Since when has a war in your lifetime caused gas rices this high

Rich lying greedy a-hole conservatives and worse, authoritarians...
Most people would rather take a cheese grater to their nipples and pour lemon juice on them....than talk to an ignorant woke liberal like yourself.

You people know dick about history.
The Yom Kippur War in 1973 caused OPEC to start an oil embargo which caused the 1973 energy crisis.

A very important and unique war, because it was the first and only war started by Arabs, in order to get back the Sinai and Golan, stolen by Israel in 1967.

But since it had no effect on the oil production capabilities, it showed how much power OPEC had, as well.
A very important and unique war, because it was the first and only war started by Arabs, in order to get back the Sinai and Golan, stolen by Israel in 1967.

But since it had no effect on the oil production capabilities, it showed how much power OPEC had, as well.
It's funny.
When I first heard about the Yom Kippur War years after it happened - I was a wee lad when it occurred - I rooted for the underdog Israeli's to win.
With the hideous way they have been treating the Palestinians for decades. And how they refuse to let them go?
I actually wish the Arab's had won.
I sincerely think the world would be a better place today if they had.
For one thing, the 9/11 attacks almost certainly never would have happened - and all the shit that has come from it.
It's funny.
When I first heard about the Yom Kippur War years after it happened - I was a wee lad when it occurred - I rooted for the underdog Israeli's to win.
With the hideous way they have been treating the Palestinians for decades. And how they refuse to let them go?
I actually wish the Arab's had won.
I sincerely think the world would be a better place today if they had.
For one thing, the 9/11 attacks almost certainly never would have happened - and all the shit that has come from it.

Yes, being Jewish and only listening to the corrupt media, I used to support Israel.
But then I did a lot more reading of the actual history, the corrupt leaders, how Palestinians were being illegally evicted or murdered, etc.
The most telling was that Menachem Begin who was elected Prime Minister, was actually the person who murdered the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte and had planted the King David Hotel bombs (12 milk canisters filled with TNT).
Yes, being Jewish and only listening to the corrupt media, I used to support Israel.
But then I did a lot more reading of the actual history, the corrupt leaders, how Palestinians were being illegally evicted or murdered, etc.
The most telling was that Menachem Begin who was elected Prime Minister, was actually the person who murdered the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte and had planted the King David Hotel bombs (12 milk canisters filled with TNT).

Hats off to you.

You clearly are able to look at things clearly - even though you are close to it.
That is a rare thing.

(I knew nothing of this assassination you speak of. But I will read about it now).

I wish more Jewish people felt as you do.
I know many do...but not enough, sadly.

And, the thing is, all Israel is doing now is making things FAR harder for themselves.
The world is slowly turning against them over the Palestinian's.
The faster Israel let's the Palestinian's go?
The faster they can start to be accepted by their neighbors.
The better off Israeli's would be.

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