SIX...count them, SIX people signed up for Obamacare on day 1

CBS exclusive: Total number of ObamaCare website enrollments on launch day was ? six people « Hot Air

Why would she doubt the reliability of the data? Because of the back-end problems on the website. It may be that insurers have so many garbled or incomplete applications piled up that they’re honestly not sure yet how many of them will result in successful enrollments when they’re processed. Even the applications themselves might be duplicative in some cases; they could have five in the stack from the same person, generated by a site glitch, which might at first blush look like five separate applications but in fact really just represents one. No one, except maybe the “tech surge” team and the insurers themselves, has any sense of how bad it might be. So Sebelius is seizing the opportunity presented by the data’s unreliability to say the whole subject’s off-limits. Government accountability at work.

Via the Corner, here’s Jay Carney earlier today conceding that the number of enrollments will be “low” because “that was always going to be the case.” Remember, eight weeks ago, they thought 494,620 qualified as “low.”

[ame=]Carney Lowers Expectations on Enrollee Figures: - YouTube[/ame]

Remember, the above is just sign-up, website and reliability info that has been deemed nearly top secret info. None of the above takes into account that the actual ACA as law, sucks blue monkey balls.
I want everyone to Google the topic HEALTH INSURENCE DEATH SPIRAL get educated on the topic because you are about to witness it on a massive scale
This is how progressives "win". FUBAR something with legislation, then ram in some new more intrusive legislation, ostensibly, to "fix" the original FUBAR.

Single payer is the goal.
Kentucky GOP senators were wrong that state didn't want Obamacare | MSNBC

“Obamacare might sell in New York, but Kentuckians aren’t buying it,” they wrote in an op-ed.

They were wrong.

Kentuckians are signing up in droves–at a rate of more than 1,000 people per day–in a state where more than half a million people have been uninsured.

That's just Kentucky. Seems to be doing pretty good where Republicans can't sabotage it.
Kentucky GOP senators were wrong that state didn't want Obamacare | MSNBC

“Obamacare might sell in New York, but Kentuckians aren’t buying it,” they wrote in an op-ed.

They were wrong.

Kentuckians are signing up in droves–at a rate of more than 1,000 people per day–in a state where more than half a million people have been uninsured.

That's just Kentucky. Seems to be doing pretty good where Republicans can't sabotage it.

4 out of 5 Kentuckians signing up are signing up for Medicaid.

So, yup, the Republicans were wrong -- Kentuckians are lining up to get free stuff. Of course, not sure how you can say that's "pretty good". Obamacare needs paying customers to stop it from tanking.
Kentucky GOP senators were wrong that state didn't want Obamacare | MSNBC

“Obamacare might sell in New York, but Kentuckians aren’t buying it,” they wrote in an op-ed.

They were wrong.

Kentuckians are signing up in droves–at a rate of more than 1,000 people per day–in a state where more than half a million people have been uninsured.

That's just Kentucky. Seems to be doing pretty good where Republicans can't sabotage it.

From where do you get this shit...
You just made that up....
once again.....just 248 people have enrolled....Nationwide...
I posted links to facts...Where is your link?.....
The GOP is not attempting to sabotage Obamacare....It's self destructing.
Kentucky GOP senators were wrong that state didn't want Obamacare | MSNBC

“Obamacare might sell in New York, but Kentuckians aren’t buying it,” they wrote in an op-ed.

They were wrong.

Kentuckians are signing up in droves–at a rate of more than 1,000 people per day–in a state where more than half a million people have been uninsured.

That's just Kentucky. Seems to be doing pretty good where Republicans can't sabotage it.

From where do you get this shit...
You just made that up....
once again.....just 248 people have enrolled....Nationwide...
I posted links to facts...Where is your link?.....
The GOP is not attempting to sabotage Obamacare....It's self destructing.

I don't think that number is for the month. I think that's for the first two days.
Kentucky GOP senators were wrong that state didn't want Obamacare | MSNBC

“Obamacare might sell in New York, but Kentuckians aren’t buying it,” they wrote in an op-ed.

They were wrong.

Kentuckians are signing up in droves–at a rate of more than 1,000 people per day–in a state where more than half a million people have been uninsured.

That's just Kentucky. Seems to be doing pretty good where Republicans can't sabotage it.

Geez guy, get your facts straight. the "thousands" that are signing up are signing up for MEDICAID you moron.
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