Single moms are breeding criminals

We're looking at incarcerated children. Would you rather be released to a parent or to juvy? Being in juvy is worse, and half of those are from single parent homes.

What the numbers show is that although we only have a 30 percent illegitimacy rate, 50 percent of criminal, incarcerated children are illegitimate.

And of those, a HUGELY disproportionate number are minorities. And of minorities, specifically blacks, an even more hugely disproportionate number are illegitimate.

They are what they are. You can argue them all day long because you don't like them, but the truth of the matter is, welfare and single parent households put children at risk for very, very bad things. Yes people do climb up out of the miasma but why on earth would we not tell people, from a young age, that sex and pregnancy must be put off until you're an adult in a stable situation? It's schizo not to.

Yet that's what progressives want us to do. Withhold negative facts about sex, including the risks of recreational sex, and promote abortion as a "right" and "cure all".

It just comes down to keeping poor people dumb, and sexualizing children.
So you didn't raise criminals because you are a man?

Try to pay attention, if you can.

I didn't raise criminals because I wasn't 16 looking for "independence" by having a child for AFDC and Section 8 housing.

Can you grasp that?

Only single women breed criminals right?

Do you not see the hypocrisy in saying that a widowed woman can raise children who aren't criminals but a woman who has never been married breeds criminals?

They are both single mothers whether by circumstance or by choice.

Disengage DailyKOS and engage your brain - you'll do so much better.
No one made that mistake. The term "single mothers" is a euphemism sociologists use to refer to mothers who were never married. It doesn't refer to widows or divorced women. It's not an "assumption," that these women are stupid and irresponsible. Whether a sperm donor is required is beside the point. The women were 100% in control of whether they got pregnant and carried their child to term. Many of them do it intentionally because they want to qualify for a welfare check.

How did rw's get so damn ignorant? And so completely irresponsible and inhuman.
The Right does not want women to have birth control.


Rick Santorum, who may very well be the GOP nominee for President, has stated that women do not have the right to birth control and that the State is within its right to make it illegal.

And he is winning states.

So don't try to tell us that The Right is not against birth control.

Well if any of that blather was actually true, you'd have a point.

But since not a single bit of it is, we just have another lying progressive acolyte.

Have you serviced your liberal masters yet today? If not, it must be time...better trot off and take care of that..
The Right does not want women to have birth control.


Rick Santorum, who may very well be the GOP nominee for President, has stated that women do not have the right to birth control and that the State is within its right to make it illegal.

And he is winning states.

So don't try to tell us that The Right is not against birth control.

In point of FACT, the R's are trying to set up an impossible Catch-22 = no birth control, no abortion, monetary punishment for women who get pregnant and are dumped by the irresponsible fathers and no effort to hold the fathers half responsible.

Add that to the incredible ignorance of people like lushbo who apparently believes that birth control pills are taken exactly like his Viagra - one for every sexual experience.

Worse is that the rw's are very willing to lie in order to further their fear and misogyny of women and you get the mess we're in right now - lies and filth from the men who want to cover up their own incompetence and impotence.

Rick Santorum, who may very well be the GOP nominee for President, has stated that women do not have the right to birth control and that the State is within its right to make it illegal.

And he is winning states.

So don't try to tell us that The Right is not against birth control.

In point of FACT, the R's are trying to set up an impossible Catch-22 = no birth control, no abortion, monetary punishment for women who get pregnant and are dumped by the irresponsible fathers and no effort to hold the fathers half responsible.

Add that to the incredible ignorance of people like lushbo who apparently believes that birth control pills are taken exactly like his Viagra - one for every sexual experience.

Worse is that the rw's are very willing to lie in order to further their fear and misogyny of women and you get the mess we're in right now - lies and filth from the men who want to cover up their own incompetence and impotence.

Liar. Provide some evidence of this.

You can't because it doesn't exist. This is only happening in your brain..and please spare us your convoluted justifications for spreading this nonsense as if it is the truth or even based in reality. If you don't have some evidence that any of the above is true, just please don't say anything more. Please. :cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

Rick Santorum, who may very well be the GOP nominee for President, has stated that women do not have the right to birth control and that the State is within its right to make it illegal.

And he is winning states.

So don't try to tell us that The Right is not against birth control.

Well if any of that blather was actually true, you'd have a point.

But since not a single bit of it is, we just have another lying progressive acolyte.

Have you serviced your liberal masters yet today? If not, it must be time...better trot off and take care of that..

What part isn't true? Rick Santorum won three states the other day.
Liar. Provide some evidence of this.

The point of demagoguery is to create FUD, "fear, uncertainty, and doubt." Fuddily Luddite and DamnedImStupid have no intent to support their bullshit claims, they merely are interested in spreading FUD.

You can't because it doesn't exist. This is only happening in your brain..and please spare us your convoluted justifications for spreading this nonsense as if it is the truth or even based in reality. If you don't have some evidence that any of the above is true, just please don't say anything more. Please. :cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

It doesn't matter to him, he is a demagogue on a mission of FUD, there is no intent to disseminate facts.
I know, I just keep pointing it out. For me it's more a matter of just letting them know we know what they're doing.

And what they're doing is lying, cheating, probably stealing as well...all in the (hopefully vain) hope of establishing a New World Order...where I'm sure they will be Very Important People in their village.
Liar. Provide some evidence of this.

The point of demagoguery is to create FUD, "fear, uncertainty, and doubt." Fuddily Luddite and DamnedImStupid have no intent to support their bullshit claims, they merely are interested in spreading FUD.

You can't because it doesn't exist. This is only happening in your brain..and please spare us your convoluted justifications for spreading this nonsense as if it is the truth or even based in reality. If you don't have some evidence that any of the above is true, just please don't say anything more. Please. :cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_liar:

It doesn't matter to him, he is a demagogue on a mission of FUD, there is no intent to disseminate facts.

And what claims have I made?
Have you forgotten already?

Negged for being a progressive receptacle. You are officially scum.
That is a strawman. I have never said I want women to only have sex when they are married. I have quite clearly said they should only have CHILDREN when they are married.

You are deliberately introducing an element which has little relation to the issue of single parenting.

So stop conflating sex with children of single parents.

Hmmm... having sex risks pregnancy.

Furthermore,the right(all of a sudden) is demonizing birth control because Rick SATANum hates birth control, and because they are fucking LEMMINGS

The right is not demonizing birth control. They are demonizing government forcing people of faith to engage in a behavior which violates their faith.

This is what I mean about the Left throwing up so much smoke to conceal the actual issue at stake. If you want to use birth control, go right ahead. Very few people on the Right are opposed to birth control. I don't know what it will take to drive that through your incredibly thick heads.

But if a church is opposed to birth control, you cannot force that church to violate its beliefs, but that is EXACTLY what Obama did.

THAT is the issue.

So let's review....You say that you aren't against sex as a single person... just having kids, but apparently, you are on the side of the anti-birth control crowd...

No, you are trying to make it about birth control and sex and you are throwing out bait to inflame a particular group who do not represent the whole.

These are pathetic and stupid tactics which are frequently used by all sides, with the end result of our society continuing to circle around the drain.

Thanks a lot, asshole.

People of "faith" can choose to use or not to use birth control. Availability does not equal usage.... It's a strawman argument.
You know what else is tough? Being in a marriage. It may shock you, but there are people who want children, would be a great parent but don't want to be forced to be married to do it.

So someone who is not able or willing to form a stable relationship is going to be a great parent?

Don't be so fucking stupid.

Look, we can talk about this forever. At the end of the day, you guys want women to only have sex in a manner that YOU deem acceptable. That's not how our country works.

Having children out of wedlock is an issue that severely impacts society. That you don't want any restraint or responsibility for anything, doesn't alter that.

People who don't want to be married but make great parents and want children alone and can do it successfully are few and far between. The juvenile institutions are filled with the rest.

The left has completely divorced the act of sex from having children and they are simply shocked that not everyone buys it. Sex should be as commonly accepted as shaking hands or an extra cheerful "good morning". Certainly no one could possibly find sex an act that requries any responsibility whatsoever.
And what claims have I made?

How about;

Rick Santorum, who may very well be the GOP nominee for President, has stated that women do not have the right to birth control and that the State is within its right to make it illegal.

You're a demagogue, you say anything to create FUD. You want your party to win and will say anything to achieve that.
There has been only one other reasonable person in this topic. Someone who is an actual single parent.

The rest of you have no desire to listen to reason whatsoever. You just want to bait and inflame so you can polarize yourselves.

This accomplishes NOTHING! And it is writ large on our political landscape today. The whole country is a bunch of rabid parrots.

I said before that I was a single parent. My ex decided that drugs and fucking everything that walked was her priority, So I raised three girls by myself.

What you really see is that those of us pointing out the selfishness and disservice to the child by the never-been-married women are speaking from experience.

So... like I said... you are taking one(probably small, never studied it) section of the single parent phenomenon and assigning it to the mainstream, then demonizing it.

Like I said... with Conservatives... it's always "other people's sins" that they rally around..."I'm not gay, so I hate gays"...."I never had an abortion so...I hate abortions and people who have them"..."I'm a single parent... BUT I'M I hate all those other sluts out there"

So... your three girls? Are they in Prison yet?

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