Sinéad O’Connor, acclaimed Irish singer, dead at 56

RIP Sineaid.

She did "Man of La Mancha"? :aargh:
The article and the story do not match up. Its a hit piece from what appears to be a homeschooling outfit.
The maths are their own and their conclusions are imab\gomative.
They also fail to reference the abuse in other churches..
I am not saying that there isnt a problem in schools but it isnr a competition to see who is least bad.
An organisation with a vested commercial interest is unlikely to shed much light.
STFU Tommy, you were indoctrinated in UK schools.

You can't think for yourself. They made sure of that.
I now enough about Irish history to know that there was no war between catholics and protestants.where O Connor was raised..
Perhaps you could point me to a good book that covers it. LMAO.
Loved her activism. She did a lot to expose the Catholic Church, and is probably responsible for a big share of its decline, and total rejection by younger generations.
She was just a hater and that is why she converted to Islam.
As Irish singers go, I’ll take Delores O’Reardon as the best, hands down

She was a great songwriter and far better singer
RIP Sinead O'Connor. :(

"It is unclear how O’Connor died. However, a social media post by the singer on Tuesday suggests that she may have taken her own life. Referring to the death of her 17-year-old son Shane by suicide last year, she said that she had “been living as [an] undead night creature since. He was the love of my life, the lamp of my soul.”

with her son....together now


Imagine how that must make her other 3 children feel?
Off topic. You do realize she is from Ireland, right? What she did to bring attention to the world regarding Catholic priests abusing children took 10 years for people in the United States to wake up and realize that it was actually happening. This was way before teachers abusing kids caught the attention of the media.
Off topic. You do realize she is from Ireland, right? What she did to bring attention to the world regarding Catholic priests abusing children took 10 years for people in the United States to wake up and realize that it was actually happening. This was way before teachers abusing kids caught the attention of the media.

You mean faggots pretending to be 'priests'.
I saw her in the documentary they did on her... wow is all I could say.
She was a DEEPLY disturbed individual. A literal playbook of mental illnesses.
Honestly, it is a wonder she made it this long. I don't say that to be mean... just honest.

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