SIX...count them, SIX people signed up for Obamacare on day 1


VIP Member
Sep 7, 2012
Sharyl Attkisson ‏@SharylAttkisson 4m
By the end of Wed, the second day, the notes reflect "248 enrollments" nationwide.

Sharyl Attkisson ‏@SharylAttkisson 6m
By Wed afternoon, the second day, notes say enrollments rose to "approximately 100."

Sharyl Attkisson ‏@SharylAttkisson 7m
Wed. morning notes discuss the Tuesday opening day and say "six enrollments have occurred so far."

Sharyl Attkisson ‏@SharylAttkisson 4m
The exchanges and companies need to average 39K day to make 7 million goal.

No wonder why the WH won't release the numbers.
Hundreds of thousands dropped from their plans.
A handful signed up.....

Obama Care is working just as Obama hoped it would.

no wonders Papa Obama is so slow to release this information

It exposes him as the incompetent he is, of course.
Just 6 People Managed To Sign Up For Obamacare On The First Day

While Obama administration officials have refused to publicly disclose the number of enrollments into the Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s signature legislative achievement, a new report shows the initial figure is very low.

According to documents obtained by CBS News, just six people managed to sign up for health plans on the federal government’s troubled health care site on the first day. By the end of the second day, Wed, Oct. 2, a total of 248 people had enrolled in the federal exchanges nationwide.

The data was compiled in “war room” meetings convened within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services after the website effectively crashed on the day of its launch.

The six enrollments revealed in the documents were with BlueCross BlueShield North Carolina and Kansas City, CareSource and Healthcare Service Corporation.

Publicly, the Obama administration has said there were 4.7 million unique visits to in the first 24 hours.

Just 6 People Managed To Sign Up For Obamacare On The First Day
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No way, this simply cannot, really...

SCOTT PELLEY: Good evening. For 31 days now, the Obama administration has been telling us that Americans by the millions are visiting the the new health insurance web site despite all of its problems, but no one in the administration has been willing to tell us how many policies have been purchased, and this may be the reason. CBS News has learned enrollments got off to an incredibly slow start. Sharyl Attkisson obtained documents that haven't been seen by the public until now.

ATTKISSON: Early enrollment figures are contained in notes from twice a day war room meetings from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid services after the web site failed on October 1st. They were turned over in response to a document request from the House Oversight Committee. The web site launched on Tuesday.

Publicly, the government said there were 4.7 million unique visits in the first 24 hours, but at a meeting Wednesday morning, the war room notes say 6 enrollments have occurred so far. They were with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina, CareSource, and Health Care Service Corporation. By Wednesday afternoon, enrollments were up to approximately 100. By the end of Wednesday, the notes reflect 248 enrollments nationwide.

CBS's Attkisson: Only 6 People Enrolled In Obamacare On First Day | RealClearPolitics

Video at site
Who was the first person? There had to be a number one. Must be like being the 10th caller to get through at a radio station to win a CD of New Age bagpipe sonatas.
I don't think any of this is funny either, it's, pathetic.

Oh and they had and have a "dashboard" which counted up the enrollees as they occurred, the admin. Refused to share that, willfully.......:doubt:
Who was the first person? There had to be a number one. Must be like being the 10th caller to get through at a radio station to win a CD of New Age bagpipe sonatas.


This is bad......really bad....
wow, and to think I was joking in a reply when i posted something regarding u cant count the enrollees on my hands.
Who was the first person? There had to be a number one. Must be like being the 10th caller to get through at a radio station to win a CD of New Age bagpipe sonatas.

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I don't think any of this is funny either, it's, pathetic.

Oh and they had and have a "dashboard" which counted up the enrollees as they occurred, the admin. Refused to share that, willfully.......:doubt:

After listening to months of lies from this administration and months of the left on this site gobbling up their bullshit it is hysterical.

Not only that it's the best thing that could happen. Let this law implode, please let it implode.

For months and months conservatives have been beating the drums about the negatives of this law and now with these comical numbers the left can't deny it any longer.

Millions of visitors and only 6 buyers. But this is a good deal right?

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