Single moms are breeding criminals

He only ran once and I didn't vote for him. BTW I didn't vote for McCain Either. I voted thrid party.

Most Obama voters cast for their god multiple times, him only running once doesn't cut down the multiple votes.

Standard Disclaimer: The preceding was hyperbole.

Statistics are not facts.

It is a fact that children born to women not married to the father are 20 times more likely to end up in prison.

Statistics are what demonstrate that this is fact.

I figured you voted for Obama because when you twisted the above factual statement into a claim that I said every child of who's father died when he was 2 would go to prison, you were flat out lying - which is generally the domain of Obama voters.

BTW; I voted for Barr.
Why according to you I should be a criminal because I am from a fatherless home?

So how many times did you vote for Obama?

He only ran once and I didn't vote for him. BTW I didn't vote for McCain Either. I voted thrid party.

It's bullshit.

statistics : the refuge of the weak minded.

You don't like facts, obviously.

Statistics are not facts.

Statistics are not facts.

I dont follow. I had to use these stats recently in court, fighting for custody of my grandchildren. The stats I used were found on Government websites and reinforced by study's from various universities.

So please clarify. No they are not hard numbers.
I think its a bonehead statement because there are a lot of single mothers that end up that way because of divorce, deadbeat dads or other issues!

But can you really deny that a child is not disadvantages by not having two loving parents (whether same or opposite sex) and only has one?

The break down of the US family is an issue in America? But how do you fix it? More government not a chance.

Santorum: Single Moms Are "Breeding More Criminals" | Mother Jones

GAWD - this little scum just can't help himself. Never mind that this position is just plain stupid. He tells a couple of huge whoppers but that's par for the R's. But, notice that he actually blames women for stepping up, for taking responsibility for their children while the dead beat dads are celebrated in the repub congress.

What about the FATHERS of these children? Why don't the rw's or the pubs or the bags have anything to say about fathers?

Is it because, like Rush, they don't really understand that it takes two to make a pregnancy? Or is it because, like Rush, rw's believe children should go hungry?

Sanatorium the Peeping Tom needs to put the blame where it belongs and that is squarely on the men to dump the woman AND their children.

He, and we should be celebrating AND HELPING the courageous women who, against all odds, against every effort of the damn pubs to crush them, still stay with their kids, still struggle to put a roof over their heads and meals on the table.
It is a fact that children born to women not married to the father are 20 times more likely to end up in prison.

Statistics are what demonstrate that this is fact.

Yes, but does that mean that kids are 20 times more likely to end up in prison because they we’re raised by a single mom?

I don't have the numbers, but I bet folks in poverty are much more likelier to be raised by a single parent, and are also more likelier to end up in prison. However, I’d say it was the poverty that was a larger contributing factor to the imprisonment vs the single-mom factor.

If you’re raised by a single mom, and your mom makes $1 million a year, will you be 20 times more likely to end up in prison that if you’re raised by a family of two parents that make $1 million a year? Probably not.
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Yes, but does that mean that kids are 20 times more likely to end up in prison because they we’re raised by a single mom?

I don't have the numbers, but I bet folks in poverty are much more likelier to be raised by a single parent, and are also more likelier to end up in prison. However, I’d say it was the poverty that was a larger contributing factor to the imprisonment vs the single-mom factor.

If you’re raised by a single mom, and your mom makes $1 million a year, will you be 20 times more likely to end up in prison that if you’re raised by a family of two parents that make $1 million a year? Probably not.

As I recall, single parenting is the leading cause of poverty.
A Cook County judge ruled Wednesday that Congressman Joe Walsh must prove that he made nearly $100,000 in child-support payments as part of his ongoing legal dispute with his ex-wife, Laura Walsh.

Earlier this year, Laura Walsh sued the Republican congressman from McHenry $117,000 in unpaid child support. Rep. Walsh, a Tea Party favorite, has disputed that he owes that much in child support.
September 14, 2011 02:44 PM

He only ran once and I didn't vote for him. BTW I didn't vote for McCain Either. I voted thrid party.

Most Obama voters cast for their god multiple times, him only running once doesn't cut down the multiple votes.

Standard Disclaimer: The preceding was hyperbole.

Statistics are not facts.

It is a fact that children born to women not married to the father are 20 times more likely to end up in prison.

Statistics are what demonstrate that this is fact.

I figured you voted for Obama because when you twisted the above factual statement into a claim that I said every child of who's father died when he was 2 would go to prison, you were flat out lying - which is generally the domain of Obama voters.

BTW; I voted for Barr.
Isn't it odd that the only posters here who call our President "god" are Rightie nuts?
correlation is not causation.

However those stats are true, which would make them facts. You should know many case studies went into the creation of those numbers. The numbers vary from location but always in general reflect the results of the single parent families. I am part of breaking that dysfunction.

The biggest obstacle is breaking the chain of dysfunctional families.
correlation is not causation.

However those stats are true, which would make them facts. You should know many case studies went into the creation of those numbers. The numbers vary from location but always in general reflect the results of the single parent families. I am part of breaking that dysfunction.

The biggest obstacle is breaking the chain of dysfunctional families.

Yes, but does that mean that kids are 20 times more likely to end up in prison because they we’re raised by a single mom?

I don't have the numbers, but I bet folks in poverty are much more likelier to be raised by a single parent, and are also more likelier to end up in prison. However, I’d say it was the poverty that was a larger contributing factor to the imprisonment vs the single-mom factor.

If you’re raised by a single mom, and your mom makes $1 million a year, will you be 20 times more likely to end up in prison that if you’re raised by a family of two parents that make $1 million a year? Probably not.

As I recall, single parenting is the leading cause of poverty.

Two incomes are better than one, but is the prevalence of single parents the cause of poverty, or a symptom?
correlation is not causation.

However those stats are true, which would make them facts. You should know many case studies went into the creation of those numbers. The numbers vary from location but always in general reflect the results of the single parent families. I am part of breaking that dysfunction.

The biggest obstacle is breaking the chain of dysfunctional families.


People are a product of their environment. Stats show that if you come from a dysfunctional family you are likely to create one yourself. The wife and I will be married 33 years this year. I broke the chain and so did she.
There has been only one other reasonable person in this topic. Someone who is an actual single parent.

The rest of you have no desire to listen to reason whatsoever. You just want to bait and inflame so you can polarize yourselves.

This accomplishes NOTHING! And it is writ large on our political landscape today. The whole country is a bunch of rabid parrots.

Single parent here.

Don't. Do. It. Don't have sex with people you wouldn't raise a kid with. I'm telling you, it's a HUGE mistake.

Thats why there is contraception and pre-measures to prevent abortion.

If you don't like that idea, then start bitching at guys for whacking off. (With how people bitch at contraception and related stuff, you would think all men would get the instand death penalty)

The Majority is in favor for contraception and planned parenthood by almost 80%
Who do you think you are, trying to get laws in accordance to your beliefs when this country was founded for freedom against religious control?

Rush Limbaugh. He made that slut comment and such outrage against that caused 47+ advertisers to drop him. And guess what? Even more are following since a large portion of the public condemns his act.

He can't even fill up all the time for his show now.
correlation is not causation.

When there is correlation across a broad spectrum of negative outcomes, and little or no correlations to any positive outcomes, that strongly suggests causation.

And that is what we have with children raised in single parent homes.
There has been only one other reasonable person in this topic. Someone who is an actual single parent.

The rest of you have no desire to listen to reason whatsoever. You just want to bait and inflame so you can polarize yourselves.

This accomplishes NOTHING! And it is writ large on our political landscape today. The whole country is a bunch of rabid parrots.

Single parent here.

Don't. Do. It. Don't have sex with people you wouldn't raise a kid with. I'm telling you, it's a HUGE mistake.

Thats why there is contraception and pre-measures to prevent abortion.

If you don't like that idea, then start bitching at guys for whacking off. (With how people bitch at contraception and related stuff, you would think all men would get the instand death penalty)

The Majority is in favor for contraception and planned parenthood by almost 80%
Who do you think you are, trying to get laws in accordance to your beliefs when this country was founded for freedom against religious control?

Rush Limbaugh. He made that slut comment and such outrage against that caused 47+ advertisers to drop him. And guess what? Even more are following since a large portion of the public condemns his act.

He can't even fill up all the time for his show now.

That makes no sense...but just let me just flatten you here by reminding you that contraception and pre-measures (whatever the fuck new horror THAT is) have NOT reduced abortion, but appear to have increased it.
And please provide the links and numbers that show "the MAJORITY" is in favor of Planned Parenthood. I haven't heard of that study, please share.
If you’re raised by a single mom, and your mom makes $1 million a year, will you be 20 times more likely to end up in prison that if you’re raised by a family of two parents that make $1 million a year? Probably not.

Of course wealth will mitigate a great many outcomes.

If you have AIDS and ten million dollars, you will probably have a longer life than someone with AIDS who is broke.

Poverty exacerbates and causes a great many societal ills, including the likelihood of unwed motherhood.

Anyone who raises children knows, though, the gigantic advantage of having a partner to help raise their children. Those who don't have a partner to help know just how handicapped their kid is due to that lack.
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That makes no sense...but just let me just flatten you here by reminding you that contraception and pre-measures (whatever the fuck new horror THAT is) have NOT reduced abortion, but appear to have increased it.

That is not true. I have shown you before that abortion has been on a downward trend since 1980.

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