remaining workers won't be able to properly do the job.

It will cause the existing employees to have to work overtime which is more expensive.

It will also cause high turn over for the business because people can't be worked like that for very long until they look for another job. Especially if the first job doesn't pay well.

An employer will only lay off employees if there is a decrease in work for the existing workers to do.

If the employer reduces the workers without the necessary decline in business the employer will harm or even destroy the business.

The problem with you people on the left is you think wages are the only expense of an employee. The wage is only the starting point. Therefore it's cheaper for companies to get rid of workers and have the existing ones work OT because it does save them money. It's why companies do it.

By making existing employees do the work, it's less vacation and holiday time the employer has to pay for an additional employee. It's one less person to pay for on Workman's compensation insurance which is one of their largest expenses. It's one less person they have to cover in unemployment insurance.

In reality though, besides the layoffs, the big guy always passes his losses to us little people: Investing in more automation to replace human workers, omitting annual wage increases, having employees pay a larger portion of their healthcare contributions to their plan, outsourcing, in extreme cases, increasing the price of their product or services, moving the company entirely out of the country.
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

"Trickle down" again, Billy? For about the fiftieth time...Trickle down doesn't exist!!!!!!! It's something liberals who know NOTHING about economics use because they've been told by other liberals who know nothing about economics that it's what's wrong with Capitalism. Profits trickle up...not down!

You think those billionaires are going to sit there and let you take their money? They won't. I'll tell you exactly what will happen if you take Bernie's advice on this. Those billionaires will either move their money out of the country or they'll put it in something that's a tax shelter. Tax revenues will go down...not up.
Wow! There's some real intelligence is on display in this thread.

While it may seem reasonable to expect the government to figure out the best tax legislation to enact, I think the problems lie more with average Americans being wasteful, complacent, and ignorant all while having no skin in the game.

As mentioned, the fact that more than 50% of all taxpayers pay nothing into the system is egregious. EVERYONE should contribute something. No matter what.
If everyone contributed, people would pay more attention to government spending and there and voters would end up better informed. Everyone would have skin in the game. Politicians would be forced to consume less pork. In addition, people would pay better attention to their own personal finances and perhaps learn to rely less on the government to get them through.

We have created a situation that is unfair to the rich and creates dependency by the poor. It only makes the divide worse.

Exactly. The top 20% of wage earners in this country fund 87% of all collected income taxes. If that's not their fair share, then what is? 92%? 95%? 99%?

What I have proposed repeatedly to address the deficit and debt is a consumption tax. All collections go to the deficit and debt, let's say 10 cents on the dollar.

Now if we get a Congress and President that wants to spend more on crap like the last Pork bill, fine. Increase that tax to 12 cents on the dollar. Now the left is talking about an additional 3 trillion more for infrastructure, which means they will increase the debt by 5 trillion in less than 3 months. Great, increase the consumption tax to 15 cents on the dollar.

If all people actually had to pay for this wasteful spending, more would be against all the crap spending they do and have been doing for decades. There are no loopholes in a consumption tax to buy votes because we all pay it. If you are a prostitute, you pay the tax. If you work for a bookie, you pay the tax. If you work under the table, you still pay the tax. If you sell dope on the streets, you still pay the tax.
LOL, tell that to Rump. Or almost any other inherited baby in history. Sorry, but it's almost impossible to get that rich these days through hard work. You get there by using other peoples efforts and ideas. Gates and his Partner started out doing hard work but didn't get their real fortune until Gates learned to "Barrow" other's efforts and call it his own. Even Henry Ford used other peoples blood, sweat and tears.

The ones that originated the Companies that later became Corporations did do the blood, sweat and tears but at some point, their blood, sweat and tears are assumed by others. They don't work over 300 times harder than they did before they aquired all that wealth.

You go out in a field somewhere and dig a hole. Did you make any money digging that hole with your blood, sweat and tears? Of course you didn't. Now somebody comes along seeing your work, and puts you somewhere where he can pay you to dig that hole because he has a customer that needs such a hole dug. Now you are getting paid for digging that hole.

Employees are paid by doing a specific job. Employers are paid by selling the work you do.
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

"Trickle down" again, Billy? For about the fiftieth time...Trickle down doesn't exist!!!!!!! It's something liberals who know NOTHING about economics use because they've been told by other liberals who know nothing about economics that it's what's wrong with Capitalism. Profits trickle up...not down!

You think those billionaires are going to sit there and let you take their money? They won't. I'll tell you exactly what will happen if you take Bernie's advice on this. Those billionaires will either move their money out of the country or they'll put it in something that's a tax shelter. Tax revenues will go down...not up.
Yep, trickle down economics is a lie. Glad we agree!

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