Six months paid maternity leave for everyone! Then, maternity leave for non-parents too!

Oh it surely can be done. One parent at home with the kids.
The problem started in the 80's when keeping up appearances became more important than family. Also the new hard line feminist movement declared that women could "have it all"...Career, family, kids......The two income family manifested itself because people felt compelled to pursue material things. Bigger house, third vehicle. high cost activities for their kids( sports, etc) two vacations instead of one. More expensive convenience foods. pay tv of the highest tier instead of what they could afford on one income. Smart phones instead of basic. And lastly two income families are a result of poor money management. People with zero spending discipline. Buying on credit instead of paying cash. Spending more than they earn.

Fact is, two parents need to work in today's America. And they're now working harder & harder for less & less. It's just the way the Slave Master wants it. Give em just a taste. Give em just enough to barely survive. Keep tossin em scraps.
working harder & harder for less & less
Oh please spare me the hammer and sickle mantra.
SO you've gone from Libertarian to full fledged flaming lib......

Just stating the current reality. Even two parents working full-time is a struggle for most. Americans are working more & more for less & less. Not good in a nation that boasts about being the wealthiest in the world. If both parents have to work to survive, something's wrong. We are moving backwards as a nation.
Hey, you may create and live in your own reality but do not expect anyone else to join you.

Two parents being forced to work to survive, isn't anything for the wealthiest nation on earth to boast about. Our nation is moving backwards. Who knows, maybe the 'good ole days' of child slave labor will be coming back? We know you greedy white Republican dudes would love that. Stay tuned.

And there ya have it.... do you mumble this in your sleep at night?
I find it interesting it's usually greedy old white Republican dudes whining about how messed up American children are these days. The reality is, both parents have to work to survive in today's America. And that means neglecting their children. They end up being raised by the Idiot Box, Internet, and worse.

Parents have to drop their children off in daycare for numerous hours to be raised by strangers. And sadly, many of these strangers are heinous child abusers. So no one should be surprised that American children are a mess these days. Too many American Parents are forced to neglect their children while out being slaves to the dollar. Our country can do better. After all, we are the richest nation on earth.
My parents both worked and I was never neglected; never knew any different because my mom went back to work when I was six months old. My son started daycare when he was eleven months and he was never neglected. He loved the social opportunities, being an only child. The heart of your argument is true, but you defeat your purpose by exaggerating the facts. In this day and age, most times both parents need to work and we do need to invest more in reliable daycare for our country's children. Preferably without a lot of interference by the government, though--the one time I was lucky enough to take my son to a federally funded daycare with a sliding fee scale, the operators admitted they never would have done it if they'd known the crushing amount of red tape and paperwork they would have to deal with.

I hear ya, but it's not an optimal scenario. Dropping your children off with strangers for numerous hours, can be very damaging. It can be very damaging in various aspects.

Being slaves to the almighty dollar forces parents to negect their children. It disrupts the nurturing process. It's no surprise our children are such a mess these days. Millions of them are being raised by the Idiot Box, Internet, and worse.
I hear ya, but it's not an optimal scenario. Dropping your children off with strangers for numerous hours, can be very damaging. It can be very damaging in various aspects.


A daycare provider is no more a stranger than a teacher at school. Are you saying we should eliminate schools?
Fact is, two parents need to work in today's America. And they're now working harder & harder for less & less. It's just the way the Slave Master wants it. Give em just a taste. Give em just enough to barely survive. Keep tossin em scraps.
working harder & harder for less & less
Oh please spare me the hammer and sickle mantra.
SO you've gone from Libertarian to full fledged flaming lib......

Just stating the current reality. Even two parents working full-time is a struggle for most. Americans are working more & more for less & less. Not good in a nation that boasts about being the wealthiest in the world. If both parents have to work to survive, something's wrong. We are moving backwards as a nation.
Hey, you may create and live in your own reality but do not expect anyone else to join you.

Two parents being forced to work to survive, isn't anything for the wealthiest nation on earth to boast about. Our nation is moving backwards. Who knows, maybe the 'good ole days' of child slave labor will be coming back? We know you greedy white Republican dudes would love that. Stay tuned.

And there ya have it.... do you mumble this in your sleep at night?

Hey, i do believe you greedy white Republican dudes would embrace the return of child slave labor. I mean, we gotta keep up with the other Slave Labor countries, right?
I hear ya, but it's not an optimal scenario. Dropping your children off with strangers for numerous hours, can be very damaging. It can be very damaging in various aspects.


A daycare provider is no more a stranger than a teacher at school. Are you saying we should eliminate schools?

Not an optimal situation. Mothers and Fathers with babies and small children should spend as much time as possible with them. It's a very sad shame that millions of American Mothers & Fathers are forced to drop their small children off with strangers for numerous hours a week. That's absolutely shameful in a nation that likes to boast about being the 'richest nation on earth.'

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