Single moms are breeding criminals

I didn't see these alleged "charts". Please post them.

Ah. Well, since it seems impossible for you to go back all of 4 pages, I will re-post them so you can not see them again.

The fact is, since we've had birth control and abortion readily available, over 4 decades, welfare, crime, out of wedlock birth rates, teen birth rates, and abortion have all, BOOMED.

I love it when you guys make shit up.



Crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Why the US teen birthrate hit a record low in 2010 -


USCCB - Pro-Life Activities - Current U.S. Abortion Statistics
I didn't see these alleged "charts". Please post them.

Ah. Well, since it seems impossible for you to go back all of 4 pages, I will re-post them so you can not see them again.

The fact is, since we've had birth control and abortion readily available, over 4 decades, welfare, crime, out of wedlock birth rates, teen birth rates, and abortion have all, BOOMED.

I love it when you guys make shit up.



Crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Why the US teen birthrate hit a record low in 2010 -


USCCB - Pro-Life Activities - Current U.S. Abortion Statistics

What charts? They don't see any charts.....
it's so funny watching the whining over single mothers when you want to outlaw abortion and keep women from using contraception.

make up your minds.

Oh, mo chara.... please don't resort to bullshit in order to make a point. No one wants to 'keep women from using contraception' - as you so dramatically put it - we just don't want to pay for your birth control. Not hard to follow, is it? There is no rational justification for forcing other people to pay for your life choices. I, as a pro-life individual, also accept your right to abort your child. Again.... don't ask me to pay for it. Your life. Your choice. Your consequence. Stop making me pay for you... I don't make you pay for my life.

So it's wrong to fund public schools for people, or their kids, who don't pay for it, or towards it?

Is that an obligation we should'nt have?

If you could stop trying to make an orange into an apple, you might be able to make a point. Sadly, going on your posting history, it is unlikely that you are capable.
I didn't see these alleged "charts". Please post them.

Ah. Well, since it seems impossible for you to go back all of 4 pages, I will re-post them so you can not see them again.

What charts? They don't see any charts.....

Apparently not.

Maybe I should post in red or something?
Why look, 744.6 in 1973, and 1206.2 in 2005.

OBVIOUSLY abortion is declining!

Fucking retard.
Why look, 744.6 in 1973, and 1206.2 in 2005.

OBVIOUSLY abortion is declining!

Fucking retard.

744.6 legal abortions. 1973 is the year of Roe v. Wade. Abortion was legal in states like New York before Roe. And in those states where abortion was legal only for the health of the mother, doctors were very lax in their definition of "for the health of the mother".

The number of illegal abortions in 1973 pushed the total over a million, a fact I have proven in another topic in which you participated.

Finally, as would be expected when something that is illegal is legalized, there is a surge in that behavior immediately following its legality.

But I have shown you more than once that abortions have been on a downward trend since the 80s. When you factor in that our population has grown 30 percent since the decline started, that means the actual rate of decline is fairly significant.

It is important not to base solutions on false premises. To create a solution that will actually work you have to start from the facts.

And the fact is that abortion is on a downward trend.

It is also a fact you have allowed yourself to be diverted from the issue of single parenting and its effects on children. A tried and true tactic which is working to brilliant effect right now by putting you on the defensive on an unrelated issue.
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The "record low" was only a record after decades of escalating numbers.
Why look, 744.6 in 1973, and 1206.2 in 2005.

OBVIOUSLY abortion is declining!

Fucking retard.

744.6 legal abortions. 1973 is the year of Roe v. Wade. Abortion was legal in states like New York before Roe. And in those states where abortion was legal only for the health of the mother, doctors were very lax in their definition of "for the health of the mother".

The number of illegal abortions in 1973 pushed the total over a million, a I have proven in another topic in which you participated.

Finally, as would be expected when something that is illegal is legalized, there is a surge in that behavior immediately following its legality.

But I have shown you more than once that abortions have been on a downward trend since the 80s. When you factor in that our population has grown 30 percent since the decline started, that means the actual rate of decline is fairly significant.

It is important not to base solutions on false premises. To create a solution that will actually work you have to start from the facts.

And the fact is that abortion is on a downward trend.

It is also a fact you have allowed yourself to be diverted from the issue of single parenting and its effects on children. A tried and true tactic which is working to brilliant effect right now by putting you on the defensive.

No, you haven't shown that. Please provide your stats on teh million of illegal abortions that took place in 1973 or whenever.

If it's true, then the illegal abortions had a higher safety rate than the legal ones...
Santorum: Single Moms Are "Breeding More Criminals" | Mother Jones

GAWD - this little scum just can't help himself. Never mind that this position is just plain stupid. He tells a couple of huge whoppers but that's par for the R's. But, notice that he actually blames women for stepping up, for taking responsibility for their children while the dead beat dads are celebrated in the repub congress.

What about the FATHERS of these children? Why don't the rw's or the pubs or the bags have anything to say about fathers?

Is it because, like Rush, they don't really understand that it takes two to make a pregnancy? Or is it because, like Rush, rw's believe children should go hungry?

Sanatorium the Peeping Tom needs to put the blame where it belongs and that is squarely on the men to dump the woman AND their children.

He, and we should be celebrating AND HELPING the courageous women who, against all odds, against every effort of the damn pubs to crush them, still stay with their kids, still struggle to put a roof over their heads and meals on the table.

Santorum is the most vile and reprehensible candidate and individual to come along from the GOP in....a short while. I bet anything the guy's got kiddie porn on his iPad and a woman's negligee, wig and lipstick stuck in a deep pocket of his briefcase...just in case of another chance meeting on C Street.

You're another one that thinks large font makes your words more important. You're not real smart, your words are not clever or compelling. Fuck off!
Why look, 744.6 in 1973, and 1206.2 in 2005.

OBVIOUSLY abortion is declining!

Fucking retard.

If you took the time to read my post instead of closing your eyes and smashing buttons, you would see I posted the charts to show there is not currently a "boom" of abortions. In fact, for the past 3 decades, the number has been trending down.
And PS...abortion rates didn't decline until 1990-2001, when they decreased SLIGHTLY..followed by an increase in 2002.

It was a slight hiccup. Abortion begets abortion.

Abortion Surveillance --- United States, 2003 You're trying to use the base number and not adjust for population growth? That's like talking about the price of gasoline in the 60's and not adjusting for inflation!

No, it's being honest. We're talking about the correlation between abortion availability and increased abortion incidence...The baby killers maintain that legalized, free for all abortion REDUCES the numbers of abortions, crime, child abuse, illegitimate birth, unplanned birth, and teen pregnancy. But I guess you want to not include the numbers from the time that abortion became legal, and instead just choose a few years where the numbers fluctuated a tiny no way showing a sustained or substantive declination and in fact picking back up.

All you have to do is look at when abortion and contraceptives became widely available, and look at the subsequent numbers of abortions and the rest....obviously there's a problem with your pet theory. I suggest you do something quick to distract people away from it...for example, pretend that the "decline" 90-2001 actually represents more than a minute hiccup in a steady and impressively steady and HUGE progress upwards in abortion incidence, crime, illegitimate birth, and teen pregnancy.
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No, it's being honest. We're talking about the correlation between abortion availability and increased abortion incidence...The baby killers maintain that legalized, free for all abortion REDUCES the numbers of abortions, crime, child abuse, illegitimate birth, unplanned birth, and teen pregnancy. But I guess you want to not include the numbers from the time that abortion became legal, and instead just choose a few years where the numbers fluctuated a tiny no way showing a sustained or substantive declination and in fact picking back up.

All you have to do is look at when abortion and contraceptives became widely available, and look at the subsequent numbers of abortions and the rest....obviously there's a problem with your pet theory. I suggest you do something quick to distract people away from it...for example, pretend that the "decline" 90-2001 actually represents more than a minute hiccup in a steady and impressively steady and HUGE progress upwards in abortion incidence, crime, illegitimate birth, and teen pregnancy.

I have never claimed free abortions lead to fewer abortions. I have never seen anyone claim that. Most likely because it doesn't make any sense and no rational person would make that claim. I can claim that increased access to abortions and contraceptives does lead to reduced crime, reduce teen pregnancy and by definition, reduced unplanned births. I can back up that claim with the charts I provided that you ignored.

As for the numbers, if you have a more accurate sample of numbers, please post it. Your link has raw numbers not adjusted for population growth, which as I said, is just dishonest to the conversation.
You didn't back up that claim at all. And you can't, because it's not true.

I posted my numbers. There's nothing dishonest about them. What is dishonest is your desire to manipulate and pick and choose the stats.
I didn't see these alleged "charts". Please post them.

Ah. Well, since it seems impossible for you to go back all of 4 pages, I will re-post them so you can not see them again.

The fact is, since we've had birth control and abortion readily available, over 4 decades, welfare, crime, out of wedlock birth rates, teen birth rates, and abortion have all, BOOMED.

I love it when you guys make shit up.



Crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Why the US teen birthrate hit a record low in 2010 -


USCCB - Pro-Life Activities - Current U.S. Abortion Statistics

I appreciate you re-posting those as I didn't see them either.

Problem I see is that they're 2-5 years out of date.

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