Since we know that trickledown economics is a GOP lie, why are republicans still opposed to taxing the very wealthy more?

If the top makes 90 percent then how are the rest of us bottom dwellers supposed to pay when there's only 10 percent to work with?

I would sure love to know where this leftist concept came from that states money in the US is finite; that the reason one has too little is because others have too much. It's a complete leftist lie to promote more division between the people.

Now if there was any truth to that, and I asked my boss for a raise, he would tell me he'd love to give me one, but he can't because the rich have all the money. Or if I went to a bank for a car loan. They too would tell me they'd love to give me the loan for the car, but they can't because the rich have all of our money in the US.

There is no limit on how much money one can make. It has nothing to do with what the rich have.
If the top makes 90 percent then how are the rest of us bottom dwellers supposed to pay when there's only 10 percent to work with?

I would sure love to know where this leftist concept came from that states money in the US is finite; that the reason one has too little is because others have too much. It's a complete leftist lie to promote more division between the people.

Now if there was any truth to that, and I asked my boss for a raise, he would tell me he'd love to give me one, but he can't because the rich have all the money. Or if I went to a bank for a car loan. They too would tell me they'd love to give me the loan for the car, but they can't because the rich have all of our money in the US.

There is no limit on how much money one can make. It has nothing to do with what the rich have.
It's all about class envy from the Anti-American Left. they think they are ENTITLED to somebody else's wealth.
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

currently about 50% of the population pay nothing in taxs and the uber rich pay the highest part of taxs,,

fix that problem and we can talk about you stupid idea,,
When you say the super rich I hope you mean the super rich millionaires who are not celebrity’s or politicians just normal Americans thst are rich because the politicians and the connected celebrity’s are exempt from that,they don’t pay taxes,they get special treatment with one law for them and one law for us.
I dont begrudge any person that came by their money honestly and have a lot of respect for anyone that can get away without paying taxs on it,, legal or not,
It's all about class envy from the Anti-American Left. they think they are ENTITLED to somebody else's wealth.

Agreed. I think it was Ken Blackwell who said it best: A liberal believes if you earn money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are.

Thomas Sowell.jpeg
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

I have never understood why some people who pay less income taxes than their neighbor, would demand that the neighbor pay more.

About half of Americans pay no federal income tax at all; the rest of us pay it for them.

The richest among us tend to pay the most taxes, generally about 27% for the top 1%. They pay so much more than most of us do. Personally, I am thankful and wish them even greater future success, but I do pay a tidy sum of taxes myself.

To answer your original query:
This wealthiest among us owe us squat. They can take their money and run after firing everyone.

But instead, they make more money by continuing to employ people who buy homes and other things, paying property, sales, social security and other taxes, while these employers are paying similar taxes themselves.

The wealthiest among us pay most of the taxes, and that pays for most of the operations of the government, including schools, roads, law and order, defense, energy, etc.

Demonizing the successful has to stop. We need to encourage success. Everyone would love to be successful. Everyone can be, if they strive to do so, every day.
It's simply a lie that half of workers do not pay taxes. ANY worker at least pays payroll taxes. In fact, 1/5 of a poor person's income goes to their taxes.

You're conveniently not acknowledging the EFFECTIVE taxes rich people pay. 2/3 of corporations do not pay any federal income taxes because of the taxe loopholes they take advantage of. The "official" tax rate is effectively meaningless.
> It's simply a lie that half of workers do not pay taxes.

I said, "About half of Americans pay no federal income tax at all; the rest of us pay it for them."

Pay attention, and quit being so anxious to call people liars.

You want people who already pay way more taxes than you to pay even more. That does not seem fair to me.
Yes, it is simple economics that wealthy people must pay more in taxes. It’s not about what’s “fair”. It’s about what is realistic.
the wealthy already pay not just more taxs but the majority of taxs,,

If the top 20% owns 99% of the wealth and income, I would think that they should also be paying 99% of the taxes. They don't. But yes, they do pay the majority of the taxes at the federal and state level. But when you total up all the other taxes, they really don't pay the majority. You leave out the taxes that are not figured in on an annual or quarterly basis.
> If the top 20% owns 99% of the wealth and income, I would think that they should also be paying 99% of the taxes.

No. Wealth is acquired over a lifetime through hard work.

Not sure why you think you can confiscate other people's property they have already paid taxes on to acquire. Self-entitiled much?

LOL, tell that to Rump. Or almost any other inherited baby in history. Sorry, but it's almost impossible to get that rich these days through hard work. You get there by using other peoples efforts and ideas. Gates and his Partner started out doing hard work but didn't get their real fortune until Gates learned to "Barrow" other's efforts and call it his own. Even Henry Ford used other peoples blood, sweat and tears.

The ones that originated the Companies that later became Corporations did do the blood, sweat and tears but at some point, their blood, sweat and tears are assumed by others. They don't work over 300 times harder than they did before they aquired all that wealth.

> Sorry, but it's almost impossible to get that rich these days through hard work.

Completely false. This is only true for ignorant people, and those who would rather waste 10% of their money on things like cell phones, eating out, $7 Starbucks coffes, etc. instead of saving for retirement.

If one makes only $35k per year, gets 3% annual salary increases, saves 10% of income in the stock market and gets 8% returns, consistent with historical stock market returns....

After 40 years, one will have $1.26M in savings.

If one saved 15%, one will have $1.85M after 40 years.

Double these numbers for a person (or couple) making $70,000 per year.
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The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

Republicans are total sheep. They will support what ever the party and Fox News tells them.

In 2002-6 they all supported the war in Iraq and called people who opposed War, traitors... Now, because Trump is opposed to War in Iraq they suddenly were against the war all along, opposing the war side by side with me...

If the GOP tells these idiot lemmings to oppose tax cuts for billionaires, they listen.

Trumpers are 100% sheep, they do what ever the party tells them. Party over country. Fuck America, I support the GOP instead...
I don't want anybody else's money I worked for my retirement....I went thru the god awful american rat race with my only regret of not taking all my vacation or sick time I had accumulated what a terrible mistake that was. I was fortunate to walk off of 2 jobs no notice...right into a better one. Why is it discussing differences in classes is so bad? The different classes don't share much in common.

Trickle down economics is a GOP lie????


You realize that Obama engaged in trickle-down-economics like no other President in the history of this country? RIGHT??
Which is why the wealth gap grew faster, and to the highest degree while he was President.

Man you people are as dumb as mud.
And hilarious!!!
Your title is a lie.

Is that a rebuttal? What evidence do you have that "trickle down" works? If Republican fiscal policies work, why do Americans keep voting out the current party?

You saying something is a lie is worthless, as is your post. Back it up.
Your title is a lie.

Is that a rebuttal? What evidence do you have that "trickle down" works? If Republican fiscal policies work, why do Americans keep voting out the current party?

You saying something is a lie is worthless, as is your post. Back it up.
the proof is no average person ever worked for a poor person,,,
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

No one has ever produced any evidence that wealth disparity harms anyone.

It is not a myth that gthe wealthy invest their money in ways which create jobs or others it is fact.

This tax like all others is simply more theft based on envy of the succesful
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

currently about 50% of the population pay nothing in taxs and the uber rich pay the highest part of taxs,,

fix that problem and we can talk about you stupid idea,,
The Uber rich, as you say, have 70-90% of the money, yet pay less than 40% of the taxes.

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