Since women can do it all


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Since women can do it all
Be president
Be a solider
Be a marine
Be a wrestler
Be a cook
Be a construction worker
Be a coal miner

Why the need for social gender limitations or standards at all? what I am saying is why shouldn't a male(as in their sex) be able to act as a female if they should wish to do so?. It certainly wouldn't limit their ability or upward mobility as pointed out above. What is the big deal? If you're saying that it will hurt your pleasure of looking at women. I don't believe that is a good reason to reject the personal freedom of that person. There's nothing wrong with cock. I bet you have one??? Do you want to be thrown in prison for being seen as weird by some other culture? As in going to the middle east or Africa you would be seen as different. Should it matter?
No Matty, society isn’t going to cater to your mental illness.

You don’t get to use a woman’s restroom because you’re a cross dresser.
You don’t get to go by female standards in the military because you like to pretend to be a female.
You don’t get to take the spot of an actual female on a woman’s sports team and go on to win with your unfair advantage of being a male playing against all females.

If you can’t understand that, you need to be institutionalized.
Since women can do it all
Be president
Be a solider
Be a marine
Be a wrestler
Be a cook
Be a construction worker
Be a coal miner

Why the need for social gender limitations or standards at all? what I am saying is why shouldn't a male(as in their sex) be able to act as a female if they should wish to do so?. It certainly wouldn't limit their ability or upward mobility as pointed out above. What is the big deal? If you're saying that it will hurt your pleasure of looking at women. I don't believe that is a good reason to reject the personal freedom of that person. There's nothing wrong with cock. I bet you have one??? Do you want to be thrown in prison for being seen as weird by some other culture? As in going to the middle east or Africa you would be seen as different. Should it matter?

You can. But, of course it would be you lying to yourself. And you must think something is not right about it, or you would not post about it constantly.
Personally I am sick of seeing it. Life is NOT about mere sexual orientation. Would be nice if you would stop sitting here every damn night obsessing over it. Might feel better and not so full of hatred and anger if you thought of other things now and then. But, that wouldn't get you the attention so crave.
I might sound unkind, but really this is getting old. STOP thinking about it constantly.
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Since women can do it all
Be president
Be a solider
Be a marine
Be a wrestler
Be a cook
Be a construction worker
Be a coal miner

Why the need for social gender limitations or standards at all? what I am saying is why shouldn't a male(as in their sex) be able to act as a female if they should wish to do so?. It certainly wouldn't limit their ability or upward mobility as pointed out above. What is the big deal? If you're saying that it will hurt your pleasure of looking at women. I don't believe that is a good reason to reject the personal freedom of that person. There's nothing wrong with cock. I bet you have one??? Do you want to be thrown in prison for being seen as weird by some other culture? As in going to the middle east or Africa you would be seen as different. Should it matter?

You can. But, of course it would be you lying to yourself. And you must think something is not right about it, or you would not post about it constantly.
Personally I am sick of seeing it. Life is NOT about mere sexual orientation. Would be nice if you would stop sitting here every damn night obsessing over it. Might feel better and not so full of hatred and anger if you thought of other things now and then. But, that wouldn't get you the attention so crave.
I might sound unkind, but really this is getting old. STOP thinking about it constantly.
Amen to this! It is all that too many people can talk about as if nothing else is even worth the acknowledgement anymore. Are them people ever going to grow up?

God bless you always!!!


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