Six Natural Gas Power Plants Fail in "Refurbished" Texas Power Grid

Imagine what would happen if Texas depended on solar junk and windmills.
They do.

Or were you just being facetious?
They do.

Or were you just being facetious?
They dropped dependency on these by 12% in order to stabilize the grid. Why did you fail to mention this?
They dropped dependency on these by 12% in order to stabilize the grid. Why did you fail to mention this?
Whatever that might mean, they have continued to build solar and wind at as fast a pace as possible. Apparently, they don't agree with you on the utility of such technology. Why don't you contact them and explain to them the horrible mistake their making?
Whatever that might mean, they have continued to build solar and wind at as fast a pace as possible. Apparently, they don't agree with you on the utility of such technology. Why don't you contact them and explain to them the horrible mistake their making?
They need peakers and a 20% above capacity. Reliable energy. Gas turbines are reliable. You whole op was bs
Were the facts reported in the story to which I linked in the OP false?
Have you all learned your lesson? That fossil fueled power plants are simply unreliable?
When they aren't broken, the produce power 100% of the time, moron. When they are working, solar plants produce power less than 40% of the time.
Whatever that might mean, they have continued to build solar and wind at as fast a pace as possible. Apparently, they don't agree with you on the utility of such technology. Why don't you contact them and explain to them the horrible mistake their making?
Wind and solar are UNRELIABE. the fast fluctuations of energy cause things to burn up and disintegrate. You don't have a damn clue about Ohm's Laws, do you.... Tell me Moron, when you lose just 1 volt in current what happens to your amperage on the circuit?
Watts / Volts = Amps If your drawing 1000 watts at 120 volts your amperage being drawn are 8.3 Amps. Now lets say the voltage drops 5 volts due to power loss. that same 1000 watts generates 8.69 amps. When your system is constantly dealing in watts above 100 billion a mere drop of one volt can and will melt your system into a molten mess. This is why they shut down whole sectors to reduce that load when green energy fails. this is why California has rolling blackouts that last days. This is why wind and solar are so devastating to the stability of all power systems and why battery backups that last less than an hour are useless.
Lol....the OP is a souphead :coffee:

Wait'll the blackouts come to Texas this summer. About 13 people will be clamoring for more windmills :iyfyus.jpg:
Btw...wait'll November :kissykissy2::kissykissy2::kissykissy2:

Watch how enamored the public is with President Potato Head's green push!!:2up:
Whatever that might mean,
What it means moron, is that the amount of incoming power from green energy sources has been reduced so that the generating capacity of the fossil fuel generators is used. This stabilizes the grid. Less voltage variation. and less needed idling power generation. Watts / 170,000 volts = 588,235 Amps.
100,000,000,000 watts / 169,000 volts = 591,715 Amps. (1 volt drop)
100,000,000,000 watts / 165,000 volts = 606,060 Amps. (5 volt drop)

A one volt drop across one leg of a generators output is enough amperage increase to slow a generator from 60 Hz down to 59 Hz. By the time the system is able to react that becomes a 5 volt drop causing a brown out. 30,000 amp hits in milliseconds will melt switching equipment. The slowing of generators on just one leg can cause all three legs of that generator to slow tripling the problems.
This is why grids using to much green energy fail and collapse. They must have sufficient generating capacity, fossil fuel, to take the load in milliseconds. this is why the Texas grid almost collapsed and why California's grid is always 1-3 seconds from total melt down.

For those who don't know the standard distribution from power plants is 170,000 volts. This is why we have step down transformers before it gets into our homes and businesses.
Billy_Bob said:
They dropped dependency on these by 12%...​

Crick said:
Whatever that might mean,​

What it means moron, is that the amount of incoming power from green energy sources has been reduced so that the generating capacity of the fossil fuel generators is used. This stabilizes the grid. Less voltage variation. and less needed idling power generation.

It seems you haven't read the OP's linked article. The six natural gas plants did not fail due to any power shortfall from green energy sources. They were taken offline due to required maintenance that had been put off to try to deal with a significant heatwave.

As for your 8th grade lesson in electricity, I am a degreed engineer. You are a retired cop that took a senior citizens class in meteorology. More importantly, power utilities have lots of people who understand the real world applications of P=ie (incredibly complex as it is) way, way, WAY better than either of us. That is why comments such as several of yours, that assume power utilities are manned by fools no smarter than you, are simply another indication of Dunning Kruger at work.

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