Single moms are breeding criminals

You know what else is tough? Being in a marriage. It may shock you, but there are people who want children, would be a great parent but don't want to be forced to be married to do it.

So someone who is not able or willing to form a stable relationship is going to be a great parent?

Don't be so fucking stupid.

Look, we can talk about this forever. At the end of the day, you guys want women to only have sex in a manner that YOU deem acceptable. That's not how our country works.

Having children out of wedlock is an issue that severely impacts society. That you don't want any restraint or responsibility for anything, doesn't alter that.

People who don't want to be married but make great parents and want children alone and can do it successfully are few and far between. The juvenile institutions are filled with the rest.

The left has completely divorced the act of sex from having children and they are simply shocked that not everyone buys it. Sex should be as commonly accepted as shaking hands or an extra cheerful "good morning". Certainly no one could possibly find sex an act that requries any responsibility whatsoever.

The thing I noticed is this, I have several single friends men and women who have good jobs, are drug free, good people and could be good parents if they want to, but they choose not to because they don't want to give up their freedom and the fun of being single and I can understand that, however I have other friends who don't have jobs, live with their moms, smoke weed everyday and these guys have like 2, 3 kids, one has 4, thats not a good sign.
People of "faith" can choose to use or not to use birth control. Availability does not equal usage.... It's a strawman argument.

It sure is.

The claim that objecting to FORCING the Catholic Church to provide contraceptives is opposing or trying to outlaw contraceptives is demagoguery - a flat out lie.

If you have a valid position, why do you need to lie?
People of "faith" can choose to use or not to use birth control. Availability does not equal usage.... It's a strawman argument.

It sure is.

The claim that objecting to FORCING the Catholic Church to provide contraceptives is opposing or trying to outlaw contraceptives is demagoguery - a flat out lie.

If you have a valid position, why do you need to lie?

The Catholic Church is not the subject of this thread, is it? It's about single moms. Stop trying to change the subject.
So you didn't raise criminals because you are a man?

Try to pay attention, if you can.

I didn't raise criminals because I wasn't 16 looking for "independence" by having a child for AFDC and Section 8 housing.

Can you grasp that?

Only single women breed criminals right?

Do you not see the hypocrisy in saying that a widowed woman can raise children who aren't criminals but a woman who has never been married breeds criminals?

They are both single mothers whether by circumstance or by choice.

Disengage DailyKOS and engage your brain - you'll do so much better.

So only 16 year old single mothers breed criminals OK got it.
So someone who is not able or willing to form a stable relationship is going to be a great parent?

Don't be so fucking stupid.

Having children out of wedlock is an issue that severely impacts society. That you don't want any restraint or responsibility for anything, doesn't alter that.

People who don't want to be married but make great parents and want children alone and can do it successfully are few and far between. The juvenile institutions are filled with the rest.

The left has completely divorced the act of sex from having children and they are simply shocked that not everyone buys it. Sex should be as commonly accepted as shaking hands or an extra cheerful "good morning". Certainly no one could possibly find sex an act that requries any responsibility whatsoever.

The thing I noticed is this, I have several single friends men and women who have good jobs, are drug free, good people and could be good parents if they want to, but they choose not to because they don't want to give up their freedom and the fun of being single and I can understand that, however I have other friends who don't have jobs, live with their moms, smoke weed everyday and these guys have like 2, 3 kids, one has 4, thats not a good sign.

And I have friends that blah blah blah......!
And what claims have I made?

How about;

Rick Santorum, who may very well be the GOP nominee for President, has stated that women do not have the right to birth control and that the State is within its right to make it illegal.

You're a demagogue, you say anything to create FUD. You want your party to win and will say anything to achieve that.

So ... you believe Rick Santorum did not say that? Or that he didn't win three states?

Because everything I said is true.
So... like I said... you are taking one(probably small, never studied it) section of the single parent phenomenon and assigning it to the mainstream, then demonizing it.


Never been studied?

Do you pay any attention at all?

Over 2/3rds of all black children are born to women not married.

2/3rds is a "small segment" to leftists?

Like I said... with Conservatives... it's always "other people's sins" that they rally around..."I'm not gay, so I hate gays"...."I never had an abortion so...I hate abortions and people who have them"..."I'm a single parent... BUT I'M I hate all those other sluts out there"

So... your three girls? Are they in Prison yet?

You're not very bright - it's why you're a leftist.
So... like I said... you are taking one(probably small, never studied it) section of the single parent phenomenon and assigning it to the mainstream, then demonizing it.


Never been studied?

Do you pay any attention at all?

Over 2/3rds of all black children are born to women not married.

2/3rds is a "small segment" to leftists?

Like I said... with Conservatives... it's always "other people's sins" that they rally around..."I'm not gay, so I hate gays"...."I never had an abortion so...I hate abortions and people who have them"..."I'm a single parent... BUT I'M I hate all those other sluts out there"

So... your three girls? Are they in Prison yet?

You're not very bright - it's why you're a leftist.

Oh... so now it's a race thing? Not surprising... Conservative methodology... get called out? Change the goalposts.

BTW, how many of those 2/3rds were the result of divorce or death? How many of those 2/3 actually had a relationship with their men, but for one reason or another a breakup occurred before a marriage could take place?


You're a bigoted extremist... that's why you're a Conservative.
Nobody said they were sluts.

Though apparently you'd like to teach them having sex willy nilly is a GOOD thing.
The thing I noticed is this, I have several single friends men and women who have good jobs, are drug free, good people and could be good parents if they want to, but they choose not to because they don't want to give up their freedom and the fun of being single and I can understand that, however I have other friends who don't have jobs, live with their moms, smoke weed everyday and these guys have like 2, 3 kids, one has 4, thats not a good sign.

The thing is, those who recognize that children will change their lifestyle have the self-awareness and maturity to grasp that sacrifice is involved in raising children. It's those who don't grasp and don't care that parenthood is a life changing responsibility who make crappy parents.
So only 16 year old single mothers breed criminals OK got it.

Translated, this means that children from a fatherless home are:

5 times more likely to commit suicide
32 times more likely to run away
20 times more likely to have behavioral disorders
14 times more likely to commit rape
9 times more likely to drop out of school
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances
9 times more likely to end up in a state operated institution
20 times more likely to end up in prison

Divorce and Fatherhood Statistics
So only 16 year old single mothers breed criminals OK got it.

Translated, this means that children from a fatherless home are:

5 times more likely to commit suicide
32 times more likely to run away
20 times more likely to have behavioral disorders
14 times more likely to commit rape
9 times more likely to drop out of school
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances
9 times more likely to end up in a state operated institution
20 times more likely to end up in prison

Divorce and Fatherhood Statistics


I am a child of a fatherless home and so were more than a few friends of mine.

Why don't you say children of fallen military men are criminals too?
So only 16 year old single mothers breed criminals OK got it.

Translated, this means that children from a fatherless home are:

5 times more likely to commit suicide
32 times more likely to run away
20 times more likely to have behavioral disorders
14 times more likely to commit rape
9 times more likely to drop out of school
10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances
9 times more likely to end up in a state operated institution
20 times more likely to end up in prison

Divorce and Fatherhood Statistics


So you disagree with bripat that the conversation is not about women who choose to never be married yet have kids. You believe ANY child in a single parent home is bad. Regardless of circumstances.
Nobody said they were sluts.

Though apparently you'd like to teach them having sex willy nilly is a GOOD thing.

I've had "willy nilly" sex exactly twice in my life... How about you? All the other times I've had sex has been in a committed relationship. I've had exactly 6 sex partners in my life...two were the willy nillys that I spoke of... two were serious relationships that ended... and two were marriages...the first of which ended when my ex wife choose to screw around on me in a repeated fashion. The second of which I am still happily engaged in.

Those other four examples? Any one of them could have been a pregnancy... back in those days, Sexual Protection wasn't nearly as mainstream as it is today.... I never used a condom and took the woman's word that they were on the pill. This was back when AIDS was considered a "homosexual disease" and heterosexuals like me didn't need to worry.

BTW...I never fathered a child. I helped raise 3 kids(one from the first marriage, two from the current) of deadbeat dads who didn't want to bother with them. All people deserve love, compassion and respect. To think that single moms are "less than" and their kids are "bastard criminals' is just fucked up to the Nth degree.

I hope that when you meet God, that when he takes your flippancy and lack of compassion into light when deciding your fate, that he takes the pity and mercy on you that you refuse to give your fellow man.
Nobody said they were sluts.

Though apparently you'd like to teach them having sex willy nilly is a GOOD thing.

How is allowing someone the freedom to live their life how they want to, the same as teaching them having sex willy nilly is a good thing?

Five year old children want to jump off cliffs and buildings, because they think they should be able to fly. Do you want to tell them to go ahead and do that because they WANT to?

We don't have any right to do everything we WANT. Many people want to drink/do drugs 24/ is it your obligation to tell them that's a GOOD thing? To refuse to explain to them why it's harmful and stupid to do it? What the consequences are to health and happiness...not only of themselves but all those around them?

What is with the party of "science" and "education" continually trying to prevent information from getting out, or ignoring it when it does?

The fact is, single parent homes are the origin of at least half of our criminals. The fact is, welfare is recognized as the CAUSE of this...and it is recognized as the cause by ALL SOCIAL SCIENTISTS save a few who get it mixed up chicken/egg style....

The fact is, since we've had birth control and abortion readily available, over 4 decades, welfare, crime, out of wedlock birth rates, teen birth rates, and abortion have all, BOOMED. And the areas where it is MOST evident is the neighborhoods where up to 80 percent of the residents have single parents, and where just about that many are on welfare.
The fact is, since we've had birth control and abortion readily available, over 4 decades, welfare, crime, out of wedlock birth rates, teen birth rates, and abortion have all, BOOMED.

I love it when you guys make shit up.



Crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Why the US teen birthrate hit a record low in 2010 -


USCCB - Pro-Life Activities - Current U.S. Abortion Statistics

So you disagree with bripat that the conversation is not about women who choose to never be married yet have kids. You believe ANY child in a single parent home is bad. Regardless of circumstances.

As if most single parents chose never to be married. Many got abandoned after daddy knocked them up. We have alot of crappy men in our society.

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