SIX...count them, SIX people signed up for Obamacare on day 1

Kentucky GOP senators were wrong that state didn't want Obamacare | MSNBC

“Obamacare might sell in New York, but Kentuckians aren’t buying it,” they wrote in an op-ed.

They were wrong.

Kentuckians are signing up in droves–at a rate of more than 1,000 people per day–in a state where more than half a million people have been uninsured.

That's just Kentucky. Seems to be doing pretty good where Republicans can't sabotage it.

From where do you get this shit...
You just made that up....
once again.....just 248 people have enrolled....Nationwide...
I posted links to facts...Where is your link?.....
The GOP is not attempting to sabotage Obamacare....It's self destructing.

Some states, like Kentucky, set up their own exchanges....
SIX...count them, SIX people signed up for Obamacare on day 1

[ame=]People Laughing (Laughter Yoga, Laugh Collage) - YouTube[/ame]
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If this thing is such a failure.

Why not let it fail on it's own?

Democrats didn't do that to Medicare part D..even though they were opposed.
I recall some folks saying that the Obamacare website was failing because too many people who trying to sign up. It's a shame that sixth person screwed it up for everyone!


but don't laugh with the left, show trails is the name of the game

Think about it, we get the MSM to find that 6th person and if we are lucky
it is person from some group we can abuse, say a white christian male...

Papa Obama supporters who work in gov't agencies can start to look
up information on that person and start to leak it
The IRS begins an "audit" of his taxes
The MSM tries to hint at any, no matter how small and unlikely, connections to "radical" groups
Democrats demand hearings on this person

We redirect all the frustration on Obamacare's failures to them
and then we are able to distract the people from the real failings of ObamaCare

Yes We Can

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Oh so now you're interested?

There's how many links in this thread?

Oh and from CBS , so the fox card won't work.......

God, ya psycho ...

I'm a psycho? :lol:


Tell me Sarah, did Obama lie?

Uhm no. It isn't Obama's fault these so called insurance companies failed to comply with ACA requirements. These companies knew they couldn't provide the upgrades needed for the new system so they are the ones who lied to their customers.

since it was Papa Obama who used the "openness" of the regulations to
change them after passage to exclude even more insurance companies.
If he left those regulations alone, most of these groups would still be in there

He can just as easily change it back to allow those groups to stay

Obama Lied
Health care plans died
SIX...count them, SIX people signed up for Obamacare on day 1

The Emperor's New Clothes

Failure indeed

Right wing


What a spectualar failure by the administration when one
considers that the target was....

Obama health target: 500,000 signups by Oct. 31

Is the radical left still claiming Papa Obama care is going to save the US gov't money?

Obama lied
Health Care plans died
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God, ya psycho ...

I'm a psycho? :lol:


Tell me Sarah, did Obama lie?

Uhm no. It isn't Obama's fault these so called insurance companies failed to comply with ACA requirements. These companies knew they couldn't provide the upgrades needed for the new system so they are the ones who lied to their customers.

I never heard Obama say " if you like your plan you can keep it, as long as your plan covers what I say it should cover".

He lied his ass off, but you're in the obedience without question crowd and will never admit it......
God, ya psycho ...

I'm a psycho? :lol:


Tell me Sarah, did Obama lie?

Uhm no. It isn't Obama's fault these so called insurance companies failed to comply with ACA requirements. These companies knew they couldn't provide the upgrades needed for the new system so they are the ones who lied to their customers.

It is like Obama telling GM that if you will build a car and sell it for $5,000 I will give a subsidy of $1,000 to the poor people so they can buy it. GM looks at the requirements, sees this as doable, and gets ready to go into production. Then a few months later Obama casually mentions that we changed the requirements a bit. The car has to have leather seats, power windows, power seats, cruise control and get 100 miles to the gallon.

GM says OK, but we will have to cancel the $5,000 price tag and it will now sell for $10,000. Obama says, OK because next year when the poor can't afford the car we will raise taxes on the people that are working, buy the cars, give them away for free and call it single payer.

And, Obama gets 4 pinochios and pants of fire ratings for his lies in the lieral media and you believe he didn't lie. You really can't be that ignorant.
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More bad news for Papa Obamacare

US New& World Report:
Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare

The Obama Administration has been claiming that insurance companies will be competing for your dollars under the Affordable Care Act, but apparently they haven't surveyed the nation's top hospitals.

Americans who sign up for Obamacare will be getting a big surprise if they expect to access premium health care that may have been previously covered under their personal policies. Most of the top hospitals will accept insurance from just one or two companies operating under Obamacare.

Is the radical left still claiming Papa Obama care is going to save the US gov't money?

Obama lied
Health Care plans died

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