Sit Down

Please look up hasty generalization.

These racists deny reality. It’s a real waste of time to butt heads with the delusional and willfully stupid. I strongly recommend resisting the impulse to argue with cretins and instead focus on building consensus with those who can see our present realities and plan a future based on truth and not racist propaganda.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you have a guilt complex and you are white, and you REALLY want to end segregation and "racism", well, move to a poor black ghetto or Hispanic barrio, and then see how that works out. as fate has it, I have done both. And it isn't exactly a beautiful environment any way you cut it.
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oh man but giving a black man money now is agreeing with Obama , and if I gave a black man my money a minute ago I get a tap dance, don't you see?
I just saw a PBS program on the the anti Chinese hysteria that swept America in the 1880's in California and the Chinese exclusionary laws as a allegory of current immigration laws. Not buying it, neither am I accepting Jim crow laws as a one size excuse for current black dysfunctional culture. Nice try though, but reset to the present tense. Those round pegs of the past aren't quite fitting into the present square holes.

You are an example of the dysfunction in the white community. It doesn't matter what you buy or accept.

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff – like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.
Teflon Theory of History
White Americans seem to apply special rules when reading about history or the news. Since I was not invited to the Secret Course on Whiteness, I have to piece together the rules and ideas based on observation of White Americans. This is very much a work in progress.

Rules & Important Concepts:

  1. Black people do bad things because they are black. When white people do bad things it is because they made a mistake, got passed over at work, had a bad childhood, need help or whatever. Apart from a few bad apples, it never has to do with race. Because whites are not affected by their race. But blacks are: they have dark, savage hearts that drives some of them to rape and murder and other cruel and senseless things for no particular reason. Because that is how black people are.
  2. Savage Black Rule: Africa is screwed up because blacks are incapable of self-rule. Look at Zimbabwe!
  3. Black pathologies: black ghettos are screwed up because black people are screwed up.
  4. The Teflon Theory of White History: Anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Otherwise white people are only affected by history through their families, nothing else, and for not more than a generation. So even Jim Crow is now Ancient History, just like the Battle of Thermopylae.
  5. Living in the Past: anyone who disagrees with Teflon Theory.
  6. Dead Indian Land: a place that it is bad manners to talk about and dangerous to think about.
  7. Basically Good – what white people are despite their ugly past. Because of Teflon Theory they are not only protected from the ugly side effects of genocide, Jim Crow and slavery (what black people call “racism”), but even from the Fall of Adam (what Christians call “original sin”). So when whites do something bad it is not evil – just a well-meaning mistake.
  8. “It was the times” – yes, white people did do some terrible things in the past, but since whites are Basically Good it must have been the times. Unless:
  9. “Arab traders did it too!” – It is a rule with White Americans that if Arab traders did something, then it is morally all right – or at least Not All That Bad.
  10. Just World Doctrine: America is basically just because it is run by white people who are Basically Good. That means they exercise power, both home and abroad, fairly and for the good of all.
  11. Love to Complain – what black people do despite the Basic Goodness of society (see Just World Doctrine) and despite the fact that it is Not As Bad As It Used To Be (over 30 years ago).
  12. White people understand racism better than blacks – because blacks Love to Complain.
  13. Read mainly White American writers. They are more fair-minded than black or foreign writers.
reading while white: history and news
Blame whitey” is a phrase or idea that often comes up when arguing about race in America. It is almost always a white person who says it, either straight out or in so many words. The idea is that blacks sit back and do nothing but blame white people for all their troubles, expecting a hand-out.

It is just two words, but do not let that fool you.

Here is some of what those two words do:

  1. By using the word “blame” it turns the tables in an argument, it points the finger back at blacks, taking the attention off of what whites do and puts it on what blacks do – or not do. It forces blacks to play defence.
  2. The word “blame” also says that whatever the misdeeds of whites may be, they are not the root cause of the troubles that blacks have. Just like when someone blames others for his own mess to avoid owning up to the fault.
  3. “Whitey” is supposed to be a racist word that blacks use for whites, their counterpart to “******”. The strange thing is, it is almost always a white person who says “whitey”, either directly or through lines written for television. Despite getting that wrong, “whitey” in this phrase is supposed to mean that blacks are just as racist as whites. Whites think that is a telling point, but because of the asymmetry of American racism, it is not.
  4. It pictures blacks as sitting back and doing nothing to better themselves, which is itself a stereotype about blacks. So “blame whitey” accuses blacks of racism while viewing them in a racist manner.
  5. “Blame whitey” is a case of projecting, projecting onto blacks what whites do. Like when someone tells you your faults but it sounds for all the world like they are talking about themselves. “Blame whitey” is like that.
White people blame blacks all the time for the fallout of white racism.

Like when was the last time you saw something on television that showed how racist most whites are? Almost never. White racism is always presented, at worst, as a case of a few bad apples, even though television itself is racist. Yet blacks are frequently presented as being screwed up. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with the racism American society is built on. As if people want to be out of work and want to be poor and want to get in trouble with the police. Television is constantly shifting the blame from whites onto blacks. It blames blackie, but “blame whitey” covers over all that.

So in just two words “blame whitey” does three things that whites often do in an argument about race in America:

  1. Say that blacks are racist too.
  2. Say that blacks are mostly to blame for their troubles.
  3. Present stereotypes about blacks as fact and insight.
Or, more generally, it is a case of blame shifting that accuses blacks of shifting the blame!

blame whitey
If you have a guilt complex and you are white, and you REALLY want to end segregation and "racism", well, move to a poor black ghetto or Hispanic barrio, and then see how that works out. as fate has it, I have done both. And it isn't exactly a beautiful environment any way you cut it.

If you want to end the fallacy that racism is fake move to a small rural all or majority white town and see how that works out . As fate has it, I did that and it is not exactly a beautiful environment any way you cut it.

Now if you want to completely destroy Mary's lies, you move into those poor communities become a member of a neighborhood association then go to city hall asking for resources to help your neighborhood. As fate has it, I have done that also, and it shows you in high definition how whites will use their racism to maintain the status quo.
White Americans seem to apply special rules when reading about history or the news. Since I was not invited to the Secret Course on Whiteness, I have to piece together the rules and ideas based on observation of White Americans. This is very much a work in progress.

Rules & Important Concepts:

  1. Black people do bad things because they are black. When white people do bad things it is because they made a mistake, got passed over at work, had a bad childhood, need help or whatever. Apart from a few bad apples, it never has to do with race. Because whites are not affected by their race. But blacks are: they have dark, savage hearts that drives some of them to rape and murder and other cruel and senseless things for no particular reason. Because that is how black people are.
  2. Savage Black Rule: Africa is screwed up because blacks are incapable of self-rule. Look at Zimbabwe!
  3. Black pathologies: black ghettos are screwed up because black people are screwed up.
  4. The Teflon Theory of White History: Anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Otherwise white people are only affected by history through their families, nothing else, and for not more than a generation. So even Jim Crow is now Ancient History, just like the Battle of Thermopylae.
  5. Living in the Past: anyone who disagrees with Teflon Theory.
  6. Dead Indian Land: a place that it is bad manners to talk about and dangerous to think about.
  7. Basically Good – what white people are despite their ugly past. Because of Teflon Theory they are not only protected from the ugly side effects of genocide, Jim Crow and slavery (what black people call “racism”), but even from the Fall of Adam (what Christians call “original sin”). So when whites do something bad it is not evil – just a well-meaning mistake.
  8. “It was the times” – yes, white people did do some terrible things in the past, but since whites are Basically Good it must have been the times. Unless:
  9. “Arab traders did it too!” – It is a rule with White Americans that if Arab traders did something, then it is morally all right – or at least Not All That Bad.
  10. Just World Doctrine: America is basically just because it is run by white people who are Basically Good. That means they exercise power, both home and abroad, fairly and for the good of all.
  11. Love to Complain – what black people do despite the Basic Goodness of society (see Just World Doctrine) and despite the fact that it is Not As Bad As It Used To Be (over 30 years ago).
  12. White people understand racism better than blacks – because blacks Love to Complain.
  13. Read mainly White American writers. They are more fair-minded than black or foreign writers.
reading while white: history and news

I'm a white American and I don't believe any of the nonsense you just wrote.

1. People do things based on their own personal circumstances. Blacks are doctors, whites are criminals, Asians can (someday) be NASCAR drivers.
2. Africa is screwed up because of a legacy of colonization and the corrupt infrastructure that filled the vacuum when colonialism retreated.
3. Black ghettos (all socially disadvantaged ghettos) are screwed up because of disastrous public policies they have been following for decades.
4. Everything back to the Big Bang has had some effect on your life. But, past performance is not an indication of future success or failure.
5. Everyone, to some degree, identifies with their past and derives some of their identity from it. The less connected you are to a community, the less likely you are to allow it to motivate your decisions.
6. There is not subject that can't be talked about. Manners is how you talk about it.
7. The idea of collective guilt or collective virtue is demonstrably untrue.
8. See 7
9. See 7
10. I have lived in many countries, and visited many more, every one of them has virtues and flaws, including America. But, America is a comparatively just nation which isn't run solely by any particular ethnicity.
11. Everyone loves to complain, it's the new virtue. It's the best road to to social acceptance we have today. "I have ADD, I have PDST, I have STDs" , these are all claims to fame now while previously, they were something that you just dealt with privately.
12. I don't understand racism any better than anyone else. I see it as the ultimate laziness. I see that it's globally universal and much more prominent in some countries than others. I do know if you can't destroy it, which I don't believe can be done, you have to work to limit its influence institutionally.
13. I'm always open to recommendations on what to read. I do have to tell you, my time is limited. Internet porn isn't gonna surf itself.

So, the idea that being white means you believe any or all of that nonsense you typed out above is demonstrably untrue.
Perhaps a major obstacle for blacks could be their generally lower IQ.
And here’s an example of rightwing racism conservatives say they no longer practice.
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that conclusion?

Personally, I am not "rightwing", nor do I believe that a higher IQ makes one person superior to another person with a lower IQ.
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From the book I"m currently reading:

"Jesse Williams, when he received a Humanitarian Award from BET, addressed police misconduct, stating that “police somehow manage to deescalate, disarm and not kill white people every day.” I don’t want to hear about how far we’ve come when paid public servants can pull a drive-by on a 12 year old playing alone in the park in broad daylight, killing him on television and then going home to make a sandwich.”

He criticized white folk who criticize black social movements like BLM, saying that “if you have a critique for the resistance, for our resistance, then you better have an established record of critique of our oppression. If you have no interest in equal rights for black people, then do not make suggestions for those who do. Sit down.”

I totally agree. Too many who criticize oppressed people's efforts to stand up for themselves were silent when they should have spoken up. Too many who criticize oppressed people's efforts to stand up for themselves speak only when they disagree with the methods chosen for resistance. Too many who criticize oppressed people's efforts to stand up for themselves watched silently for years as oppression persisted and their whiteness protected them from it.
they are not oppressed.

See more synonyms on
verb (used with object)
  1. to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power: a people oppressed by totalitarianism.
logic and truth dictate we stand against such utter lies and complete racist nonsense.
Yes, they are. That definition is non applicable to racism and classicism in America.
so facts and truth don't apply.

wow, just wow
Your misapplication of the definition does not apply to racism and classism.

Wow, just wow, you don't get that.
White Americans seem to apply special rules when reading about history or the news. Since I was not invited to the Secret Course on Whiteness, I have to piece together the rules and ideas based on observation of White Americans. This is very much a work in progress.

Rules & Important Concepts:

  1. Black people do bad things because they are black. When white people do bad things it is because they made a mistake, got passed over at work, had a bad childhood, need help or whatever. Apart from a few bad apples, it never has to do with race. Because whites are not affected by their race. But blacks are: they have dark, savage hearts that drives some of them to rape and murder and other cruel and senseless things for no particular reason. Because that is how black people are.
  2. Savage Black Rule: Africa is screwed up because blacks are incapable of self-rule. Look at Zimbabwe!
  3. Black pathologies: black ghettos are screwed up because black people are screwed up.
  4. The Teflon Theory of White History: Anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Otherwise white people are only affected by history through their families, nothing else, and for not more than a generation. So even Jim Crow is now Ancient History, just like the Battle of Thermopylae.
  5. Living in the Past: anyone who disagrees with Teflon Theory.
  6. Dead Indian Land: a place that it is bad manners to talk about and dangerous to think about.
  7. Basically Good – what white people are despite their ugly past. Because of Teflon Theory they are not only protected from the ugly side effects of genocide, Jim Crow and slavery (what black people call “racism”), but even from the Fall of Adam (what Christians call “original sin”). So when whites do something bad it is not evil – just a well-meaning mistake.
  8. “It was the times” – yes, white people did do some terrible things in the past, but since whites are Basically Good it must have been the times. Unless:
  9. “Arab traders did it too!” – It is a rule with White Americans that if Arab traders did something, then it is morally all right – or at least Not All That Bad.
  10. Just World Doctrine: America is basically just because it is run by white people who are Basically Good. That means they exercise power, both home and abroad, fairly and for the good of all.
  11. Love to Complain – what black people do despite the Basic Goodness of society (see Just World Doctrine) and despite the fact that it is Not As Bad As It Used To Be (over 30 years ago).
  12. White people understand racism better than blacks – because blacks Love to Complain.
  13. Read mainly White American writers. They are more fair-minded than black or foreign writers.
reading while white: history and news

I'm a white American and I don't believe any of the nonsense you just wrote.

1. People do things based on their own personal circumstances. Blacks are doctors, whites are criminals, Asians can (someday) be NASCAR drivers.
2. Africa is screwed up because of a legacy of colonization and the corrupt infrastructure that filled the vacuum when colonialism retreated.
3. Black ghettos (all socially disadvantaged ghettos) are screwed up because of disastrous public policies they have been following for decades.
4. Everything back to the Big Bang has had some effect on your life. But, past performance is not an indication of future success or failure.
5. Everyone, to some degree, identifies with their past and derives some of their identity from it. The less connected you are to a community, the less likely you are to allow it to motivate your decisions.
6. There is not subject that can't be talked about. Manners is how you talk about it.
7. The idea of collective guilt or collective virtue is demonstrably untrue.
8. See 7
9. See 7
10. I have lived in many countries, and visited many more, every one of them has virtues and flaws, including America. But, America is a comparatively just nation which isn't run solely by any particular ethnicity.
11. Everyone loves to complain, it's the new virtue. It's the best road to to social acceptance we have today. "I have ADD, I have PDST, I have STDs" , these are all claims to fame now while previously, they were something that you just dealt with privately.
12. I don't understand racism any better than anyone else. I see it as the ultimate laziness. I see that it's globally universal and much more prominent in some countries than others. I do know if you can't destroy it, which I don't believe can be done, you have to work to limit its influence institutionally.
13. I'm always open to recommendations on what to read. I do have to tell you, my time is limited. Internet porn isn't gonna surf itself.

So, the idea that being white means you believe any or all of that nonsense you typed out above is demonstrably untrue.

What you choose not to believe is on you. The fact is there is a continuing documented record that shows what we say is true and what you believe isn't.
White Americans seem to apply special rules when reading about history or the news. Since I was not invited to the Secret Course on Whiteness, I have to piece together the rules and ideas based on observation of White Americans. This is very much a work in progress.

Rules & Important Concepts:

  1. Black people do bad things because they are black. When white people do bad things it is because they made a mistake, got passed over at work, had a bad childhood, need help or whatever. Apart from a few bad apples, it never has to do with race. Because whites are not affected by their race. But blacks are: they have dark, savage hearts that drives some of them to rape and murder and other cruel and senseless things for no particular reason. Because that is how black people are.
  2. Savage Black Rule: Africa is screwed up because blacks are incapable of self-rule. Look at Zimbabwe!
  3. Black pathologies: black ghettos are screwed up because black people are screwed up.
  4. The Teflon Theory of White History: Anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Otherwise white people are only affected by history through their families, nothing else, and for not more than a generation. So even Jim Crow is now Ancient History, just like the Battle of Thermopylae.
  5. Living in the Past: anyone who disagrees with Teflon Theory.
  6. Dead Indian Land: a place that it is bad manners to talk about and dangerous to think about.
  7. Basically Good – what white people are despite their ugly past. Because of Teflon Theory they are not only protected from the ugly side effects of genocide, Jim Crow and slavery (what black people call “racism”), but even from the Fall of Adam (what Christians call “original sin”). So when whites do something bad it is not evil – just a well-meaning mistake.
  8. “It was the times” – yes, white people did do some terrible things in the past, but since whites are Basically Good it must have been the times. Unless:
  9. “Arab traders did it too!” – It is a rule with White Americans that if Arab traders did something, then it is morally all right – or at least Not All That Bad.
  10. Just World Doctrine: America is basically just because it is run by white people who are Basically Good. That means they exercise power, both home and abroad, fairly and for the good of all.
  11. Love to Complain – what black people do despite the Basic Goodness of society (see Just World Doctrine) and despite the fact that it is Not As Bad As It Used To Be (over 30 years ago).
  12. White people understand racism better than blacks – because blacks Love to Complain.
  13. Read mainly White American writers. They are more fair-minded than black or foreign writers.
reading while white: history and news

I'm a white American and I don't believe any of the nonsense you just wrote.

1. People do things based on their own personal circumstances. Blacks are doctors, whites are criminals, Asians can (someday) be NASCAR drivers.
2. Africa is screwed up because of a legacy of colonization and the corrupt infrastructure that filled the vacuum when colonialism retreated.
3. Black ghettos (all socially disadvantaged ghettos) are screwed up because of disastrous public policies they have been following for decades.
4. Everything back to the Big Bang has had some effect on your life. But, past performance is not an indication of future success or failure.
5. Everyone, to some degree, identifies with their past and derives some of their identity from it. The less connected you are to a community, the less likely you are to allow it to motivate your decisions.
6. There is not subject that can't be talked about. Manners is how you talk about it.
7. The idea of collective guilt or collective virtue is demonstrably untrue.
8. See 7
9. See 7
10. I have lived in many countries, and visited many more, every one of them has virtues and flaws, including America. But, America is a comparatively just nation which isn't run solely by any particular ethnicity.
11. Everyone loves to complain, it's the new virtue. It's the best road to to social acceptance we have today. "I have ADD, I have PDST, I have STDs" , these are all claims to fame now while previously, they were something that you just dealt with privately.
12. I don't understand racism any better than anyone else. I see it as the ultimate laziness. I see that it's globally universal and much more prominent in some countries than others. I do know if you can't destroy it, which I don't believe can be done, you have to work to limit its influence institutionally.
13. I'm always open to recommendations on what to read. I do have to tell you, my time is limited. Internet porn isn't gonna surf itself.

So, the idea that being white means you believe any or all of that nonsense you typed out above is demonstrably untrue.

What you choose not to believe is on you. The fact is there is a continuing documented record that shows what we say is true and what you believe isn't.

I realize you have too much invested in your world view to deviate from it. This really wasn't written for you.
White Americans seem to apply special rules when reading about history or the news. Since I was not invited to the Secret Course on Whiteness, I have to piece together the rules and ideas based on observation of White Americans. This is very much a work in progress.

Rules & Important Concepts:

  1. Black people do bad things because they are black. When white people do bad things it is because they made a mistake, got passed over at work, had a bad childhood, need help or whatever. Apart from a few bad apples, it never has to do with race. Because whites are not affected by their race. But blacks are: they have dark, savage hearts that drives some of them to rape and murder and other cruel and senseless things for no particular reason. Because that is how black people are.
  2. Savage Black Rule: Africa is screwed up because blacks are incapable of self-rule. Look at Zimbabwe!
  3. Black pathologies: black ghettos are screwed up because black people are screwed up.
  4. The Teflon Theory of White History: Anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Otherwise white people are only affected by history through their families, nothing else, and for not more than a generation. So even Jim Crow is now Ancient History, just like the Battle of Thermopylae.
  5. Living in the Past: anyone who disagrees with Teflon Theory.
  6. Dead Indian Land: a place that it is bad manners to talk about and dangerous to think about.
  7. Basically Good – what white people are despite their ugly past. Because of Teflon Theory they are not only protected from the ugly side effects of genocide, Jim Crow and slavery (what black people call “racism”), but even from the Fall of Adam (what Christians call “original sin”). So when whites do something bad it is not evil – just a well-meaning mistake.
  8. “It was the times” – yes, white people did do some terrible things in the past, but since whites are Basically Good it must have been the times. Unless:
  9. “Arab traders did it too!” – It is a rule with White Americans that if Arab traders did something, then it is morally all right – or at least Not All That Bad.
  10. Just World Doctrine: America is basically just because it is run by white people who are Basically Good. That means they exercise power, both home and abroad, fairly and for the good of all.
  11. Love to Complain – what black people do despite the Basic Goodness of society (see Just World Doctrine) and despite the fact that it is Not As Bad As It Used To Be (over 30 years ago).
  12. White people understand racism better than blacks – because blacks Love to Complain.
  13. Read mainly White American writers. They are more fair-minded than black or foreign writers.
reading while white: history and news

I'm a white American and I don't believe any of the nonsense you just wrote.

1. People do things based on their own personal circumstances. Blacks are doctors, whites are criminals, Asians can (someday) be NASCAR drivers.
2. Africa is screwed up because of a legacy of colonization and the corrupt infrastructure that filled the vacuum when colonialism retreated.
3. Black ghettos (all socially disadvantaged ghettos) are screwed up because of disastrous public policies they have been following for decades.
4. Everything back to the Big Bang has had some effect on your life. But, past performance is not an indication of future success or failure.
5. Everyone, to some degree, identifies with their past and derives some of their identity from it. The less connected you are to a community, the less likely you are to allow it to motivate your decisions.
6. There is not subject that can't be talked about. Manners is how you talk about it.
7. The idea of collective guilt or collective virtue is demonstrably untrue.
8. See 7
9. See 7
10. I have lived in many countries, and visited many more, every one of them has virtues and flaws, including America. But, America is a comparatively just nation which isn't run solely by any particular ethnicity.
11. Everyone loves to complain, it's the new virtue. It's the best road to to social acceptance we have today. "I have ADD, I have PDST, I have STDs" , these are all claims to fame now while previously, they were something that you just dealt with privately.
12. I don't understand racism any better than anyone else. I see it as the ultimate laziness. I see that it's globally universal and much more prominent in some countries than others. I do know if you can't destroy it, which I don't believe can be done, you have to work to limit its influence institutionally.
13. I'm always open to recommendations on what to read. I do have to tell you, my time is limited. Internet porn isn't gonna surf itself.

So, the idea that being white means you believe any or all of that nonsense you typed out above is demonstrably untrue.

What you choose not to believe is on you. The fact is there is a continuing documented record that shows what we say is true and what you believe isn't.

I realize you have too much invested in your world view to deviate from it. This really wasn't written for you.

More crazy white racist bullshit. You invest in the denial of racism and want me to . But I can't and will not because what your worldview represents is a proven and documented lie.
Racism and its history in America are factual.

No amount of rationalization will change it.
  • Thanks
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Your misapplication of the definition does not apply to racism and classism.

Wow, just wow, you don't get that.
It's not misapplied, the use of the word is a complete and utter lie that has no basis in reality or facts.

you're simply supporting hate for hates sake.
Your misapplication of the definition does not apply to racism and classism.

Wow, just wow, you don't get that.
It's not misapplied, the use of the word is a complete and utter lie that has no basis in reality or facts.

you're simply supporting hate for hates sake.


Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
Your misapplication of the definition does not apply to racism and classism.

Wow, just wow, you don't get that.
It's not misapplied, the use of the word is a complete and utter lie that has no basis in reality or facts.

you're simply supporting hate for hates sake.


Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
The racialists cannot prove anything other than they are pro-white, period.
Your misapplication of the definition does not apply to racism and classism.

Wow, just wow, you don't get that.
It's not misapplied, the use of the word is a complete and utter lie that has no basis in reality or facts.

you're simply supporting hate for hates sake.


Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
The racialists cannot prove anything other than they are pro-white, period.

It appears to be that way. Just declare racism is not so unless you are talking about their obvious racism and hope to get enough people to gang up and troll you to death.

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