Single moms are breeding criminals

it's so funny watching the whining over single mothers when you want to outlaw abortion and keep women from using contraception.

make up your minds.

If 100,000 illegal immigrant women next year are going to have babies here in the USA, do Republicans really wish that these mostly mexican women have 100,000 babies that are going to need free healthcare and foodstamps and free lunch programs and the list goes on and on.

Do republicans really prefer these women have the babies rather than abort them?

Your solution can not be to have them go home. These are the numbers and these babies will be Americans. No changing that. So do Republicans really want to pay for this rather than provide contraception and even abortion?
it's so funny watching the whining over single mothers when you want to outlaw abortion and keep women from using contraception.

make up your minds.

Actually, you need to. Do you believe abortion and contraceptive availability reduces the number of unplanned births?

WRONG. And it has guttmacher shitting bricks.

Every abortion reduces the number of births by one.

That is a mathematical fact.
Poverty exacerbates and causes a great many societal ills, including the likelihood of unwed motherhood.

Anyone who raises children knows, though, the gigantic advantage of having a partner to help raise their children. Those who don't have a partner to help know just how handicapped their kid is due to that lack.

I agree. It's my opinion that two is ideal (I think for a great many of reasons - more income, less stress on parents, if one dies there's still another left, ect).

Sadly, poverty is just one big giant snowball whose momentum is hard to reverse once it gets going.
it's so funny watching the whining over single mothers when you want to outlaw abortion and keep women from using contraception.

make up your minds.

Oh, mo chara.... please don't resort to bullshit in order to make a point. No one wants to 'keep women from using contraception' - as you so dramatically put it - we just don't want to pay for your birth control. Not hard to follow, is it? There is no rational justification for forcing other people to pay for your life choices. I, as a pro-life individual, also accept your right to abort your child. Again.... don't ask me to pay for it. Your life. Your choice. Your consequence. Stop making me pay for you... I don't make you pay for my life.

So it's wrong to fund public schools for people, or their kids, who don't pay for it, or towards it?

Is that an obligation we should'nt have?
Santorum: Single Moms Are "Breeding More Criminals" | Mother Jones

GAWD - this little scum just can't help himself. Never mind that this position is just plain stupid. He tells a couple of huge whoppers but that's par for the R's. But, notice that he actually blames women for stepping up, for taking responsibility for their children while the dead beat dads are celebrated in the repub congress.

What about the FATHERS of these children? Why don't the rw's or the pubs or the bags have anything to say about fathers?

Is it because, like Rush, they don't really understand that it takes two to make a pregnancy? Or is it because, like Rush, rw's believe children should go hungry?

Sanatorium the Peeping Tom needs to put the blame where it belongs and that is squarely on the men to dump the woman AND their children.

He, and we should be celebrating AND HELPING the courageous women who, against all odds, against every effort of the damn pubs to crush them, still stay with their kids, still struggle to put a roof over their heads and meals on the table.

Santorum is the most vile and reprehensible candidate and individual to come along from the GOP in....a short while. I bet anything the guy's got kiddie porn on his iPad and a woman's negligee, wig and lipstick stuck in a deep pocket of his briefcase...just in case of another chance meeting on C Street.
Not long ago the Right here was tellling how abortion being available in poor black communities was genocide.

They were lamenting the choice of poor black women to limit the size of their families as something that was killling off the black race in America.

Today they're lamenting single moms NOT choosing abortion.

You people are comically stupid.
it's so funny watching the whining over single mothers when you want to outlaw abortion and keep women from using contraception.

make up your minds.

Actually, you need to. Do you believe abortion and contraceptive availability reduces the number of unplanned births?

WRONG. And it has guttmacher shitting bricks.

Every abortion reduces the number of births by one.

That is a mathematical fact.

No, it's not.

Every abortion kills a baby.

But the illegitimate birth rate continues to climb. It appears abortion increases the likelihood of single parent familes. Go figure.
Actually, you need to. Do you believe abortion and contraceptive availability reduces the number of unplanned births?

WRONG. And it has guttmacher shitting bricks.

Every abortion reduces the number of births by one.

That is a mathematical fact.

No, it's not.

Every abortion kills a baby.

But the illegitimate birth rate continues to climb. It appears abortion increases the likelihood of single parent familes. Go figure.

You're an idiot. A chart was already posted that the illegitimate birthrate is falling.
Two incomes are better than one, but is the prevalence of single parents the cause of poverty, or a symptom?

There is a lot more to it than that.

{What’s So Great About Marriage?

Waite and Gallagher offer several answers:

Better Financial Picture
The old saying “Two can live as cheaply as one” isn’t exactly true. Two do appear to be able to live as cheaply as one and a half persons, though. That means sharing furniture, food, insurance benefits, a car, etc…. And, when one person becomes ill, loses his or her job, or needs emotional support due to stressors, the spouse is there to help. This is cheaper too, as in home nurses, credit card debt, and therapists cost more.

Married men are more successful in work as well, getting promoted more often and receiving higher performance appraisals. They also miss work or arrive late less often (Kostiuk and Follman, 1989, and Shaw, 1987). As for women, white married women (without children) earn 4% more and black married women earn 10% more than their single peers (Waite, 1995). While some point out that house work for married women (37 hours per week) is greater than that of single women (25 hours), half of that is due to having children (South and Spitze, 1994).

The Case for Marriage: Why Married People Are Happier, Healthier, and Better off Financially | PsychPage
And please provide the links and numbers that show "the MAJORITY" is in favor of Planned Parenthood. I haven't heard of that study, please share.

People who know what's good for them support Planned Parenthood, ask the Susan G. Komen foundation what happens to the knee-caps of those who cross the Abortion Mafia....

"Nice little charity you have here, be a real shame if someting were ta happens toit. Pays da insurance to Ms. Guido iffen ya knows wadda mean."
No kidding.

Charts were posted showing a drop in crime, teen pregnancy and abortions over the past couple of decades, which directly refutes what many of you are claiming is happening, and your response is to simply ignore the evidence.

Then, a poll is presented showing a majority of people supporting Planned Parenthood and wanting funding to continue to that organization, which directly refutes what many of you are claiming, and your response is to ignore it.

So what's it like to ignore the world around you?

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