Single moms are breeding criminals

You didn't back up that claim at all. And you can't, because it's not true.

I posted my numbers. There's nothing dishonest about them. What is dishonest is your desire to manipulate and pick and choose the stats.

Yes, your numbers are dishonest. When talking about how many of something from a population of people over time, you must adjust for the increase or decrease in population. If you don't, your numbers mean nothing. This is why crime numbers are always given as a per capita.

I mean really, was I the only one who took statistics in college??
If you’re raised by a single mom, and your mom makes $1 million a year, will you be 20 times more likely to end up in prison that if you’re raised by a family of two parents that make $1 million a year? Probably not.

Of course wealth will mitigate a great many outcomes.

If you have AIDS and ten million dollars, you will probably have a longer life than someone with AIDS who is broke.

Poverty exacerbates and causes a great many societal ills, including the likelihood of unwed motherhood.

Anyone who raises children knows, though, the gigantic advantage of having a partner to help raise their children. Those who don't have a partner to help know just how handicapped their kid is due to that lack.

Is it poverty that is exacerbating the problem or is poverty the result of the problem?

The problem is some of these things create a catch 22. An endless cycle of poverty and problems until someone in the family steps up and does something that's right to get the family back on track.
it's so funny watching the whining over single mothers when you want to outlaw abortion and keep women from using contraception.

make up your minds.

If 100,000 illegal immigrant women next year are going to have babies here in the USA, do Republicans really wish that these mostly mexican women have 100,000 babies that are going to need free healthcare and foodstamps and free lunch programs and the list goes on and on.

Do republicans really prefer these women have the babies rather than abort them?

Your solution can not be to have them go home. These are the numbers and these babies will be Americans. No changing that. So do Republicans really want to pay for this rather than provide contraception and even abortion?

Of course I'd rather they have their children then abort them. But I dispute the premise that if they arent aborted we as a society have to somehow have our government pay for them.
it's so funny watching the whining over single mothers when you want to outlaw abortion and keep women from using contraception.

make up your minds.

Actually, you need to. Do you believe abortion and contraceptive availability reduces the number of unplanned births?

WRONG. And it has guttmacher shitting bricks.

Every abortion reduces the number of births by one.

That is a mathematical fact.

Unfortunately. That's not true. Every abortion reduces the number of births by an innumerable amount.

See, you arent just eliminating on person, you are eliminating all future posterity that one person would have had.
Poverty exacerbates and causes a great many societal ills, including the likelihood of unwed motherhood.

Anyone who raises children knows, though, the gigantic advantage of having a partner to help raise their children. Those who don't have a partner to help know just how handicapped their kid is due to that lack.

I agree. It's my opinion that two is ideal (I think for a great many of reasons - more income, less stress on parents, if one dies there's still another left, ect).

Sadly, poverty is just one big giant snowball whose momentum is hard to reverse once it gets going.

That's because we are focusing on the wrong thing. We focus on how to "prevent" poverty. Problem is poverty is natural. It's wealth that is the aberation. We should be focused on creating wealth and teaching people how to maximize their ability to create wealth. Because anyone can become poor without much effort, creating wealth however can be difficult for people. Especially when they've been reinforced by society that creating wealth is somehow evil.
Santorum: Single Moms Are "Breeding More Criminals" | Mother Jones

GAWD - this little scum just can't help himself. Never mind that this position is just plain stupid. He tells a couple of huge whoppers but that's par for the R's. But, notice that he actually blames women for stepping up, for taking responsibility for their children while the dead beat dads are celebrated in the repub congress.

What about the FATHERS of these children? Why don't the rw's or the pubs or the bags have anything to say about fathers?

Is it because, like Rush, they don't really understand that it takes two to make a pregnancy? Or is it because, like Rush, rw's believe children should go hungry?

Sanatorium the Peeping Tom needs to put the blame where it belongs and that is squarely on the men to dump the woman AND their children.

He, and we should be celebrating AND HELPING the courageous women who, against all odds, against every effort of the damn pubs to crush them, still stay with their kids, still struggle to put a roof over their heads and meals on the table.

Santorum is the most vile and reprehensible candidate and individual to come along from the GOP in....a short while. I bet anything the guy's got kiddie porn on his iPad and a woman's negligee, wig and lipstick stuck in a deep pocket of his briefcase...just in case of another chance meeting on C Street.

I know you don't like Santorum, but projecting yourself onto him doesnt make it so.
Damn those women for getting pregnant all by themselves. Damn them, I say!

The fact remains that they are 100% in control of whether they get pregnant. Only someone who rode the shortbus to school wouldn't understand that.

Then why are fathers legally liable for child support?

Because they are also 100% in control of whether they impregnate someone.

It takes two to tango. To pretend they aren't 100% responsible for what happened is a lie (with the exception of rape of course)
Not long ago the Right here was tellling how abortion being available in poor black communities was genocide.

They were lamenting the choice of poor black women to limit the size of their families as something that was killling off the black race in America.

Today they're lamenting single moms NOT choosing abortion.

You people are comically stupid.

we aren't lamenting the single moms are not choosing abortions. We are lamenting the fact that dead beat dads are abandoning their children creating these hardships for them. We are lamanting that adoption is so difficult to prevent these children from being adopted by good families.

The facts are that children are raised best with both mother and father present in the home and married to one another. Single parents can do it, but it's much more difficult for them.

You are bound and determined to spin this into some sort of "Evil Republicans" accusation. It really isn't.
He is speaking facts. You all want your sex fest and abortion freedom and birth control fine. You have it and still single mothers end up raising criminals.

We are no longer cave people. A moral code is necessary for a civilization to thrive. are a dumbass...

One of these days, I wish you would have a conversation with other posters rather than look down your nose at them and act like you are too good to talk with the "little people". You aren't.
Yes. How dare a woman choose to raise a child without a husband.

No, how dare people have children and the goverment demand that I take care of them financially. Stop being so stupid.

But ban abortion, because you know you want to force women to have their babies. Oh but if they are single then you want to control when they have sex, but if they do have kids fuck'em anyways....

Thats called people are scum.

Expecting people to take care of their responsibilities toward themselves, their family, and society is hardly abuse.

I know self-government is not something you want, but that doesnt change the fact that our society was built upon it and that self government is the only form of goverment that can actually fix societies problems.
Your charts sort of prove the the title of this thread: "Single moms are breeding criminals"

- Abortions & birth control are not what is slowing illegitimate births. Abstinence may hold the key.


Doubtful. I would be more inclined to think that roughly 30% of the female population wants to have a child even without a spouse.

Your post makes no sense at all & no proof of that stupid remark. :cuckoo: Single parents breed criminals regardless of whether females are wanting to be single parents. :cuckoo: Back to the subject - It was the fear of HIV/AIDS in 1991 that promoted abstinence & use of condoms that is responsible for the decline in illegitimate single parent birth rates - Not the legalization of abortion.

In 1991, American basketball player Earvin ‘Magic’ Johnson Jr. announced that he had HIV. Taking advice from his doctors he retired from professional basketball and planned to use his celebrity status to help educate young people about the disease. He said: “I think sometimes we think, well, only gay people can get it – ‘It’s not going to happen to me’. And here I am saying that it can happen to anybody, even me, Magic Johnson”. Magic Johnson’s announcement had a massive impact on America’s public awareness of AIDS; in the month after he revealed his status, the number of people being tested for HIV in New York City increased by almost 60 percent. Soon around 45,500 cases of AIDS were reported to the CDC in 1991. Ten years after the first cases of AIDS-related PCP were identified, AIDS had become the second leading cause of death among American men aged 25-44 years of age.
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So... in one sentence, you say that there's no way to tell how many are single moms as a result of divorce or death.. but in another, they are all sluts...

Changing backquotes. not only is it against the TOS but the mark of a cowardly fuck.

And You consider ME to be the moron??? Wow...

I consider you a sack of putrid shit.

I changed nothing you douchebag...I simply summarized YOUR position.
Why look, 744.6 in 1973, and 1206.2 in 2005.

OBVIOUSLY abortion is declining!

Fucking retard.

Wow... you are a totally dishonest person, aren't you? Like I said earlier.. I hope that when you meet God, he shows you the mercy and compassion that you refuse to show your fellow man.

Abortion rates are declining from their peak in 1985-ish.
sure, but i've reached the point where i don't respect you type of people. You are a bothersome backwards people that i have no wish to really deal with.You can't keep your religion in your pants nor your personal morals. You need to interfere with other people and their lives. I am over the stupid hypocrisy you people have.

So saying Fuck you works best.

I can assure you that the feeling is mutual. Many don't respect you because they think you are as backward as you think others to be.

The United States of America was founded on the premise of religious liberty and free speech. If you don't like the fact that we want to speak out and invite people to live better lives, then tough. We can't control your reactions.

That doesn't mean you should let your discourse be non-existant or disrespectful. Saying "F-you" just makes you look immature. And I would reiterate that too anyone else who thinks swearing & Condescension while avoiding any substance furthers political discourse.

We should be building bridges. Building on common ground. Not treating each other with contempt because we disagree on a few things. If our nation is going to survive we need to rise above that.

It is more difficult to do that. Believe me I know. There are countless times I want to act condescending and quite frankly I fail more often than I'd like. But if we really care about the future of the nation and more importantly, we need to focus on issues and invite and challenge one another to a higher level of discourse.
sure, but i've reached the point where i don't respect you type of people. You are a bothersome backwards people that i have no wish to really deal with.You can't keep your religion in your pants nor your personal morals. You need to interfere with other people and their lives. I am over the stupid hypocrisy you people have.

So saying Fuck you works best.

I can assure you that the feeling is mutual. Many don't respect you because they think you are as backward as you think others to be.

The United States of America was founded on the premise of religious liberty and free speech. If you don't like the fact that we want to speak out and invite people to live better lives, then tough. We can't control your reactions.

That doesn't mean you should let your discourse be non-existant or disrespectful. Saying "F-you" just makes you look immature. And I would reiterate that too anyone else who thinks swearing & Condescension while avoiding any substance furthers political discourse.

We should be building bridges. Building on common ground. Not treating each other with contempt because we disagree on a few things. If our nation is going to survive we need to rise above that.

It is more difficult to do that. Believe me I know. There are countless times I want to act condescending and quite frankly I fail more often than I'd like. But if we really care about the future of the nation and more importantly, we need to focus on issues and invite and challenge one another to a higher level of discourse.

As long as everyone cowers down to the Conservative Ideology, right?

After all, as Jim Demint said..."I can guarantee you that coach Tom Coughlin did not tell his Giants to go out on the field and work with those other guys....They weren't cooperating with Tom Brady."

Compromise and working together is only one sided with you guys.
sure, but i've reached the point where i don't respect you type of people. You are a bothersome backwards people that i have no wish to really deal with.You can't keep your religion in your pants nor your personal morals. You need to interfere with other people and their lives. I am over the stupid hypocrisy you people have.

So saying Fuck you works best.

I can assure you that the feeling is mutual. Many don't respect you because they think you are as backward as you think others to be.

The United States of America was founded on the premise of religious liberty and free speech. If you don't like the fact that we want to speak out and invite people to live better lives, then tough. We can't control your reactions.

That doesn't mean you should let your discourse be non-existant or disrespectful. Saying "F-you" just makes you look immature. And I would reiterate that too anyone else who thinks swearing & Condescension while avoiding any substance furthers political discourse.

We should be building bridges. Building on common ground. Not treating each other with contempt because we disagree on a few things. If our nation is going to survive we need to rise above that.

It is more difficult to do that. Believe me I know. There are countless times I want to act condescending and quite frankly I fail more often than I'd like. But if we really care about the future of the nation and more importantly, we need to focus on issues and invite and challenge one another to a higher level of discourse.

As long as everyone cowers down to the Conservative Ideology, right?

After all, as Jim Demint said..."I can guarantee you that coach Tom Coughlin did not tell his Giants to go out on the field and work with those other guys....They weren't cooperating with Tom Brady."

Compromise and working together is only one sided with you guys.

Nope. Not at all. Regardless of idealogy.

And I disagree. History shows it's your side of the aisle that has difficulty with compromise. But im sure we could disagree about that all day.
But ban abortion, because you know you want to force women to have their babies. Oh but if they are single then you want to control when they have sex, but if they do have kids fuck'em anyways....

Thats called people are scum.

Expecting people to take care of their responsibilities toward themselves, their family, and society is hardly abuse.

I know self-government is not something you want, but that doesnt change the fact that our society was built upon it and that self government is the only form of goverment that can actually fix societies problems.

lol self government....We have never self governed since the beginning of this nation.
That being said it has been numerous times on this board that i have boasted for more libertarian policies.

Self governing lol...yet here you want to ban abortion and come down with your pathetic judgments on single mothers. Go fuck yourself hypocrite.

Yes. Self governing.

I know this is a difficult concept for you to believe, but I don't want to see a law against abortion. I want to see people willing to cease abortion without being coerced to. I want people to take up their responsibilities without the government mandating anything.

You seem to think that because you want your idealogy enforced by the government, everyone else does as well.

Roe v Wade is bad law. It's not an accurate reflection of the Constitution. Repealing it wont make abortion illegal. It will just return the issue to the states and the people where it belongs and keep the Federal government out of it completely.

If you've bothered reading my posts, you'd also see that I havent condemned any single mothers. Quite the opposite. Ive been condemning the deadbeats who abandon them. No one can claim to be a man and abandon his responsibilities for his children and the woman he should have waited until marriage for. He is an immature child and will be until he steps up and does what needs to be done.

I am also pointing out that we need to stop encouraging parents to go it alone by choice. If marriage is an option, it should encouraged. If adoption is an option, it should be encouraged.

We as a society need to stop destroying any chance our children have because we are unwilling to face the truth and change our lives where necessary for their sake.
Saving this for posterity. I think I found my new signature.
I agree difficult to find a bigger idiot on here than bripat at times !!!!!!!!!!! tl:cool:

Look in the mirror, asshole. The majority of liberals believe stuff that is positively idiotic, so you don't stand out much from the crowd.
Hey now,now Bri,I was only being myself,I say what I feel..... to be honest I like you but I can't change when I see you write some of your stuff,note I ended with "AT TIMES" so it wasn't an insult to you in any way.You know what I'm like so chill be :cool:, you are a good bloke(most of the time) and by the way I seldom look at my asshole in the mirror :lol::lol::lol: Keep Well Bri...steve:cool:too
Your mother obviously did well with what God left her. Some mothers are not so luck, motivated or skilled.
Some widowed mothers fare much worse, for whatever reason
Ernie,thanks for your kind endorsement of my Mom.....she really was a real mother in every way.It was because of the way we were brought up that instilled in us all to be I suppose decent people !!!!!!!!!!!!! well we have always run our businesses like a family and am proud to say we have never had to put anyone off work(apart from two who stole from us). Our businesses vary from manufacturing,retailing,shipping both here and internationally,transport logistics,real estate and farming mainly dairy produce which we export to Asia and Europe.

We have always been grounded.......when my Mom was 43 she took herself off to college and became a nurse.......which was so natural to her.

Ernie,at her passing over 3000 people attended her funeral which is no mean was a day of joyous celebration of her life.......I still miss her.steve...she would always say "In this great future,never forget your past and your friends" Which was a good mantra methinks.......and as Basques defend your rights,and never take SHIT(well she never used that word) from anyone.
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