Situation in Merkel DDR 2.0 ( germany ) today.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Tellingly ugly fat Merkel has had never sex therefore she will revenge and import 20 million youth Muslims to rape German womans.It is crazy that DDR 2.0 "Justice" let all Cologne perps already free.Any Muslim can rape German womans without to be charged or be taking behind bar.

Picture below:

The white man cry out she were his daugther.
Merkel's cop says the f.....g nazi pig must be tolerant.


Germany is going to a revolution against Merkel's Diktature and her DDR 2.0
Hopefully she will be not allow to flee from Germany while people uprising.



Here are two German speaking blogs where you can have true information about situation in Germany today.

Politically Incorrect

Michael Mannheimer Blog
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This is just another case of libtard policies driving a once celebratory nation into the dirt of multiculturalism and anarchy.
It is sickening what is going on :( People that come to other peoples countries should respect the laws of the land or get the fuck out.

Muslims go to Germany to steal, to rap, to betray, to lie, to kill etc. it is a f.....g "religion" which demands from folks to became animals. Any Muslim immigration to civilized countries must be prohibited.
It is sickening what is going on :( People that come to other peoples countries should respect the laws of the land or get the fuck out.

Muslims go to Germany to steal, to rap, to betray, to lie, to kill etc. it is a f.....g "religion" which demands from folks to became animals. Any Muslim immigration to civilized countries must be prohibited.
They despise and hate Christianity.

This bullshit that has been shoved down our throats since we were children that everyone in the world just wants to get along is becoming obviously false in this time now. We can see with our own eyes what these people really think of us, and the secularists drive even more of it for cheap profiteering and to destroy our Christian culture.
This is just another case of libtard policies driving a once celebratory nation into the dirt of multiculturalism and anarchy.

Oh, the good old days, back when Germany was decidedly not "multicultural". Sieg heil!
You do know that there is a Golden Mean where you dont have multicultural suicide and also do not have leftist fascism, right?

You can grasp that?

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