Single moms are breeding criminals

Unfortunately Santorum is right. The truth really can hurt, but it is the truth. But he speaks the truth and then the usual suspect wingnuts immediately screech about him hating women. Same ole same ole i guess. Nothing ever changes. When will Americans get tired of these old & tired games? Every Election it's the same ole same ole..."Republicans hate Women!!" "Republicans hate Black People!!" Blah Blah Blah...
Not one of the rw's chose to actually read the link. And, every one of them LIED about what it said and what crazy Santorum said.

You chose to link to a left wing hack site.... and you wonder why no one wastes their time reading it? Personally, I don't like providing revenue to hack sites, so I don't read the bullshit they produce. If I want to know what Santorum says... I will make the effort to find an unedited, in context, clip and hear it for myself. That way my opinions are mine.... no those of some idiot media hack.
Yeah and your opinions ARE ??????

Head and shoulders above your parroting.
Middle ground? How can there be middle ground when you want women to only have sex when they are married and want to have children?

That is a strawman. I have never said I want women to only have sex when they are married. I have quite clearly said they should only have CHILDREN when they are married.

You are deliberately introducing an element which has little relation to the issue of single parenting.

So stop conflating sex with children of single parents.

Hmmm... having sex risks pregnancy.

Furthermore,the right(all of a sudden) is demonizing birth control because Rick SATANum hates birth control, and because they are fucking LEMMINGS

The right is not demonizing birth control. They are demonizing government forcing people of faith to engage in a behavior which violates their faith.

This is what I mean about the Left throwing up so much smoke to conceal the actual issue at stake. If you want to use birth control, go right ahead. Very few people on the Right are opposed to birth control. I don't know what it will take to drive that through your incredibly thick heads.

But if a church is opposed to birth control, you cannot force that church to violate its beliefs, but that is EXACTLY what Obama did.

THAT is the issue.

So let's review....You say that you aren't against sex as a single person... just having kids, but apparently, you are on the side of the anti-birth control crowd...

No, you are trying to make it about birth control and sex and you are throwing out bait to inflame a particular group who do not represent the whole.

These are pathetic and stupid tactics which are frequently used by all sides, with the end result of our society continuing to circle around the drain.

Thanks a lot, asshole.
You know what else is tough? Being in a marriage. It may shock you, but there are people who want children, would be a great parent but don't want to be forced to be married to do it.

So someone who is not able or willing to form a stable relationship is going to be a great parent?

Don't be so fucking stupid.

Look, we can talk about this forever. At the end of the day, you guys want women to only have sex in a manner that YOU deem acceptable. That's not how our country works.

Having children out of wedlock is an issue that severely impacts society. That you don't want any restraint or responsibility for anything, doesn't alter that.
The term single mother is a broad one.

People who paint with such broad brushes are dumb fucks hence Insanetorum is a dumb fuck

Yeah, it is.

There needs to be a better term for those who with malice aforethought and for their own selfish reason bring children into the world without a stable relationship.

We used to call them "tramps," but the left says that isn't PC. It used to be a mark of shame to have or be a bastard. Now we have people like Shortbus praising those who have bastard children as "brave" for "making a choice."

A woman who is married has children and the husband dies did not have bastard children.

A woman who is married has children and gets a divorce from the husband did not have bastard children.

In both cases, the statistic listed are irrelevant because the fact is that the stats are regarding bastard children - it just isn't permitted to be honest anymore.

Having children is a selfish act whether or not the person is in a stable relationship.

I have no problem with single people having kids. I do have a problem if people have kids and can't afford them and then expect other people to pay for them. I have a problem that I who have no children have to pay more in taxes than those who do have children ( a related but separate issue)

To imply that single people cannot be responsible is insane

To say that a responsible single person who wants a child is breeding criminals is insane; hence Santorum is insane.
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People who actually have children out of wedlock are verrryyy defensive about this. It doesn't hit them until LATER what a huge disservice they did their children.
The Right doesn't hate women. That's crazy.

The Right just hates women who have sex.

Let's just boil it down to brass tacks.... the right HATES. They hate everything that doesn't vomit from their judgmental mouths.

No, we hate people who victimize women and children by refusing to tell them from a young has consequences and you don't get to do it until you're married.

We hate people who think it's okay to butcher women and kill babies, to justify their perverted desire to promote children as sexual, and expendable...creatures.

In bold... a prime example of the judgmental nature of the Christian Right. WE HATE PEOPLE WHO.... bullshit generalization....Bullshit mandate....

second paragraph..... WE HATE PEOPLE WHO.

Like I said.... the right HATES....period.

They don't try to understand anything...they just hate and put themselves on a pedestal.

You see, a REAL Christian wouldn't say the shit you say. A REAL Christian LOVES...not HATES. A REAL Christian is always seeking understanding and truth.

A REAL Christian knows in his/her heart that God looks beyond the surface and deep into the hearts and souls of people... places where mere mortals cannot see. That's why Jesus warned against being judgmental.

Christian Conservatives.... aren't Christians....they are pretenders.
There has been only one other reasonable person in this topic. Someone who is an actual single parent.

The rest of you have no desire to listen to reason whatsoever. You just want to bait and inflame so you can polarize yourselves.

This accomplishes NOTHING! And it is writ large on our political landscape today. The whole country is a bunch of rabid parrots.
The left just doesn't want kids to know their lives can be ruined by having sex with the wrong people.

Ever wonder WHY???
There has been only one other reasonable person in this topic. Someone who is an actual single parent.

The rest of you have no desire to listen to reason whatsoever. You just want to bait and inflame so you can polarize yourselves.

This accomplishes NOTHING! And it is writ large on our political landscape today. The whole country is a bunch of rabid parrots.

Single parent here.

Don't. Do. It. Don't have sex with people you wouldn't raise a kid with. I'm telling you, it's a HUGE mistake.
He's more than likely correct. People have to stop fearing truth and instead embrace it. The problems cannot be solved if they are not first accepted as problems. Single-Parenting is a very big problem in this Country. And ignoring that fact for political gain, will cost the Country big-time in the end.

Why is it a "problem"

How can you be in support of libertarian ideals and then not support a person single or married having a child if and when they want to?

Fine, so long as i don't have to pay for it. But turds like you wouldn't allow that, would you?

Hold on there asswipe.

Where did I say people shouldn't have to pay for their own kids?

The issue here is that Insanetorum said single people who have kids are breeding criminals.

That statement is insane and unbelievably stupid and only a dumb fuck would say or believe it. Hence Santorum is an insane, unbelievably stupid dumb fuck.
There has been only one other reasonable person in this topic. Someone who is an actual single parent.

The rest of you have no desire to listen to reason whatsoever. You just want to bait and inflame so you can polarize yourselves.

This accomplishes NOTHING! And it is writ large on our political landscape today. The whole country is a bunch of rabid parrots.

I said before that I was a single parent. My ex decided that drugs and fucking everything that walked was her priority, So I raised three girls by myself.

What you really see is that those of us pointing out the selfishness and disservice to the child by the never-been-married women are speaking from experience.
There has been only one other reasonable person in this topic. Someone who is an actual single parent.

The rest of you have no desire to listen to reason whatsoever. You just want to bait and inflame so you can polarize yourselves.

This accomplishes NOTHING! And it is writ large on our political landscape today. The whole country is a bunch of rabid parrots.

I said before that I was a single parent. My ex decided that drugs and fucking everything that walked was her priority, So I raised three girls by myself.

What you really see is that those of us pointing out the selfishness and disservice to the child by the never-been-married women are speaking from experience.

So you didn't raise criminals because you are a man?

Only single women breed criminals right?

Do you not see the hypocrisy in saying that a widowed woman can raise children who aren't criminals but a woman who has never been married breeds criminals?

They are both single mothers whether by circumstance or by choice.
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Why is it a "problem"

How can you be in support of libertarian ideals and then not support a person single or married having a child if and when they want to?

Fine, so long as i don't have to pay for it. But turds like you wouldn't allow that, would you?

Hold on there asswipe.

Where did I say people shouldn't have to pay for their own kids?

The issue here is that Insanetorum said single people who have kids are breeding criminals.

That statement is insane and unbelievably stupid and only a dumb fuck would say or believe it. Hence Santorum is an insane, unbelievably stupid dumb fuck.

Illegitimacy. In 1960 only 5.3 percent of births were out of wedlock. Today nearly 30 percent of births are illegitimate. Among blacks, the illegitimacy rate is nearly two-thirds. Among whites, it tops 22 percent. There is strong evidence that links the availability of welfare with the increase in out-of-wedlock births.
Having a child out of wedlock often means a lifetime in poverty. Approximately 30 percent of all welfare recipients start because they have an out-of-wedlock birth. The trend is even worse among teenage mothers. Half of all unwed teen mothers go on welfare within one year of the birth of their first child; 77 percent are on welfare within five years of the child's birth.
More than half of AFDC, Medicaid, and food stamp expenditures are attributable to families begun by a teen birth.
The non-economic consequences of the increase in out of wedlock births are equally stark. There is strong evidence that the absence of a father increases the probability that a child will use drugs and engage in criminal activity. Nearly 70 percent of juveniles in state reform institutions come from fatherless homes."

You will also note that the increase in abortions, live, illegitimate, and teen births has increased steadily (and astronomically) since birth control became widely available in the 60s, and abortion in the 70s.

Go figure! Birth control and abortion actually increase abortion and birth rates! In 1960, 5.3 percent were out of 30 percent.

Welfare Reform - March 9, 1995
Fine, so long as i don't have to pay for it. But turds like you wouldn't allow that, would you?

Hold on there asswipe.

Where did I say people shouldn't have to pay for their own kids?

The issue here is that Insanetorum said single people who have kids are breeding criminals.

That statement is insane and unbelievably stupid and only a dumb fuck would say or believe it. Hence Santorum is an insane, unbelievably stupid dumb fuck.

Illegitimacy. In 1960 only 5.3 percent of births were out of wedlock. Today nearly 30 percent of births are illegitimate. Among blacks, the illegitimacy rate is nearly two-thirds. Among whites, it tops 22 percent. There is strong evidence that links the availability of welfare with the increase in out-of-wedlock births.
Having a child out of wedlock often means a lifetime in poverty. Approximately 30 percent of all welfare recipients start because they have an out-of-wedlock birth. The trend is even worse among teenage mothers. Half of all unwed teen mothers go on welfare within one year of the birth of their first child; 77 percent are on welfare within five years of the child's birth.
More than half of AFDC, Medicaid, and food stamp expenditures are attributable to families begun by a teen birth.
The non-economic consequences of the increase in out of wedlock births are equally stark. There is strong evidence that the absence of a father increases the probability that a child will use drugs and engage in criminal activity. Nearly 70 percent of juveniles in state reform institutions come from fatherless homes."

You will also note that the increase in abortions, live, illegitimate, and teen births has increased steadily (and astronomically) since birth control became widely available in the 60s, and abortion in the 70s.

Go figure! Birth control and abortion actually increase abortion and birth rates! In 1960, 5.3 percent were out of 30 percent.

Welfare Reform - March 9, 1995

What you are leaving out in your statistics is the percentage of children from all single parent homes who are criminals and compare that to the children of two parent homes who are criminals.

You see a lot of child criminals get released into the custody of their parents. Just because they aren't incarcerated in a juvenile detention center does not mean they have not committed crimes.
Hold on there asswipe.

Where did I say people shouldn't have to pay for their own kids?

The issue here is that Insanetorum said single people who have kids are breeding criminals.

No he didn't

Idiot demagogues said that ABOUT him. He simply stated the fact that:

Translated, this means that children from a fatherless home are:

5 times more likely to commit suicide
32 times more likely to run away
20 times more likely to have behavioral disorders
14 times more likely to commit rape
9 times more likely to drop out of school
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances
9 times more likely to end up in a state operated institution
20 times more likely to end up in prison

Because the left didn't like the message, and are demagogues, they LIED and claimed that he said "single people who have kids are breeding criminals."

That statement is insane and unbelievably stupid and only a dumb fuck would say or believe it. Hence Santorum is an insane, unbelievably stupid dumb fuck.

Well, Santorum never said it, and Jews don't have horns. Listening to demagogues is not the path to wisdom.

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