Sinking The Donald


Sep 23, 2010
The first torpedo the media fired at Trump was because of a comment he made about illegal aliens. It missed by a mile. The second media torpedo was fired at a comment he made about John McCain. It is not coming any closer than did the first one. The media will keep firing torpedoes until they sink the SS Trump. It would be sweet revenge if Trump paraphrased a military hero and adopted it for his campaign slogan. David Farragut:

Damn the media torpedoes! Full speed ahead! Donald Trump

The media is trying to drive Donald Trump out of the race —— not because of anything he said about John McCain and illegal immigrants, but because the media owns the authority to nominate the candidate in both parties or so they believe. The Donald ain’t their tenth choice or even their one hundredth choice.

Whatever Trump is, whatever policies he advocates, he cannot possibly be a worse president than the douche bags the media pushes. Without a doubt The Donald will make a better president than Hillary Clinton. That cannot be said about Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, and most of the other ‘Republicans’ the media will settle for.

NOTE: I read somewhere that Democrat Governor Moonbat Jerry Brown is considering another run. Having once dated Linda Ronstadt was his only claim to fame the first time he ran.


Nowadays Governor Moonbat wants more illegal aliens in California. The media will promote anybody they think is better than Trump.

Put media wisdom in perspective.

The media elected Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and the Chicago sewer rat; two governors and an Illinois State Senator. If the sewer rat is not enough for you, media mouths are hinting that Joe Biden might run because Hillary is imploding faster than Planned Parenthood. Should Biden run AGAIN, I would like to hear just one media mouth make the case that Trump will be a worse president that the guy who has never been right about anything.

Incidentally, Bill Clinton made no bones about hating the military, yet he beat a genuine war hero, Bush the Elder, in 1992. Trump’s record on the military is a beacon of light when compared to Clinton, yet the media still loves Clinton in spite of his track record, while media mouths call Trump a rodeo clown among other things.

Based on Bill Clinton, media priorities put lies, treason, degeneracy, and thievery above military service. Based on the sewer rat, media priorities put community organizing, open borders, losing wars, and funding Planned Parenthood above military service.

Incidentally, then-First Lady Hillary Clinton said she tried to enlist in the Marines. I do not believe anything a Clinton says about anything at any time. Hillary’s encounter with a Marine recruiter was written by Baron Munchausen. Even the Dowd woman appeared skeptical:

So, if she was talking to a Marine recruiter in 1975 before the marriage, was she briefly considering joining the few, the proud and the brave of the corps as an alternative to life with Mr. Clinton, who was already being widely touted as a sure thing for Arkansas Attorney General?​

Hillary Clinton Says She Once Tried to Be Marine
Published: June 15, 1994

Hillary Clinton Says She Once Tried to Be Marine -


If heros like John McCain deserve high political office, Audie Murphy should have been elected dictator for life.

Military heros turned politician are a mixed bag. A few of our best presidents never heard a shot fired in anger. Ronald Reagan was one of the best. RR served in the military during WWII, but he never saw combat.

My point: Military heros are not necessarily endowed with governing skills. President Eisenhower had more than enough, while John McCain ran on empty throughout his life in the Senate.

John Kerry was never considered a hero. Having served in Vietnam for a few months was all the media needed to love him to pieces in 2004. They still love him, but the romance has degenerated into a love affair with an abusive drunk. They just can’t bring themselves to boot his sorry ass out.

Even if you take Vietnam out of the equation, the media treats Kerry better over the Iran Deal than it treats Trump because he speaks out of turn.

Kerry is not running for president but his life story is a nice counterpoint to Donald Trump’s life.

The Donald earned his money. Kerry married his.

The Donald never served in the military. John Kerry did. You can argue that Kerry did not betray the country when he met with the Vietcong in Paris while Americans were fighting and dying in Vietnam. You cannot defend him for betraying every man and woman who fought in Vietnam:

Feature Secretary of State John Kerry. He might have been president but for the fact that he fell away from the American cause in Vietnam — in which he had served for four months — and, in 1971, testified before the Senate against his fellow GIs.

His presidential campaign ignited an election-year uprising by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, who deemed him “unfit for command.” Now Kerry is suggesting that the Iran nuclear deal is the culmination of what he learned in Vietnam.​

The Donald does not apologize, while Kerry is still trying to justify his treason during the Vietnam War:

Sherman found it moving, particularly when Kerry spoke about Vietnam. “When I was 22, I went to war,” Kerry said, before choking up. “He couldn’t get the words out,” Sherman said. “And everybody was completely spellbound.”

“I went to war,” Kerry finally continued, “and it became clear to me that I never wanted to go to war again. That’s what this was all about. Trying to settle these matters through diplomacy and peaceful means.” Sherman called it “such a moving moment that everybody in that small room applauded — including the Iranian delegation.”

Is this election the last gasp of the Vietnam War?
By Seth Lipsky
July 22, 2015 | 8:20pm

Is this election the last gasp of the Vietnam War New York Post

Kerry’s well-rehearsed emotional con job is a lie. Does anybody believe that he never played that scene hundreds of time since 1975? Kerry is lousy negotiator, but he has to be a great actor if he can still choke up his audience with the same dialogue: “I never wanted to go to war again. That’s what this was all about.”

Incidentally, the Iranian delegation applauded a great performance. Applauding the deal Kerry gave them would have been reported as kicking a loser when he was down.

It is all about Kerry betraying the country again —— only this time for the United Nations which is far worse than war.

NOTE: The Chicago sewer rat has his own variation of the lie:

"Either the issue of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon is resolved diplomatically, through a negotiation, or it's resolved through force, through war," Obama said during a news conference at the White House.

"Those are the options."

Obama: The choice is the Iran nuclear deal or war
David Jackson, USA TODAY 4:11 p.m. EDT July 15, 2015

Obama The choice is the Iran nuclear deal or war

The exact same things could have been said about Hitler signing treaties that prevented him from rearming Germany. Hitler never would have agreed to such a deal, nor did Iran. Chamberlain gave Hitler the same deal Kerry and the sewer rat gave to Iran. Basically, the only thing the Iranians agreed to was getting the time they needed to grow much stronger before they went nuclear. State Department negotiators even sweetened the deal by giving the enemy ICBMs.

Let me once again quote Churchill:

You were given the choice between war and dishonor - you chose dishonor and you will have war. Winston Churchill

America was given the choice between war and the United Nation - leaders chose the United Nations just as Chamberlain chose Hitler. America will have war it cannot win. The New World Order crowd will see to that.

Finally, David Rockefeller is falsely credited with this quotation:

This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.​

Regardless of who first said it, the State Department created a crisis the size never imagined until the Iran Nuclear Deal gave them the opportunity. They will not let it go to waste:

Killer OP. Bravo and kudos! Love this line to death because it is so true...

"because the media owns the authority to nominate the candidate in both parties or so they believe"
Trump ruined any political viability by harshing on the general character of immigrants from the south. His comments about John McCain are political suicide.

Now, did rapes occur in the immigrant detention centers, and are drug-runners and murderers crossing the border? Sure, but Trump characterized the entire group, with the exception of a minority of decent people.

Is it true that McCain has gained notoriety as a POW? Sure, but you can't say "I like people who don't get captured".

Yet, if he hadn't made those comments in such a blunt and and over-reaching manner nobody would be talking about him. Trump is a paradox in that sense. He'll sell a lot of books, but that's all he ever had a chance to do.
Power, authority, and rule, does not like anyone that goes against the system. Trump speaks against "politics as usual", and the big boys are afraid that he'll steal their long held thunder. He is not, and will not be popular among the elite. He's way too wealthy to be bought and bribed. He's his own man, independent, and doesn't have to be a puppet on strings for anyone. He's what America needs at this time. We need to start correcting years of "The Selling of America", and Trump just may be the one to turns things around. Remember, we've all seen and experienced what professional politicians do, and have done, to this once great nation. Trump can NOT be any worse than the low-life anti-America self-serving egotistical self-centered greedy jerks that's occupied the oval office for the past half century. I hope and pray that the American voters will at least give him a change to start the rebuilding process America so desperately needs.

If the American voters do as they usually do, and elect another professional politician to sit in the oval office, then whatever happens to further destroy this nation, will be squarely on their shoulders. I hope and pray that doesn't happen.
Trump is just a bitter old white guy with more money then brains, he rants but nothing else, he is a sideshow and belongs in the WWE
Where was the media when comedian/senator/moron Franken-stien said McCain was not a hero and sat out the war? If the media goes north, Americans should automatically head south. They are that biased, and controlled.
Where was the media when comedian/senator/moron Franken-stien said McCain was not a hero and sat out the war? If the media goes north, Americans should automatically head south. They are that biased, and controlled.
Politics is DIRTY. Never be surprised nor shocked at what you may hear during campaign season.
Yo, by a true American, Ted Nugent !
Donald Trump’s emergence onto the presidential political field isn’t a breath of fresh air. His candidacy is a howling Category Five gale force hurricane of great news.

What Americans of all political stripes desperately need is a candidate who hasn’t made a career out of politics.

We’ve watched professional politicians sell America down the debt river, leaving our children and grandchildren with trillions of dollars in debt. Our Fedzillacrats have slipped a fiscal noose around the necks of future generations of America. The next time you see a beautiful, cooing, little baby, remind yourself that this little baby’s share of the mounting fiscal neck-stretching party is roughly $60,000 and growing.

These Fedzillacrats have spit on the graves of our Founding Fathers, used our Constitution as a doormat and bribed us into voting for them with our own money. We have been conned, fleeced and scammed. Someone get a bucket of tar and giant bag of feathers.

We watched scads of politicians pay no heed to our immigration laws. Donald Trump said he would build a giant wall along our southern border and then make Mexico pay for it. That’s tough talk, but I believe Trump will actually walk the walk.

Donald Trump said he would be the greatest job-producing president God ever created. I believe him. All of the presidents combined in my lifetime do not have one-tenth the private sector experience of Mr. Trump. To hell with “giving up looking for work” and its twin curse of “jobs Americans aren’t willing to do.” Want a job? Trump you.

We’ve watched as foreign countries such as China, Iran and Russia laugh at America due to our Humpty Dumpty weak politicians getting out maneuvered time and time again. When Donald Trump walks into a negotiating room, he is a game changer who actually knows something about negotiating and putting winning deals together. He would Trump those international dupes who are working to weaken or destroy America.

Read more at Donald Trump would do America good

I am a patriot.jpg
What we are experiencing is a push by the globalists to get rid of the checks and balances America has in place, in favor of U.N. control. Obama by-passes Congress and instead turns to the U.N. for policy. Families with hostages in Iran have been told to petition the U.N. for relief. And Hillary is worse than Obama in her global takeover mission.
Let's be exceptional again. Let's vote for America this time around.
Yo, by a true American, Ted Nugent !
Donald Trump’s emergence onto the presidential political field isn’t a breath of fresh air. His candidacy is a howling Category Five gale force hurricane of great news.

What Americans of all political stripes desperately need is a candidate who hasn’t made a career out of politics.

We’ve watched professional politicians sell America down the debt river, leaving our children and grandchildren with trillions of dollars in debt. Our Fedzillacrats have slipped a fiscal noose around the necks of future generations of America. The next time you see a beautiful, cooing, little baby, remind yourself that this little baby’s share of the mounting fiscal neck-stretching party is roughly $60,000 and growing.

These Fedzillacrats have spit on the graves of our Founding Fathers, used our Constitution as a doormat and bribed us into voting for them with our own money. We have been conned, fleeced and scammed. Someone get a bucket of tar and giant bag of feathers.

We watched scads of politicians pay no heed to our immigration laws. Donald Trump said he would build a giant wall along our southern border and then make Mexico pay for it. That’s tough talk, but I believe Trump will actually walk the walk.

Donald Trump said he would be the greatest job-producing president God ever created. I believe him. All of the presidents combined in my lifetime do not have one-tenth the private sector experience of Mr. Trump. To hell with “giving up looking for work” and its twin curse of “jobs Americans aren’t willing to do.” Want a job? Trump you.

We’ve watched as foreign countries such as China, Iran and Russia laugh at America due to our Humpty Dumpty weak politicians getting out maneuvered time and time again. When Donald Trump walks into a negotiating room, he is a game changer who actually knows something about negotiating and putting winning deals together. He would Trump those international dupes who are working to weaken or destroy America.

Read more at Donald Trump would do America good

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To 1stRambo: Fantastic! Right on point.
What we are experiencing is a push by the globalists to get rid of the checks and balances America has in place, in favor of U.N. control. Obama by-passes Congress and instead turns to the U.N. for policy. Families with hostages in Iran have been told to petition the U.N. for relief. And Hillary is worse than Obama in her global takeover mission.
Let's be exceptional again. Let's vote for America this time around.
To The Irish Lass: I love you.

I would die a happy man if the Iran Deal points Congress toward passing:

The ironic thing is that John McCain created the tax exempt democrat propaganda network when he teamed up with a radical left wing democrat to create the badly written "campaign finance reform bill" that did nothing to reform campaigns. Tax exempt Media Matters has surfaced to become the democrat propaganda machine that never sleeps. You can count on a thousand Media Matters employees to monitor every breath that Donald Trump takes and edit it and relay it back to left wing media blogs. The satisfying thing is that Trump doesn't give a shit.
Without a doubt The Donald will make a better president than Hillary Clinton. That cannot be said about Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, and most of the other ‘Republicans’ the media will settle for.
When Democrats say they are afraid of John Kasich they mean they can live with him should he win the general.

Listen to what he says to Neil Cavuto earlier today:

I cannot help noticing that Hillary Clinton’s long list of failures, lies and corruption is damaging her much more than Donald Trump’s abrasive comments damage him. Between the two of them they smother everybody else. I have to admit they are entertaining. Trump’s style hogs the spotlight in a positive way, while Clinton would rather not be in the spotlight if that damned media insists on reporting the truth.

The latest “Sink The Donald” attack dug up some stuff about his divorce:

Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex

07.27.158:35 PM ET
Written by
Tim Mak
Brandy Zadrozny

Ex-Wife Donald Trump Made Me Feel Violated During Sex - The Daily Beast

Truth is the first casualty in divorce; so a messy divorce will hurt The Donald less than it will hurt Hillary if Bubba the Rapist moves back into the White House. It would be fabulous to hear Trump and Hillary doing one-upmanship over that one!

The previous attack on Trump did not fly either:

In the early ‘90s, the Donald said he would ask his ladies to swing by the doctor for an AIDS test before he’d wine and dine them.

07.25.1512:01 AM ET
Stay Classy: Trump Used To Test His Dates For AIDS
Asawin Suebsaeng

Stay Classy Trump Used To Test His Dates For AIDS - The Daily Beast

That is not a bad idea when HIV/AIDS is put in perspective. Knowing how much money is involved with HIV/AIDS, I seriously doubt if finding cures is the UNIC’s number one priority. By directing all of their fund raising rhetoric toward fighting AIDS, the UN, and others, deliberately ignore the most practical way to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS without getting into moral issues.

If a cure is not possible at this time, then a way should be found for serious lovers to identify AIDS in a prospective partner before engaging in sex. President Trump could write an EO ordering research into finding a pre-sex test.

For example: A salvia, or patch, test might be easier to develop than it is to find cures. The ideal pre-fornication test would be a piece of chemically-treated paper that would change color when saliva is applied if the spitter is infected. Something like that would certainly reduce the spread of AIDS dramatically. I am not claiming that it would be easy to develop a test that everyone could use, but it’s worth looking into. Of course, the charity hustlers would feel threatened by anything that would ultimately cut into their well-funded compassion if the number of new infections is greatly reduced.

Incidentally, my pre-sex test would work better than a condom.

Consider this in relation to funding research into a pre-fornication screening test that worked:

Imagine if HIV/AIDS spread in the same way that bubonic plague and numerous other diseases are circulated. All of society’s political forces would move heaven and hell to isolate anyone that is infected; especially since passengers traveling on intercontinental aircraft could disseminate a disease around the globe in two days. Because HIV/AIDS is primarily spread by sexual activity, the political elite in every country is not threatened; so a cure becomes unimportant. Any research into stopping, and reversing, the spread of AIDS with a pre-fornication screening test is even less important.

The way the battle against AIDS is being fought very much reminds me of the war on syphilis. When I was kid there was a movie titled MOM and DAD. Graphic scenes toward the end of the movie are mother’s milk to the Planned Parenthood crowd.

The title always puzzled me because it implied that mom and dad had the disease. (There's an early socialist blueprint for a scare tactic if ever there was one.) That movie was a noble try, but it did not stop syphilis, nor did it stop sexual activity in an any age group. In fact, I recently read that syphilis is on the rise as is HIV/AIDS.

Looking at the way the wars against sexually transmitted diseases are fought, I get the distinct impression that the people running society are more interested in stopping fornication than they are interested in stopping the spread of a sexually transmitted disease.

The big money in medicine is not in cure, it is in treatment. No business willing reduces its customer base. Businesspeople in medicine are no different than any other person who puts profit above all else. Socialists, and socialized medicine, encourage treatment not cure. Stated another way: The public never would have had about a polio vaccine under socialized medicine.

My point: I’d like to hear candidate Trump ask if legal immigrants coming to the U.S. are tested for AIDS? Illegal aliens sure as hell are not. Maybe that's another reason Socialists running the Democrat party defend open-borders. More infected Americans equals more tax dollars to fight the disease. Hell, our enemies don't need biological weapons; all they have to do is ship a few hundred thousand AIDS infected illegal immigrants our way. If they don't bankrupt us with the latest version of socialized medicine, they'll kill us off in time.
"Either the issue of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon is resolved diplomatically, through a negotiation, or it's resolved through force, through war," Obama said during a news conference at the White House.
Iran is already at war. Does anyone believe that Iranians will start a full scale war if they DO NOT get nuclear bombs?

My concern is that, if elected, Trump would be a one-hit wonder. Political discourse would become political theater, and any of his accomplishments could be undone by his successor. We need permanent structural change in our government, and 2016 may be our last chance.
My concern is that, if elected, Trump would be a one-hit wonder. Political discourse would become political theater, and any of his accomplishments could be undone by his successor. We need permanent structural change in our government, and 2016 may be our last chance.
To jwoodie: Your concern is touching, but it sounds like a sneaky way of saying do not reverse all of Taqiyya the Liar’s EOs and regulations, not to mention erasing his unconstitutional “legislation” or is it another way of saying Democrat laws like Roe v. Wade are settled law?

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