Six Natural Gas Power Plants Fail in "Refurbished" Texas Power Grid

Wind and solar are UNRELIABE. the fast fluctuations of energy cause things to burn up and disintegrate. You don't have a damn clue about Ohm's Laws, do you.... Tell me Moron, when you lose just 1 volt in current what happens to your amperage on the circuit?
Watts / Volts = Amps If your drawing 1000 watts at 120 volts your amperage being drawn are 8.3 Amps. Now lets say the voltage drops 5 volts due to power loss. that same 1000 watts generates 8.69 amps. When your system is constantly dealing in watts above 100 billion a mere drop of one volt can and will melt your system into a molten mess. This is why they shut down whole sectors to reduce that load when green energy fails. this is why California has rolling blackouts that last days. This is why wind and solar are so devastating to the stability of all power systems and why battery backups that last less than an hour are useless.
"8th grade lesson in electricity" indeed. I'm here to help. And I suppose this is as good a place to start as any. First off, clearly wind and solar produce power less steadily than fossil or nuclear powered plants. That just means we need to adapt through use of more flexible loads, connections, and storage options. No surprise there. Next, "Watts / Volts = Amps" -- Wrong. That's true for DC or instantaneous current in a single phase of AC where the instantaneous voltage and power are known (measured on an oscilloscope). You've no doubt heard of RMS current or root mean square. Average AC power, voltage, and current are functions of that and 12th grade physics is recommended at a minimum. With AC you must also consider reactance, not simply resistance.

I could go on and explain why your next post is nearly complete bunk as well.. but you never really give a crap about what's true anyway so screw it.
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Your having a problem with 1 volt @ one Amp? LOL
I'm having a problem with your serious lack of ethics and basic knowledge. That's not what you said and EVERYONE here knows it. The mistake was trivial, but of course you can't leave without attempting to make it look like someone else's error. You truly are an ass.
Normal sane regulators pay utilities to keep idled plants maintained and ready, so that the extra capacity is there when you need it.

Texas? Nope. They just trust that the power will be there, even though it's much more profitable for the plant owners to keep some plants offline, driving up the price they get for power from their online plants.

The results are predictable.
Normal sane regulators pay utilities to keep idled plants maintained and ready, so that the extra capacity is there when you need it.

Texas? Nope. They just trust that the power will be there, even though it's much more profitable for the plant owners to keep some plants offline, driving up the price they get for power from their online plants.

The results are predictable.
Baloney idle plants are peaker plants for surges in power. Also to take up slack for shutdowns and plant maintenance.

Sell your Utopia elsewhere
And in Texas, they don't work.

Go fig.
Natural gas and coal fired power stations are really good at base loading power grids. Wind and solar not so much. Anyone who can't see the predictable surprises of using wind and solar for base loading and natural gas and coal as swing generators is a moron.
Why is Texas having so many problems with power generation?
Are we really though? Because that's a subjective statement. What is the standard you are comparing it to? What is the expectation when a power grid uses an intermittent electrical generating technology to base load the power grid?
Tell what happens in brown outs to the controls if you dont limit the damage before the overload??
Oh, wanna play? Why the brown outs? Tell all what has predictably resulted since
In 2018, NRG Energy reduced its generation capacity to 23,000 MW. They also reduced their power plants from 100 to 40, but they retained 2.9 million retail customers.
^link provided^

Originally Houston based, they now call themselves Direct Energy and recommend that customers turn off their computers and other potentially sensitive electronic equipment when the lights go dim (i.e. whenever they deliberately cause brownouts due to their deliberately limited generating capacity). Corporate snakes or billionaires Shirley saving us from themselves? <-- Warning, rhetorical trick question -- do not respond! But do read that whole Wiki page linked above. It's a genuine eye opener :omg:
Lol. Go play in TBall league. You dont have a clue.

So Crick didn't have it in him for tee ball.... but....but....this does have potential....

( Crick in red shirt, left court)


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