Since we live in a country where a majority of Americans are in agreement............

I want the Senate to more closely represent the views of the vast majority of Americans.
That's because you think it's "your side" that is the vast majority, but it isn't.

Aside from that; In reality, it's the Senate vs. the rest of us. They voted themselves the "Lords of America"

back in the late 70s and 80s and it's been downhill ever since.

Lobbying needs curbed and there needs to be term limits.
America's been minority rule since it's inception

what do you folks think the 3% er's were about?

......on issues like abortion, gun control, climate change, immigration, campaign finance reform, etc., why isn't the majority's wishes reflected in public policy?

I would argue it's because of the disproportionate representation of conservatives in the Senate, more gerrymandered districts in Repub controlled states than Dem controlled states, and the comically anachronistic Electoral College. If not for the latter we likely would not have had a Repub prez since Reagan. Hence, we'd have a liberal super majority in the SC. Nor would we have suffered through Mitch McTreason being the majority leader in the Senate if not for WY's 580K residents having equal representation to CA's 39M.

Can this be fixed to prevent the current tyranny of the minority?
Haha you can’t gerrymander senate races you idiot
No. I'm saying lack of paramount objection. That's the way it is with the bulk of the laws Congress passes. When you start trying to "transform society" it gets problematic..
“Lack of paramount objection”

In what area do you see that pertaining?

What subject?

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