Since we know that trickledown economics is a GOP lie, why are republicans still opposed to taxing the very wealthy more?

The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

currently about 50% of the population pay nothing in taxs and the uber rich pay the highest part of taxs,,

fix that problem and we can talk about you stupid idea,,
When you say the super rich I hope you mean the super rich millionaires who are not celebrity’s or politicians just normal Americans thst are rich because the politicians and the connected celebrity’s are exempt from that,they don’t pay taxes,they get special treatment with one law for them and one law for us.
We are back to being taxed fairly. If 99% of the earning is received by the top 20%, all taxes should be paid at the same rate. It's not. In fact, when you total all the taxes, the top 20% doesn't even contribute 50%.

Income taxes are not the same as payroll taxes. Payroll taxes are kind of like pay-as-you go, because your local taxes go to funding your police department, fire department, street lights, schools, road crews, highway construction and maintenance. The rest of those taxes are more or less savings accounts that you get back if you live the average US lifespan. You will get back all that money and more you and your employer paid into SS. You will get all that Medicare money back and ten times from your Medicare contributions in most cases.

But income taxes go to fund our federal government: Congress and President, our military, our 80 plus welfare programs, our bureaucracies and agencies, our federal investigation entities and federal prisons, our federal parks and lands.

What people pay in "all" taxes is irrelevant because different taxes go to different places. If you make prompt payments to your credit card bill, does the bank that gave you an auto loan you're not paying on give you a pass because you are paying on another debt you acquired?
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The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

When I hear trickle down economics and Gop I automatically think of how old Ronnie shit on the lower and middle class familys taxing them and giving the super rich the tax breaks,at least half if not most Americans are sheep who have been brainwashed by the media how Ronnie was for the people when the reality is he was only fir the corporations. The brainwashed sheep can never accept that reality and live in denial mode, they will negative rep you without even trying to counter your facts cause they know they can’t.they cannot accept reality Ronnie was a traiter and burned the constitution.
Yep, trickle down economics is a lie. Glad we agree!

Trickle down is what our entire economy is about and what made us the wealthiest country in the world. It didn't start with Reagan, it started long before he became President. It's why when Democrats have power, like they do today, they don't bother to interfere with it.
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

"Trickle down" again, Billy? For about the fiftieth time...Trickle down doesn't exist!!!!!!! It's something liberals who know NOTHING about economics use because they've been told by other liberals who know nothing about economics that it's what's wrong with Capitalism. Profits trickle up...not down!

You think those billionaires are going to sit there and let you take their money? They won't. I'll tell you exactly what will happen if you take Bernie's advice on this. Those billionaires will either move their money out of the country or they'll put it in something that's a tax shelter. Tax revenues will go down...not up.
Yep, trickle down economics is a lie. Glad we agree!
Once again,'s not that it's a "lie"'s that it never EXISTED! Duh?
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

When I hear trickle down economics and Gop I automatically think of how old Ronnie shit on the lower and middle class familys taxing them and giving the super rich the tax breaks,at least half if not most Americans are sheep who have been brainwashed by the media how Ronnie was for the people when the reality is he was only fir the corporations. The brainwashed sheep can never accept that reality and live in denial mode, they will negative rep you without even trying to counter your facts cause they know they can’t.they cannot accept reality Ronnie was a traiter and burned the constitution.
So kindly explain why income disparity between the super rich and the lower class got larger during the Obama years than it did during the Reagan ones, LA Ram Fan?
Trickle down doesn't work in Billy. What really works in Billy is.......

A. Employers pay more taxes so they have less to give their employees.
B. Employers say fuck Billy, we're going overseas.
C. AOC throws Billy a bone.
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

How do we know Trickle Down is a lie ?
Regardless of where the money went, it would help for pay for any government spending and reduce the deficit.
It would be wasted on things like "gender studies" in Afghanistan. Why do you think the people in government are more noble than people in the private sector. Are you not paying attention to what they are doing with our tax dollars now? They're wasting the money. Wake up.
Why are you pretending it would go to that? That's just stupid. You're just making shit up as you go along.

This from the OP who called Trickledown a lie without any proof.

And saying Paul Krugman said so isn't worth the toilet paper you use to ........well, it just isn't worth much.
We know that trickle up poverty is a reality.
So you're just going to deflect the topic like a little bitch?

What is the topic ?

The push from Sanders to rob Americans richest of the money they want to pass to their children.

Who is Bernie Sanders to say how much people should have.

Talk about totalitarian.
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

How do we know Trickle Down is a lie ?

That depends what you mean. It's a fact of life that wealthy people supply the investment capital necessary to start or enlarge a business which means they have the funds necessary to create jobs. The other source of capital would be the stock market but getting listed on a stock exchange takes months and lots of labor and money. As a man in the diner said:"I have never been hired by a poor person."
You know what's funny? Bernie Sanders is always badmouthing the wealthy and saying he's gonna get more tax from them. Sanders himself is very wealthy, so when he criticizes the wealthy, you are permitted to laugh loudly.I just looked it up. Sanders Net Worth is $3 million. He is a fraud.
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If the top makes 90 percent then how are the rest of us bottom dwellers supposed to pay when there's only 10 percent to work with?
If you got more money from so called very wealthy what then? Would it used for something important like say oh I don’t know taking a very, very small step in paying down the national debt or would it be used for yet more partisan pork bullshit. My vote would be for the second.
Regardless of where the money went, it would help for pay for any government spending and reduce the deficit.
How about we do something instead that is a completely foreign concept to you far Left douchebags? Cut government spending across the board. And that means total elimination of ALL Social welfare spending, bring the Federal Government back down to its ORIGINAL Constitutional mandates and leave the social welfare bullshit to the states. See how easy that is?
Well again they have all the wealth......the rest are basically on the poor side. Scraping by is what 90 percent of americans do in reality.
The big lie is the same one that the filthy ass Left Wingers have been telling us for decades and decades. The lie being that you are better off if some stupid asshole bureaucrat spends the money that you make rather than yourself.

That is the core belief of these stupid uneducated Moon Bats that don't know any more about Economics than they know about History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

Socialism is sick disease.
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world.
The party is mired in this weird, ignorant, faux-libertarian belief system in which their natural impulse is to attack virtually all taxes. They've been this way since Reagan.

And at the same time, they're fine with increasing spending and the size of government. Trump himself said, "who cares about the budget", and they cheered.

Limbaugh convinced them that they are "the party of fiscal responsibility", and they wear that title with great pride. And yet, all they know how to do is borrow and spend.

To answer your question directly: They're not thinking.
The wealth disparity in the US is the widest in the world. We KNOW corporate subsidies and tax breaks do not benefit the middle class or poor on any significant level. It's simply a myth they would choose to invest the extra money into lower level work forces. Why pay the fast food worker more if republican policy allows the fat cats to just keep the money they save from tax loopholes or meat subsidies? No point in that for them. There is no incentive.

"Under this legislation," the proposal noted above a list of billionaires in America, "the families of all 657 billionaires in America who have a combined net worth of over $4.26 trillion would owe up to $2.7 trillion in estate taxes."

What is also a myth or outright lie is when Democrats tell the Middle Class that no one making under $(Fill in the number) will pay an increase in taxes. Invariably and necessarily, the Middle Class pays more in taxes. Case in point, Biden is getting rid of the 2017 tax cuts. Under Trump’s plan, the Middle Class kept more of a percentage of its take home pay than they did under Obama or will under Biden.

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