SIX...count them, SIX people signed up for Obamacare on day 1

If you are some poor bastard who has the dumb luck of living in a red state which refused to set up a health insurance exchange, and thus are forced to use the federal exchange, you are probably having a bitch of a time getting insured.

But if you have the good fortune of living in a blue state that set up a health insurance exchange, you are probably finding it much easier to get insured. 56,000:

The low-income, Medicaid-funded program has already signed up 56,000 new people, cutting the state's number of uninsured by 10 percent, according to Oregon Health Authority officials.

Though the new exchange called Cover Oregon was originally intended to be used for Oregon Health Plan enrollment, the online marketplace doesn't work yet. Instead, new Oregon Health Plan members are being enrolled using a fast-track process that was approved by the federal government in August.

...+ 911,690: Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) Health Insurance Signup Chart

That's MEDICAID, not ObamaCare, bub.

Good luck finding a doctor who accepts the discounted fees for Medicaid.

Part of ObamaCare is an expansion of Medicaid. That's how a great many of the uninsured will get insured. Did you not know that?

No wonder you thought it was only 248...
The reason the GOP gets its ass handed to it on healthcare reform and ObamaCare is because it keeps getting the facts on the ground wrong. "Only 248 signed up so far." "93 million will have their insurance cancelled by the end of 2013."

You'd think they would learn. But noooooOOOOoooooo...

Stop swinging strawmen around. You guys are the reason Obama succeeds.
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Kentucky GOP senators were wrong that state didn't want Obamacare | MSNBC

“Obamacare might sell in New York, but Kentuckians aren’t buying it,” they wrote in an op-ed.

They were wrong.

Kentuckians are signing up in droves–at a rate of more than 1,000 people per day–in a state where more than half a million people have been uninsured.

That's just Kentucky. Seems to be doing pretty good where Republicans can't sabotage it.

are you capable of getting any fact right?
Kentucky GOP senators were wrong that state didn't want Obamacare | MSNBC

“Obamacare might sell in New York, but Kentuckians aren’t buying it,” they wrote in an op-ed.

They were wrong.

Kentuckians are signing up in droves–at a rate of more than 1,000 people per day–in a state where more than half a million people have been uninsured.

That's just Kentucky. Seems to be doing pretty good where Republicans can't sabotage it.

4 out of 5 Kentuckians signing up are signing up for Medicaid.

So, yup, the Republicans were wrong -- Kentuckians are lining up to get free stuff. Of course, not sure how you can say that's "pretty good". Obamacare needs paying customers to stop it from tanking.

It amuses me when the Right complains about people getting free stuff. Talk about having a mote in one's eye! :lol:
Democrats can lie about it any way they want. The sad facts are that only 248 people enrolled in obamacare. They just can't change that.
Democrats can lie about it any way they want. The sad facts are that only 248 people enrolled in obamacare. They just can't change that.

See? Even when the facts are staring them in the face, the Katzndogs of this world keep on swingin' and missin'!

If you are some poor bastard who has the dumb luck of living in a red state which refused to set up a health insurance exchange, and thus are forced to use the federal exchange, you are probably having a bitch of a time getting insured.

But if you have the good fortune of living in a blue state that set up a health insurance exchange, you are probably finding it much easier to get insured. 56,000:

...+ 911,690: Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) Health Insurance Signup Chart

That's MEDICAID, not ObamaCare, bub.

Good luck finding a doctor who accepts the discounted fees for Medicaid.

Part of ObamaCare is an expansion of Medicaid. That's how a great many of the uninsured will get insured. Did you not know that?

No wonder you thought it was only 248...

Good God...can you not add?
Are you familiar with what an "exchange" is??
Do you understand that in order to work, you MUST...not want...not hope...MUST have more people PAYING INTO THE SYSTEM than taking out.
You understand this?
So...248 people paying....56,000 taking....hmmm...something's wrong there.
That's MEDICAID, not ObamaCare, bub.

Good luck finding a doctor who accepts the discounted fees for Medicaid.

Part of ObamaCare is an expansion of Medicaid. That's how a great many of the uninsured will get insured. Did you not know that?

No wonder you thought it was only 248...

Good God...can you not add?
Are you familiar with what an "exchange" is??
Do you understand that in order to work, you MUST...not want...not hope...MUST have more people PAYING INTO THE SYSTEM than taking out.
You understand this?
So...248 people paying....56,000 taking....hmmm...something's wrong there.

This topic is about how many people have enrolled in ObamaCare. Now that the claim that only 248 people have signed up (which anyone with more than two brain cells should have instantly known was bogus) has been thoroughly debunked, you want to move the goalposts, eh?

We have had umpteen topics about how many have or have not signed up. And we have had umpteen topics about how expensive ObamaCare is going to be.

No, more than 248 people have signed up.

Yes, ObamaCare is going to be expensive.


The simple fact is that millions of people are going to get ObamaCare. So the premature ejaculations about only 248 people signing up (which is a completely stupid and idiotic claim to start with) is a HUGE waste of time. But apparently it is all that people with narrow intellectual bandwidths are capable of shouting about. Over and over and over, like so many nattering nuts.
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Part of ObamaCare is an expansion of Medicaid. That's how a great many of the uninsured will get insured. Did you not know that?

No wonder you thought it was only 248...

Good God...can you not add?
Are you familiar with what an "exchange" is??
Do you understand that in order to work, you MUST...not want...not hope...MUST have more people PAYING INTO THE SYSTEM than taking out.
You understand this?
So...248 people paying....56,000 taking....hmmm...something's wrong there.

This topic is about how many people have enrolled in ObamaCare. Now that the claim that only 248 people have signed up (which anyone with more than two brain cells should have instantly known was bogus) has been thoroughly debunked, you want to move the goalposts, eh?

We have had umpteen topics about how many have or have not signed up. And we have had umpteen topics about how expensive ObamaCare is going to be.

No, more than 248 people have signed up.

Yes, ObamaCare is going to be expensive.


The simple fact is that millions of people are going to get ObamaCare. So the premature ejaculations about only 248 people signing up (which is a completely stupid and idiotic claim to start with) is a HUGE waste of time. But apparently it is all that people with narrow intellectual bandwidths are capable of shouting about. Over and over and over, like so many nattering nuts.

Drink less coffee....I assumed the 248 was the first day, just like the 56,000.
I wasn't claiming only 248 so far, I figured I didn't need to spell that out.
Having said that...the ratio of paid/unpaid participants gives an early catastrophic picture.
Rant on dude.
I wasn't claiming only 248 so far

Yes you were. Your post was yesterday, your link was dated yesterday, and claimed only 248 as of yesterday.

And your title says "have enrolled".

Don't start lying now.
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Kentucky GOP senators were wrong that state didn't want Obamacare | MSNBC

“Obamacare might sell in New York, but Kentuckians aren’t buying it,” they wrote in an op-ed.

They were wrong.

Kentuckians are signing up in droves–at a rate of more than 1,000 people per day–in a state where more than half a million people have been uninsured.

That's just Kentucky. Seems to be doing pretty good where Republicans can't sabotage it.

4 out of 5 Kentuckians signing up are signing up for Medicaid.

So, yup, the Republicans were wrong -- Kentuckians are lining up to get free stuff. Of course, not sure how you can say that's "pretty good". Obamacare needs paying customers to stop it from tanking.

It amuses me when the Right complains about people getting free stuff. Talk about having a mote in one's eye! :lol:

Did I complain? It amuses me when someone who goes around acting superior about others getting facts wrong lobs crap like that at me.

I didn't complain about people getting free stuff. I said that in order to support the free stuff, Obamacare needs people to pay for it. And we don't yet have signs that enough paying customers are signing up.

Now back to your regularly scheduled sanctimony.
Kentucky GOP senators were wrong that state didn't want Obamacare | MSNBC

“Obamacare might sell in New York, but Kentuckians aren’t buying it,” they wrote in an op-ed.

They were wrong.

Kentuckians are signing up in droves–at a rate of more than 1,000 people per day–in a state where more than half a million people have been uninsured.

That's just Kentucky. Seems to be doing pretty good where Republicans can't sabotage it.

4 out of 5 Kentuckians signing up are signing up for Medicaid.

So, yup, the Republicans were wrong -- Kentuckians are lining up to get free stuff. Of course, not sure how you can say that's "pretty good". Obamacare needs paying customers to stop it from tanking.

It amuses me when the Right complains about people getting free stuff. Talk about having a mote in one's eye! :lol:

Is there any doubt that without Blue States literally throwing money at Red States, they would be more like Bangladesh?

The number one cause of bankruptcy are medical bills. People using the emergency room as their primary source of health care is bankrupting the nation. And yet, these people are so damn dumb, they feel the "old way" was better?

Look at these moronic posts by these right wingers. Stupid on top of dumb on top of stupid.
No numbers have been released. No one knows how many have signed up. Fail...
Yes, if you stick your fingers in your ears and screech "LA LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!", it's almost as if those embarrassing facts don't even exist.

Yes exactly get those things out of your ears. Unless you were directing that at me which means you're calling me a Leftytoon. If so please refer to my sig.
If you are some poor bastard who has the dumb luck of living in a red state which refused to set up a health insurance exchange, and thus are forced to use the federal exchange, you are probably having a bitch of a time getting insured.

But if you have the good fortune of living in a blue state that set up a health insurance exchange, you are probably finding it much easier to get insured. 56,000:

The low-income, Medicaid-funded program has already signed up 56,000 new people, cutting the state's number of uninsured by 10 percent, according to Oregon Health Authority officials.

Though the new exchange called Cover Oregon was originally intended to be used for Oregon Health Plan enrollment, the online marketplace doesn't work yet. Instead, new Oregon Health Plan members are being enrolled using a fast-track process that was approved by the federal government in August.

...+ 911,690: Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) Health Insurance Signup Chart

The spin is unbelievable.
4 out of 5 Kentuckians signing up are signing up for Medicaid.

So, yup, the Republicans were wrong -- Kentuckians are lining up to get free stuff. Of course, not sure how you can say that's "pretty good". Obamacare needs paying customers to stop it from tanking.

It amuses me when the Right complains about people getting free stuff. Talk about having a mote in one's eye! :lol:

Did I complain? It amuses me when someone who goes around acting superior about others getting facts wrong lobs crap like that at me.

I didn't complain about people getting free stuff. I said that in order to support the free stuff, Obamacare needs people to pay for it. And we don't yet have signs that enough paying customers are signing up.

Now back to your regularly scheduled sanctimony.

Exactly... All G's posts are basically "I'm smarter than and you're too stupid to get just how smart I am."

He's a self-righteous, sanctimonious asshole who btw, isn't all that smart.
At this rate, the entire population of the United States will be signed up for the ACA in about 1,250,000 years!

If the GOP had its way, that is true.

But you people keep forgetting the federal web site is not the only access point to ObamaCare.

Nearly a million applications have been filed so far.

Not 248.

Oh. Bullshit...First, is the CBS News report false? A lie? Made up?
"Filed" does not mean "enrolled"....Anyone can go on the site and fill out the form.
That is, if one can GET ON the friggin thing..
Nice try. Not enrolled does not count.
No one wants to see anyone denied health insurance. Stop with the straw man argument.
Obamacare is an absolute disaster. And it is now exposed as being based on lies.
"if you want to keep your present insurance plan, you can"
"If you want to keep your doctor, you can"
" your yearly family premiums will go down by as much as $2,500 per year"...
"No one is going to take you plan from you"...
All of these are LIES.
We lost our plan. We now have a new one.....Our co-pay is gone. It's been replaced with a 20% mandatory out of pocket payment. Did we have a choice to keep our former plan? NO!!!!
Thanks Barry.

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